Call Your Governor Today: To Give Gratitude or Disappointment on Today's Joint Governor's Response to The Proposed WHO Treaty and IHR
Put the Pressure On! So they know that we know the right thing to do!
Is Your State on This ⬆️ List?
If not, write them today and let them know that you know they didn't sign!
If so, write them a note of thanks!
Either way, make a call!
List of USA Governors
In most states, they won't ask for your identifying information. But if you give them your zip code, they know you are a registered voter;).
Will definitely be thanking my Governor & counting my Blessings to be living in one of the States fighting the Beast 🙏 God Bless You All and all of Your Efforts!
I sent a message to Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington. He will ignore it, but I tried. He maintained emergency powers from COVID for nearly 1000 days. He loves power, globalism, and climate alarms.