Freemasonic and Illuminati Gang Signs Seen from: Macron, James, McConnell, Jolie, Schwab, Madonna, Perry, Gaga, and More
Not the most endearing topic, but one worth being knowledgeable about, the illuminati signs can be seen poised by many a world leader. Do you know it when you see it?
Satanic Symbolism
French President Macron

Lebron James with 98.2K Views

Sen. Mitch McConnell

Angelina Jolie
Some may find this very disturbing:

Klaus Schwab

Madonna, Katie Perry, and more
Lady Gaga


I don’t watch TV nor the “Star’s” events featuring “Hollywood stars”. So my world is a bit guarded from those general (un)sensibilities, that I would rather not participate in nor know about.
Little clips like those above, however, I find to be informative as secret gestures used to provide public alliegance to the “club”.
As an empath, I find great unrest in even knowing about child trafficking, sex acts, or tortures. I literally lose sleep about it and have nightmares.
So while on the one hand, I don’t know how officers and judges can know all the crimes in the world and carry it with them - because I would rather not have that burden in my brain at all.
On the other hand, though, I have known my share of human sufferings and feel that I am a better person for it.
So I want to know just a bit… but not too much.
This is the balance I try to have with you, so we all don’t end up depressed at every email article I write… and so you are informed and aware, educated and empowered.
Sure, I think there is a special club that is very satanic, and this little bit with the hand signals is something I appreciate adding to my repitoiré of knowledge. And I hope that I strike that balance for you, as well.
I understand we are all in the “echo chamber” that sometimes “preaches to the choir”. One of my goals is also to keep new readers thinking for themselves, planting seeds that show a stream of logic. That is why my articles are relatively free from my own opinions, and why I like bringing Twitter’s opinions to you - they state their own opinions. As a citizen journalist, I save my editorial portion for last and hope that it helps you to have created this format - I don’t see anyone else doing it quite this way, and appreciate your support.
Actually the main confusion over Freemasonry begins with the word Lucifer that appears on the cover of their ceremonial Bibles. What we self-centered humans are usually too self-centered to consider, is that on the 8th Day of Creation, after God rested, he planted a garden called Eden as a home for the fallen angel Lucifer. Then he created a gardener named Adam to tend that garden.
In pre-Columbian days most Europeans believed Earth was flat. When the Archangel Michael removed Lucifer from Heaven and confined him to Earth, medieval human readers of the story see it as a small fall from a big flat place called Heaven to an equally-big flat place called Earth.
But now that we know a little bit about outer space, we can see the degree of demotion Lucifer actually got. He went from being free to roam an infinitely-large Universe, to only being able to move to and fro upon the Earth and up and down within it.
And John the Revelator's vision of the New Jerusalem tells an even greater restriction: Lucifer and his followers will inhabit a pit next to the rebuilt Temple of Jerusalem. Jews who live in the New Jerusalem and goyim who come to visit, will shake our heads in sorrow as Lucifer lies to himself from inside that pit and his handful of followers try to believe him. Lucifer is the King of Lies, and in a world that finally knows the truth, that won't make him king of much.
Masonry understands that the Bible is the story of Lucifer. We humans got put here to tend the garden, and after Lucifer had his fun misleading us, God uprooted the garden, as it was unappreciated.
The Illuminati cancer growing on Masonry is something distinct from it. Adam Weishaupt was professor of church law at the Catholic university in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, when he founded the group. Free speech was almost nonexistent in Catholic nations of Europe and one could be tortured to death on mere suspicion of heresy. Masonry allowed Free and Accepted Masons (a Free Mason was a non-slave free of indenture, who practiced the art of construction. An Accepted Mason is someone who is not a builder but was invited into their lodge. In nations with free speech, such as the UK, the typical Accepted Mason was an architect, artist, or financier who involved himself with builders. In the lands of the Spanish Inquisition, the Diet of Worms, and other persecutions, many Accepted Masons were dissidents to the local established powers, and joined for the opportunity to speak their minds). The Weishaupt organization used the outward symbols of Masonry to win protection of their right to free speech. However, Weishaupt and his seemingly Catholic followers were practicing materialist Atheists, following in Spinoza's belief that God had died and left humans to our own devices. I call the Illuminati a cancer because like the DNA of a cancer, they learned the outward symbols of Masonry, using them to avoid rejection from the group, while actually devouring their host as any parasite would.
In his elder years, mathematical modeling pioneer (and Accepted Mason) Professor John Robison of Edinburgh University, wrote an exposé of the Illuminati in 1789, convinced that the group had caused the French Revolution, and cautioning that the Illuminati were conspiring against "all the religions and governments of Europe". He relied for his book on two items: The findings of a Bavarian government inquiry into Weishaupt's antics, and a wooden chest full of letters seized by Russian Tsarina Katerina the Great during a Russian police investigation of members of Weishaupt's group who were operating there. The Russian Ambassador had met Professor Robison at a Scottish lodge, after being introduced by King George's War Secretary, and left the letters in safekeeping, as Empress Katarina feared the Illuminati would hunt down and burn the letters.
Translated from German or Latin into English, that chest full of letters gives a chilling view into the minds of a group of psychopaths.
One of the great historical mysteries of the War of 1812. is why Bonaparte burned much of Moscow and fled back to France in the dead of winter, losing most of his army to frostbite, exposure, starvation, and Russian snipers riding horse-drawn sleighs. Conceivably he was looking for more of that Illuminati correspondence, and getting it back to the other Illuminati was his only priority. Napoleon's Grande Armeé of 4 million men took 3 million casualties to food poisoning, heat stroke, and combat in reaching Moscow. But that disastrous return to France in the Russian winter killed 980,000 of the million men he had left. The average height of the population of France dropped by 4 inches, because of the little general's penchant for recruiting the tallest men as soldiers.
Claus Schwab isn’t a Freemason and those are not Masonic gestures.
That’s sad, everything you want to know about masonry is on the web. You would have to discern between truth and bull shit. But you just posted bull shit.
No credibility for you.