Fauci to be Extradited to Russia? No, But He’s Losing His $15 Million Security Detail
Is Fauci to be extradited to Russia? Is this just a rumor?
The Tweet
Source: https://x.com/cilcomlfc/status/1882176131820028101?s=46
The first link:
Truth : Putin is not extraditing Fauci for COVID crimes to end Ukraine War!
This is yet another example of fake news involving Dr. Anthony Fauci, and here are the reasons why…
U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with Russia
Let me start by simply pointing out that the United States does not have an extradition treaty with Russia. So Russia cannot request for the extradition of any U.S. citizen like Dr. Anthony Fauci.
No evidence Russia even filed a Red Notice for Dr. Fauci
What Russia can do is file a Red Notice with INTERPOL, but this does not mean that the U.S. will arrest, never mind extradite, the person to Russia. The Interpol Red Notice is merely a request to locate and detain an individual.
However, it does not appear that Russia has issued a Red Notice for Anthony Fauci. There are 6,643 public Red Notices as of 23 January 2025, and Anthony Fauci is not one of them.
Putin did not ask to extradite Anthony Fauci
I should also point out that Russian President Vladimir Putin never expressed any interest in Dr. Anthony Fauci, never mind request to extradite him to Russia to face charges of COVID-19 crimes against humanity.
If Putin ever made such a request, it would have been widely reported. There has been absolutely no legitimate media coverage of such a request, not even in Russia. There were no reports by TASS, Russia Today (RT), or even Sputnik about extraditing Fauci, or that he faces criminal charges in Russia.
Unsurprisingly, those who made this claim did not provide any evidence that Putin is seeking to extradite Anthony Fauci to face COVID-19 crimes against humanity charges in Russia, as part of a peace deal to end the Ukraine War.
Source: https://www.techarp.com/crime/putin-extraditing-fauci-covid-crimes-ukraine-war/
The rest of the articles say basically the same things. But the thought is making many wonder if Putin (or any other country) could or should extradite him — especially since Biden gave Fauci a Pardon.
More Tweets
Source: https://x.com/hemmy_papa/status/1882216091596046502
A Tweet
Source: https://x.com/tacokiwi2024/status/1882190761908723883
A Tweet
Source: https://x.com/gen_X_Divergent/status/1882193308497440940
A Tweet
Source: https://x.com/MilaLovesJoe/status/1882203954022682741
As Fauci accepts a Presidential Pardon from Biden, this sure opens a can of worms. Can President Trump reinstate the crimes? How about the States? Other countries?
I don’t know, but a lot of people are calling for justice for all the deaths inflicted by Fauci - and they want retribution.
Do you think he will ever be held responsible?
Source: https://x.com/therebelpatient/status/1882979256558584292?s=46
Holy Father,
We pray for our world, that it may see more come into Your kingdom through the blood of Your blessed Son, Jesus Christ.
Help us to reach out to others with full compassion and empathy, Lord. Teach us to hear Your voice. Lend us Your Angels so that we may clothe them in Your mercy and kindness, Good Lord of All the Ages.
We know that the battle is for souls. We see the ugliness of the evil one. Help us to not only be AS BOLD as them, but to step it up a notch and BE BOLDER AND UNINHIBITED than ever before, We pray, Dear Father!
We praise Your Holy Name! OH MY SOUL!
In the Name of Jesus.
Fauci needs to be held for crimes against humanity If he is let go(like the NAZI’s were) he could do it again. He needs to face judgement, here in this world. If he is released I fear for the rest of humanity
He will face an accounting far worse than what Russians could do, even in
backwater Siberia incarceration
I not only think THEY ought to lose their security detail
(these people for the most part are MILLONAIRE$)
It is time to stop draining our pockets for them
but time to STOP allowing
security clearances to remain once they leave office
They MUST be pulled once they leave service
When I was in the Navy I held continuously throughout the years I served our nation, and many were highly sensitive
(particularly when I was at the Pentagon)
but once I left service, I did not take them with me
The key here is: NEED TO KNOW
It also includes former POTUS
There IS no NEED TO KNOW for them also