BREAKING NEWS: Rebecca Charles Sues in New York Supreme Court for Murdered Daughter Danielle Alvarez - And Starts A "Death by Hospital Protocol" Google App
Searching for Justice and Without A Lawyer, Rebecca Acts in Defense of Her Daughter and Fights Northwell Health Glen Cove Hospital Using Killing Protocols. CALLING ALL LAWYERS FOR HELP IN NY!
In a stunning move to fight the outright “hospital killing protocol murder” of her daughter Danielle, Rebecca Charles filed court documents on April 5, 2024, just in the nick of time.
She had tried to get representation by no less than 50 lawyers, who all refused to help. Lawyers said they couldn‘t sue ”because we don’t take COVID cases” or “she doesn't work”, or frankly, “there’s no money in it”.
In the case of Scott Schara v Ascension Healthcare WI, just filing the complaint on April 11, 2023 cost the family a handsome $80,000. Per Scott, the total case estimate is about $800,000 since the medical battery claim is now added to the malpractice case. Just the fees for a 3-week Jury Trial, which starts November 4, 2024, are $240,000.
Rebecca’s Comment:
Scott asked me if I can fund my case. I asked how much and he said, "$350,000.”
With all the evidence, I feel that even the “medical freedom” attorneys have chosen not to take my case because I do not have the funds - instead, I offered an initial $10,000 and the promise to use everything in Danielle’s Trust if they can file a lien to get the money out. It has $419,00.00 in it, if an attorney would just file the lien.
I am still making the same offer, if a lawyer could find it in his or her heart to fight for my daughter's blatant murder.
Two New York Attorneys Needed
Calling all lawyers!
Step 1: A New York trust lein attorney is needed to free Danielle’s Trust fund from a state lien, seek damages, and then pay back the Trust with them.
Step 2: A New York medical malpractice attorney is needed to seek medical malpractice damages, and then pay back Danielle’s Trust with them.
Google Play APP
Expose more doctors and tell your loved one’s story on Rebecca’s website HERE:
The Death by Hospital Protocol APP can be downloaded from Goggle Play Store Link:
Why Danielle Went to the Hospital: For a Dry Cough
Danielle’s condition started with a dry cough. Danielle had previously accompanied an acupuncturist who later turned positive for COVID, who without permission from Rebecca, took Danielle to the appointment with her. On Day 7 after exposure to Covid, Danielle was coughing. That was her only complaint: a dry cough.
She didn’t want to go to the ER, and Rebecca has regrets that she did not listen to Danielle at that time. A neighbor physician, Dr. Nelson, had called every day to see how Danielle was doing. And the hospital lied to him. They used him to try to “talk” Rebecca into various interventions like a ventilator.
At home, Danielle’s home pulse oximeter went down to 87% - that scared Rebecca, who thinks this was a setup to get people to take their loved ones to the hospital. Rebecca’s husband is in the medical field and was familiar with a pulse oximeter, but they did not know that “87%” may not have been an absolute reason to go to the ER.
This was the same regret that Scott Schara had, taking Grace Schara to the hospital based on the pulse oximeter number being below 90%.
Danielle was breathing regularly, had a normal blood pressure, and had no fever. She never had pneumonia, but the admission record cites she was admitted to the hospital for “sepsis” and “acute hypoxic respiratory failure”.
There was no reason for hospital admission. Danielle had a normal white blood count and was not septic. She was not hypoxic and had a pulse ox of 95%, without respiratory distress.
… Yet they gave Danielle the first of 10 doses of Remdesivir in the ER - without Rebecca’s permission.
Rebecca believes they gave Remdesivir - knowing that it causes liver and kidney problems - so that Danielle could begin to decline to the point of death.
Danielle went in to the hospital on August 27, 2021 and died on October 6, 2021. They stopped all medications, left her on the ventilator, and told Rebecca, “Your loved one is suffering” - the same thing they told countless others who also died from the hospital killing protocols.
What Northwell Glen Cove Hospital Did to Danielle
Rebecca says,
People were “walking into the hospital” and then “coming out in a body bag”.
Despite normal vital signs and a normal EKG heart rhythm strip, 28-year-old Danielle Alvarez was admitted to Northwell Health Hospital (doing business as Northwell Health Glen Cove Hospital) on October 6, 2021.
While she was given Remdesivir, not once without parental permission or knowledge (i.e., no informed consent), but an incredible 10 times, it wasn't that hospital killing protocol infusion that killed Danielle.
Not that we care about what the World Health Organization (WHO) says, but even the WHO recommended against Remdesivir use in Covid patients.
And why? Because the hospital got a 20% bonus payment from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare!
But 10 rounds of IV Remdesivir, also known as Veklury, weren’t enough.
No, not this time.
Remdesivir, also known as “Run! Death is Near!”, wasn't enough to hold Danielle down.
Over the course of 40 hospitalization days, this healthy, special girl with special needs fought to live but was unable to overcome the multiple routes, stacked doses, and additive effects of an incredibly murderous and disabling cocktail that was simply meant to kill.
The drug cocktail given to Danielle included not one but three routes of fentanyl (i.e., patch, infusion, and IV Push) … plus midazolam sedative, … plus not one, but two liquid IV anesthetics used to put people to sleep for surgery: Propofol™ and Precedex™.
Since birth, Danielle had no congenital or other heart problems. But by the time she died two weeks after hospital admission, Danielle went from having a normal heart rhythm with a normal heart size to being suddenly wrought with right ventricular heart failure.Danielle’s Hospitalization
40 days in the hospital.
32 days on a ventilator.
For 32 days, Rebecca was administered Propofol, Fentanyl, and Precedex.
2 weeks on ascending doses of fentanyl.
Before the ventilator, they started Danielle on Ativan and Precedex.
They also overdosed her on IV Tylenol.
After 5 days with Danielle, Rebecca asked if she could go home, 8 minutes away. When she got home, she received a phone call from the hospital saying she couldn’t come back in without a negative Covid test. This has happened to countless others, as well, whose loved ones then died shortly thereafter without their family member in the room.
Danielle was alone, starved to malnutrition, and restrained to the bed.
A private autopsy showed heart enlargement and lungs that were severely damaged in the last two weeks of her life.
Rebecca is 100% convinced the ER staff were in a coordinated effort to kill.
The State of New York put a lien on Danielle’s Trust Money saved by Rebecca for her continued care in case her Mom died, leaving Rebecca without access to Danielle’s settlement amount that was paid for her wrongful disability and hypoxia at birth.
The cards are stacked against Rebecca’s ability to pay for a lawyer defense for wrongful death.
Comfortable with Lying
Doctors and staff repeatedly cited what seemed like scripted statements and questions, all familiar to those who hear the hospital killing protocol stories:
One doctor said, “I have nightmares about your daughter.” He told Rebecca that he thought he would have to bring her into the ICU.
Dr. Sherri Andrews asked, “Do you pray?”
Ridiculous statements and questions were repeatedly asked in what Rebecca feels is a coordinated and rehearsed effort to systematically kill.
How Danielle Died
Left heart failure. When someone has high blood pressure for years, the left ventricle gets enlarged from pushing blood out hard against the pipeline of arteries going to the body.
Right Heart Failure
Right heart failure. Opioids can cause heart failure. When something is obstructing the lungs from receiving enough blood from the right ventricle, there are five main causes for the right side of the heart to enlarge and eventually fail:
Altered rhythm: an abnormal EKG rhythm (e.g., heart rate too slow or too fast) can reduce the amount of blood going from the body to the heart. Opioids can cause arrhythmias.
Abnormal preload: a low blood pressure from dehydration is a common cause of having a reduced amount of blood empyting from the body into the right ventricle. High volume can also do it, as well as mechanical ventilation, pericardial tamponade, and left ventricular failure that encompasses the right side. Opioids can cause low blood pressure.
Reduced contractility: If the heart muscle is too weak to push blood to the lungs, it tries harder, increases the heart rate, and enlarges. Causes include a heart attack on the right ventricle, injury, systemic inflammatory response (SIRS), heart inflammation (myocarditis), or a dilated heart (e.g., dilated cardiomyopathy).
Altered interdependence: Can be due to heart disease (pericardial disease, pericardial tamponade) or a shift in the septum that separates both sides of the heart.
Increased afterload: Causes include blood clots to the lungs (pulmonary embolus), high blood pressure in the pulmonary artery (pulmonary hypertension), respiratory distress syndrome or acute lung injury, mechanical ventilation, and right ventricular outflow obstruction.
Additional heart problems caused by opioids include a heart attack (cardiac arrest) and endocarditis, an inflammation of the heart’s inner lining.
During all of the above, the right side of the heart has to enlarge from trying to push so hard against that resistance (see below).

Danielle’s autopsy show that her heart was twice its normal size. But that was not even the primary cause of death.
Postmortem toxicology results showed that Danielle had blood levels of fentanyl that were twice the lethal dose. Danielle’s primary cause of death was due to a fentanyl drug overdose.
And Rebecca is still unable to find a lawyer to represent her. She needs financial help to professionally fight the wrongful death of her precious daughter.
R.I.P. Danielle Catheen Alvarez
After overcoming hypoxia at birth, Danielle rose above expectations. Her love of others led her to serve as a volunteer at Sunrise Assisted Living in Glen Cove for 10 of her 28 years on the earth.
The Autopsy
Every funeral home was overbooked. The funeral home called the Medical Examiner of Nassau County, being suspiscious of her death circumstances.
In a very smart move, Rebecca retained a private doctor to do an autopsy.
Toxicology Results Showed:
A high alcohol level, when Danielle did not drink alcohol.
It confirmed a fentanyl overdose of 53 ng/ml, twice the lethal dose. At the time of her death, Danielle was on 8 different kinds of drug infusions.
On the Record
On April 5, 2024, literally just one hour and 11 minutes before the Statute ended - and without representation by a lawyer - Rebecca filed the lawsuit.
I Want To Yell for Danielle
This makes me want to scream and cry, both at the same time. I want to yell at them. Instead, I will Yell for Danielle. I will lift my voice to keep her before us, so that the hospitals know what they did was wrong, just as they killed Grace Schara. These two girls deserved so much more than what they got.
Hospitals cannot do this anymore! Not to anyone else. I want them to remember Danielle. And I want Rebecca to know that she is not standing alone - we will all stand together with her, and help her fight this just cause!
Remember Danielle Cathleen Alvarez
Please help Rebecca fund court costs and legal fees! She needs help!
The Next Steps
Rebecca is serving all Defendants with their court summons. They include the hospital and its DBA, 8 doctors, 8 physician assistants, and 26 Registered Nurses:
- The Hospital
Northwell Health Hospital, DBA Northwell Health Glen Cove Hospital.
- Doctors
Heather Meiselman, MD
Sheri Andrews, MD
Farzin Rahmanou, DO
Syed Iqbal, DO
Dava Klirsfeld, MD
David Brieff, MD
Wazhma Hossani, MD
Lisa Chen, DO
- Physician Assistants
Edward Wansor, PA
Mike Malevat, PA
Sindey A. Obas, PA
Christopher Taiwo, PA
Anand Kumar, PA
Milan Petel, PA
Richard Ragusa, PA
Alexandra Cardinal, PA
- Registered Nurses
Tsege Gebre, RN
Leslyn Henry, RN
Laura Chin, RN
Alissa Madisson, RN
Erin Picca, RN
Madelyn Roman, RN
Jane San Juan, RN
Adam Atlas, RN
Martiza Jasmine Gallagher, RN
Jinsy Jacob, RN
Mellissa N. Madision, RN
Ivan Savitski, RN
Lucinna Fenza, RN
Stephanie Barnabel, RN
Christine Nolan, RN
Marie Gessie Vertis, RN
Yasin Ali Addurrasheed, RN
Frances Racine, RN
Andrea Marchese, RN
Blinda Abelarde, RN
Michelle Fajardo, RN
Tiana Vincuillo, RN
Jamie Hodne, RN
Alexander Saleh, MD
Wellhem Costes, RN
Diana Ruiz, RN
Your GiveSendGo (GSG) Donation Helps Fight Back
To help generate attorney representation fees and associated court costs, please consider giving to Rebecca's GiveSendGo (GSG), HERE. There is a possibility that the case could be dismissed if Rebecca doesn’t do everything right, and she needs your help so the case isn’t dismissed on such a technicality.
“They should be scared.”
The hospital knows that the medical record holds all the evidence that is needed to take them to task.
Rebecca wants this case to bring exposure to all those who have lost someone to hospital killing protocols.
“It’s all in God’s hands.”
You can see the goal is $300,000 and so far, a little over 1% has been given.
Can we get a big showing of support from all over the nation today? Even your smallest donation will inspire Rebecca, whose heart will sing with gratitude.
Here is the information on the GSG:
Fundraising for Legal Fees: Justice for Danielle, a Life Taken Too Soon by Hospital's Covid Protocol
Say No to Profits Over Lives. Help Us Seek Justice for Our Beloved Danielle.
Danielle, our loving and caring daughter, was known for her volunteering services at Sunrise Assisted Living in Glen Cove for 10 years. She was a survivor, a shining light in our lives after overcoming oxygen deprivation at birth. Just weeks after celebrating her 28th birthday, we took her to Northwell Health Hospital in Glen Cove, NY, on 8/27/2021, only to lose our precious girl 40 days later. Her life was taken too soon due to the hospital's covid protocol, putting profits before saving lives.
Why We Need Your Support
Danielle was tragically subjected to a medical protocol involving 10 rounds of Remdesivir without our consent, a drug known to cause kidney failure and heart damage. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended against its use in covid patients. Despite this, the hospital used it under their protocol in pursuit of a 20% bonus payment from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare.
Her tragedy did not end there. They put her on a ventilator on day 8 with an SPO2 level of 95%. For 32 days, she was administered Propofol, Fentanyl, and Precedex, drugs that should never be used together for prolonged periods, as they suppress breathing. She was alone, tied to the bed without food or water, leading to malnourishment.
Danielle passed away, a victim of hospitals prioritizing profits over her well-being. Join our fight for justice against this reckless disregard for human life.
Our Mission: Seek Accountability for the Pain Inflicted on Our Beloved Danielle
We are dedicated to raising funds to pay for legal fees and holding Northwell Health Hospital, Glen Cove, New York accountable for their cruel actions and lack of care during Danielle's last days on this earth. We have already conducted a private autopsy, which revealed that our daughter's lungs were severely damaged in the last two weeks of her life.
These hospitals have tragically become death chambers, with over 1 million Americans euthanized since 2020. We cannot allow these inhumane practices to continue. We cannot forget the suffering Danielle endured and the lives of countless others lost.
Stand With Us in This Fight for Justice!
Please support our cause by donating to our fundraising campaign for legal fees. Any contribution, small or large, will help us in our quest for justice for Danielle and to end these profiteering-driven hospital practices.
Donate Now and Stand up for Those Whose Lives Were Taken Too Soon
Don't let Danielle's death be in vain. Together, we can make a difference and hold those who prioritize profits over lives accountable. Stand with us!
Rebecca Charles’ Website:
Click on your geographical area and get local hospital information on reported hospital killing protocols!
Hospital Killing Protocol - Google App
If you have an Android, please download and install The Death by Hospital Protocol APP from the Goggle Play Store Link:
Here is Rebecca’s post on her Google App here:
After four months arguing as to why this is not “political” but “to increase awareness”, Rebecca successfully launched her Death by Hospital Protocol App: How a New App Puts Accountability in Your Hands.
For now, it is only available as a Google App for android phones. Apple and iPhone capability is pending.
Rebecca started this App so that Danielle’s death was not in vain. She paid for the server and will open up an iPhone equivalent. You can add the doctor who performed the protocol, write in his or her names, and include the doctor’s medical license number.
More on this will follow as we put together our information on this new capability. For now, it is only available to Android users through the Google App.
Please also see Charles Wright’s Podcase Interview of Rebecca here:
Father God, Almighty Creator of the Universe,
Thank you for holding Danielle in Your loving arms. We so much rejoice in knowing that she has No More Tears, no more anxiety, no more fury!
We pray for Rebecca, a Mama Bear who didn’t deserve this awful tragedy to happen to her little girl. Never in one’s imagination does one prepare or even think to prepare for something like this horror to happen to their daughter… and for this, we ask Your help.
Rebecca needs Your Comfort, Lord. She needs Your Wisdom, Your Strength. Sometimes, she needs it just to go on for one more day. Other times, she needs it to get papers served, meet a deadline, prevent case dismissal, or just to hydrate and nourish herself.
Please allow an outpouring of support on Rebecca’s donation site, GiveSendGo. Help some people give just a little bit with great faith, and help others give a lot due to their wealth. Help Rebecca’s goal of $300,000 for attorney fees, and allow this case to move forward with Your Holy Spirit convicting those whom it can.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Lord, for the benefit of the millions of lives lost to this same evil. We pray also for Scott and Cindy Schara and all who have suffered the murder of their child.
Thank you for giving Rebecca the peace that surpasses all understanding, Your Peace. And help this case warn others, who can keep their loved ones out of the hospital.
We ask you this in the Name of Jesus, being one in Your Spirit, one in You, Lord. Help us to walk with each other, and together to spread the news that You are in our land. Amen.
Reference: Court Documents
Read the court documents on this link. They include the Certificate of Merit and the Summons and Complaint:
Paid Subscribers receive the court documents below and my special section, WHAT I REALLY THINK. A portion of your paid subscription proceeds goes to fight hospital protocol deaths.
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