Brazil’s Independence Day: September 7th
On September 7th 1822, Brazil declared its independence from Portugal. The declaration was made by none other than the 23-year-old son of the Portuguese King, Pedro di Alcântara.
In a famous declaration, di Alcântara declared, "Independência ou Morte!" (Independence or Death!) as he stood by the banks of São Paulo’s Ipiranga River.
On November 15th 1889, Brazil became a republic but retained September 7th as its Independence Day, now a federal holiday in Brazil since 1949.
Today, amid the Independence Day celebration, people took to the streets to protest their leader and freedoms.
The biggest reason for the avid audience was the threat that the Brazilian President gave to cut Twitter/X out of Brazil, and to fine its citizens $8000 L/DAY for using a VPN with Twitter/X. And Elon Musk is suing. And he is mad!
While the next 7 weeks will be relatively calm and our biggest stressor is having to listen to the lies flung back and forth, the same can't be said post election and certainly not in January where the proverbial SHTF.