CHRISTOPHER RAKE, MD, MPH: "This Needs to be Investigated. Congress Needs to Interview the Secret Service Immediately, As Well as the Mother, to Get to the Bottom of This"
Addendum September 14, 2023: A different version of the posted video surfaced, as below:
The Second Video
No matter what Biden actually says to the toddler, he first tells her it’s a “secret”, then instructs her “not to tell” her mom, then reinforces it with “Got it?”
You decide.
Such a little toddler.
Original Video
A few days ago, I did a segment on this 20-second video dubbed in Portuguese, with screen shots:
Twitter Censorship
Dr. Rake has posted it to his Twitter. Without a doubt, it is being censored and we will follow the number of Views, Quote Tweets (which have the most outreach), Likes, and Retweets. It was posted today at 0913 and exactly 30 minutes later:
These are all very small numbers, so it is likely it is being censored and down regulated for decreased outreach.
It looks like censorship is occurring, despite Missouri v Biden’s injunction to stop social media from censorship.
If you missed this post or the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision last Friday, it is a worthwhile read.
Thank you for reading my writings.
Thanks. The video took a while to load. Definitely being censored! Only 900 views at noon.
The Medical Freedom Act.. Page is Not Found!! Thank you for all the links.