Leading the Effort: X Space Dedicated to Hurricanes Helene and Milton
Glenn Beck started Mercury One, and other nonprofits are represented here. These hurricanes are the worst in 100 years and we're talking about the need.
David: Native Floridian, used to power outages as a way of life with the wind and the rain. The catastrophic flooding is overlooked and the waters can dangerously rise.
Antonio: Has been working together with the community and churches, seeing people working together. “It's up to us to help others and this is a time when money can help this kind of situation… Especially when Kamala/The Administration gives only $750.” He thinks we can make a difference.
“I believe God put me in a position to help.”
Cerra: Asked if he's seen FEMA and others helping.
Anthony: Yes, he is seeing help.
David: Speaks about how people who live on the coast cannot get flood insy, and FEMA only gives $750.
Cerra asked if those are the only funds people have been receiving.
Anthony explained how “people are pissed” at the unfairness.
David: Children are freezing in the Appalacians and we're sending billions to Ukraine. People are hurting, and the $750
Michael: Says the $750 is not a loan, said it's not true. Chastised the Space for not fact-checking. They mentioned that Glenn Beck was here, and he then criticized having another Republican point of view.
Glenn Beck: he's right that the $750 is not a loan, it's a one-time payment. “I have been boots on the ground and I have raised over $10 million. Why do you think that is a Republican talking point?”
When he was on the ground, he described that he hasn't seen the comradary since 911. He said,
“We are the first responders.” Then it's the locals, the state, the Feds if needed. We rescued 22,000 people from Afghanistan with people getting together and without the government.
“That moment in Afghanistan taught me that we love each other more when we help each other.”
He speaks of rescuing people “as if we were Life Flight.” “We figured it out.” “It is amazing.”
That's what makes America different. Saving people in Afghanistan, in other countries and here in Appalachia, we are helping strangers.
On FEMA, the people are angry because they thought FEMA would show up first. Glenn thinks you're never going to get love from the government - you need to get love from your local people.
If you can join this space or even listen to it for yourself, this is an amazing Space. Here is the link:
516,000 people are now in this Space.
You see a continual video, as above ⬆️ .
In a nation full of shocking disasters, looking at just the past 4-5 years, this must be running second only to the Plandemic genocide. It has to be a giant wake-up call to many that our government is doing all they can to destroy us, which is why this information must continue to be shared far and wide! Thanks for keeping it going!