London Pride: Half Naked
Caution: Adult Content, gay men in bikini bottoms parading in the street. If you don't want to see it, simply don't scroll down.
Caution: Very short dance video of the above.
Father God in Heaven Above and In Our Hearts,
We thank You and adore all Your creations, Lord God for All Eternity. We are in awe of the human body that has been made in Your likeness. You made man and woman to fit together and compliment one another, Holy God. Hear our praise, we implore You, Mighty Father! You are Almighty!
You have seen the blasphemy of homosexual men parading in the streets, Dear Lord God. Please forgive the world for the sin and blasphemy against You and Your creation! We implore You, Holy Creator! Forgive us!
We see the sinful influence on Your children, Almighty God! Close their eyes! We pray and intercede on behalf of Your children, Father, that You cover every single one of them with the Blood of Jesus, the Light of the World, the Savior of all! Guard the children! We implore You, Heavenly Master!
As we see the BOLDNESS of the evil, Lord God of All that is Righteous, let it spur us to be BOLDER! Keep us shining Your light on this evil darkness, Oh Lord! We implore You to increase our faith!
We pray and implore You in The Mighty Name Above All Names, that of Our Savior, Christ of Nazareth, to which Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue shall Confess that Only Jesus is Lord!
And everyone who agreed said,
Amen. Lord, please turn them from their wicked ways, & remind us that You still love them, and that we need to be the witnesses to the wicked of Your Love & your Grace.
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace," and mass shootings, and all manner of violence and dystopic ipediophile nsanity.
But some like to learn the hard way... most like to learn the hard way. Well... the hard way is almost upon us..