BREAKING NEWS: Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin: Airs Today 3 pm PST | 5 pm CST | 6 pm EST on
Addendum February 9, 2024: Now bringing you the full 2-hour transcript, here:
Tucker Carlson is bound to ask some hard questions and reveal some new truths.
What would be your first question to Putin?
So what do we do? So Biden isn’t running the USA someone higher up is. THIS IS NOT NEW, ANY IDIOT CAN SEE THIS..
So what do we do? There are people that want “the state” to take of them, while they, go to school, nurse their parents, raise kids, take courses free until they find a career they like. The trouble with communism is that it doesn’t work. Everyone thinks of it as a measure of intelligence. That is not true. You end up with caste systems where energetic creative people get trapped. People are low toned because they are not creating.
Capitalism wasn’t bad except for criminals and those that need slaves.
So what do we do? Send anyone that wants to work for the state over to Russia? The independent people come here. We have to take care of our own disabled.
Should education be run by the state? Only if the people pick the curriculum. Education should be global. The data on everything should be available to everyone.
Everyone needs to know the truth of places like Nassau and history of television and ‘programming’. We should have a say in how we want to be programmed or what we want to learn.
The family unit is the best atmosphere when parents are stable. There would be schools with projects all over the world available to everyone. It would be so cool to go to the rainforest for a course on Biodiversity and sustainability, or to the deserts to learn about air water humidity and heat.
The mountains can have groups learning about pressure, wind and ice. Everyone should learn how to manage a sail on the sea.
Herbs and homeopathy should be learned as we grow,……I mean really, Weeds are better than pharmaceuticals. We just were not programmed right.
Get rid of the vampires and adrenochrome junkies, and pedophiles, reprogram the criminals, detox the drug addicts, take all drugs including alcohol away and what fun we will have. Too many goals to count for everyone.
I’m sorry but we are basically good, we want to help , the building structures are a joke even in this paradigm. We are better than this. Get rid of the criminals and move on.
Now bringing you the full 2-hour transcript, here: