The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is asking us to write our Members of Congress. Ask Congress to VOTE YES and Support HR 419. This good bill, sponsored by Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21), would stop U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding the World Health Organization (WHO).
The WHO is considering questionable amendments, seen in their own document here, and proposed by Biden's Administration.
These add to existing International Health Regulations (IHR) that seem to expand WHO's authority while limiting nations' ability to contravene objectionable WHO actions. Why submit to the WHO? Because they do such a good job? So they can tell us what to do?
The U.S. is the largest funder of the WHO,
"providing between $400 million to $500 million each year,"
Source: The Kaiser Family Foundation
Now there are efforts underway to double-down on failed WHO leadership with a proposal to create a new pandemic treaty that could hand international regulators more tools to promulgate protocols and procedures which will by far do more damage than good.
Additional bills supported by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, related to HR 419. You might want to know about these and also consider supporting them:
HR 374:
HR 419:
HR 497:
HR 1775:
HR 296:
If you take 5 minutes to do it now, you won't have to remember later!
California Bill to Oppose.Thank you for also telling California legislators to OPPOSE AB 2098 and Protect your doctor's Freedom of Speech. Under this bill, doctors who advocate for any potential benefit of early treatment with off-label drugs, or who even ask questions about the safety of the COVID vaccine, could actually be charged with unprofessional conduct for promoting "misinformation or disinformation" and lose their medical license. You can get a message on the way with just a couple clicks. Use this link:
Thank you for speaking out! Your voice makes a difference!