A Summer Ladybug Party
Get Your Little One a Final Blast before School Starts! A Biology Lesson on Ladybugs with 100% Entertainment, Complete with A Bin of Real Ladybugs!
It’s very hot in many areas, and September is just ahead. As we go into the Labor Day Weekend with family and friends, consider the little ones who can have their own ladybug entertainment and as they giggle with glee, it’s very contagious to those adults in their midst!
Ladybugs Are Colorful and Kind
That’s why everybody loves ladybugs, and in many cultures they are felt to bring good luck.
The Biology of a Ladybug
Did you know there are over 5,000 species of ladybugs in the world? In North America, there are 450 different species. The scientific name of this invertebrate is Coccinellidae. Their diet includes other insects, making them an omnivore.
Ladybugs can be found in colonies that contain many thousands of ladybugs who coalesce together mostly in the winter, when they hibernate in rotting logs or under rocks.
The Names of A Ladybug
These little critters are also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles. National Geographic cites:
The name “ladybug” was coined by European farmers who prayed to the Virgin Mary when pests began eating their crops. After ladybugs came and wiped out the invading insects, the farmers named them "beetle of Our Lady." This eventually was shortened to "lady beetle" and "ladybug." NASA even sent a few ladybugs into space with aphids to see how aphids would escape in zero gravity.
In Germany, ladybugs are called Marienkafer, or “Mary beetles”. The seven-spotted ladybug is said to represent the Virgin Mary, with the red color representing her cloak, and the black spots representing her seven sorrows.
The Color of A Ladybug
Ladybugs come in many patterns, and in nearly every color of the rainbow. Some are black and white, others are dark blue and orange. And some can even change colors during different parts of the year. For example, when they are hibernating in the winter, their color can match the vegetation; during mating season, they turn a bright color to keep predators away.
In the U.S. our ladybugs are red and have seven black spots. In other areas, they are orange with seven spots.
The Defenses of A Ladubyg
One reason ladybugs are bright red is because it tells other, bigger bug predators like birds and frogs, spiders and dragonflies to “Stay Away from Me!” and “Eat Someone Else!”
This is called “aposematic coloration”, a signal to predators that their red and black color is toxic. Then the birds and wasps learn to avoid red and black, being most likely to steer away from that ladybug lunch. But sometimes that isn’t enough.
And if the ladybug STILL feels threatened, did you know that they secrete an oily and very foul-smelling fluid from their leg joints called “hemolymph”? I
t even stains the surface below a yellow color. THAT says, “I Taste Horrible!”
And if that STILL doesn’t work, ladybugs know how to play dead!
And here is an interesting fact:
Ladybugs with 7 Spots have Exactly 3 on each Side, and 1 in the Middle, usually Behind the Head
Isn’t that so cute?
Some ladybugs have stripes, and some have no markings at all, being a pure color. They have a dome-shaped body and six little legs that tickle your skin when they walk on your arm.
They live for 2 or 3 years and grow to 0.3 to 0.4 inches.
Why Are Ladybugs So Kind?
Farmers and garderners love ladybugs because they kindly eat aphids and other pests that eat their crops. Imagine this: one ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime!
Ladybugs also are very happy to live in a variety of habitats: the city, suburbs, along rivers and lake, in grasslands, and forests.
A Ladybug Lays Eggs that Turn into Larvae
This Labor Day Weekend
Order A Bucket of Entertaining Ladybugs for Your Garden Party
First, order live ladybugs from your local nursery’s refrigerator. They are best released at dusk, and will help keep your little ones entertained for an hour!
Better yet, first take out just one ladybug and put it on your sister, who is prepped to accept it with a smile of joy! Then allow one toddler to put it on her arm… and then release all of them on your sister!
That’s what we did at Little Missy Two-Shoes’ 2-Year Old Ladybug Party!!!
And every toddler had a lovely parting gift to hold in his tiny hands, Little Missy Two-Shoes Likes A Ladybug
Do You Like A Ladybug?
… and don’t forget ~ your child or grandchild is thinking about
Once they get to know Missy, they will LOVE that she didn’t want to go to school, but she shows them how to LIKE to Go To School ~ so get both books!
"At first, Little Missy Two-Shoes didn't want to go to School. She had to leave her Mommy and she didn't know what to do."
It’s perfect timing!
Ind!a's Moon Land!ng ■ calculations; gematria. https://youtu.be/yOJ79oPjsok?si=gmK7ubO15CQvOQ2_
Beautiful ■ will be sharing with the Grandson's. Another opportunity to teach the truth and how our tax dollars have failed and fallen into the hands of [p]oor 'artisans and cowards' whom are too timid to say, "It's fraud, it's cameras, it's crap art.":
This article states, "NASA even sent a few ladybugs into space with aphids to see how aphids would escape in zero gravity."
"Nay, nay," is the most polite two words I can offer here.
■He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and 'sorcerers', and idolaters, and all [l]iars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:7-8, KJV, blueletterbible