Measles, Measles Parties, the Measles Shot, the Measles “Death”, and the CDC Recommendation: A Vitamin A Infusion
Signs and Symptoms
Measles causes a red, blotchy skin rash that is usually seen first on the face and behind the ears. Then it spreads to the chest and back, finally to the feet.
After exposure, it takes 10 to 14 days for these symptoms to appear, I.e., the incubation period:
Dry cough
Koplik's spots inside the cheeks: tiny white spots with bluish-white centers
Runny nose
Red eyes (conjunctivitis)
Skin rash: large, flat blotches that can meet one another
Sore throat
The MMR shot is one of many that U.S. children still receive (if this isn’t child abuse, I don’t know what is).
i just have to interject this here:
Lord, Forgive Us!
Remember: None of the shots were FDA approved based on long-term studies:
Anyway, just one more thing.
RFK Jr and the Measles Shot
And yes, we thought RFK Jr would put an end to this. Here he is on a leaked video, on a call from Trump:
The Video
RFK Jr and The Measles Shot
RFK Jr made an official statement on the measles jab. He’s been heavily criticized for turning his back on America, so let’s take a closer look.
The Statement
Is a “Call to Action”. He doesn’t push the jab but specifically leaves it up to you.
On the right, see also that in an unprecedented move, he added vitamin A to the CDC website as a therapy for measles, because it “significantly reduces mortality”:
The CDC Recommendation on Vitamin A Infusion for Infants and Children
Vitamin A Administration for Infants and Babies
The link:
A few more notes.
Japan Banned the MMR Vaccine in 1993
NOTE: 1.3 million views.
The Video
In 1962: Moms Advised to Let Their Children Get Measles
The Thread
Measles Vaccines In Perspective
Dr. Suzanne Humphries has provided a lecture that helps put the measles cases and vaccines in perspective. See how many talking points you can derive:
Emphases are mine.
"So before the vaccine, reported measles cases didn't reflect how much measles was in the country. I already talked about that. Even the Centers for Disease Control, this is on their website today, says that over 4 million annual cases of measles must have occurred in order for their blood surveys showing that ninety five percent plus immunity, which means that most measles cases in America were so mild that they never got reported."
"Only one in eight got reported. Today, we have a situation where adolescents and adults are the biggest group who get measles because their vaccine immunity is 23.2 times lower than those induced by natural infection."
"There's your reference for that, which includes maternal immunity so that by 1991, babies were three times more vulnerable than they were before the vaccines. The attack rate today could be even higher. Doctor Papania who quoted that in his paper, only looked at natural immune mothers in the post vaccine era, and he underestimated what the protection rate would have been pre-vaccine as I just showed you on that curve that it's very different."
"So he was looking pretty much in that middle section. Doctor Peter Orby has pointed out the same trend in Africa, whereby 2003, and they were vaccinating heavily by 2003 in Africa. He said measles was infecting young adults and would infect pregnant women with the worst forms of measles. And he said what makes the situation worse is that in the early days of the vaccine's use, immunity was regularly boosted by still circulating wild measles virus, which artificially inflated the efficacy of the vaccine."
"By stopping the virus circulating, the presumed protection of the vaccine is no longer as high as they once thought it was. So in other words, in the beginning, when there was still circulating virus and they were vaccinating, it looked like the things were going pretty well. Because at that point, you had all those, people in society who were naturally immune for life, and you had vaccinated people who were freshly vaccinated, and you had them getting boosted by natural viruses circulating."
"And then that's changed. Of course, now we're having the those people who are naturally dying off, and we have the stoppage of the amount of circulation that we used to have. And we have vaccines wearing off as well. This fact has been carefully analyzed several times by medical researchers who predict that because of shaky vaccine immunity, our future might be somewhat spotty."
"The analyses of these authors predicted that in twenty to thirty years' time, herd immunity will be so fragile that should measles come through again, we'll be worse off than we would have been had they not introduced the vaccine. Levy said that by 2050, the number of susceptibles will be higher than pre vaccine times. He discussed his predictions based on a one dose vaccine model, which was the model at the time that he wrote the paper. And this is just kind of the details of how he worked out his figures.”
“So what about today's two dose model? Well, doctor Heffernan did an analysis, and he didn't really think all that much of that."
"He said that the dynamic consequences of the interaction between vaccination, waning immunity, boosting are far more striking. For high levels of vaccination, greater than eighty percent, and moderate levels of waning immunity, greater than thirty years, large scale epidemic cycles can be induced. And that's pretty much us."
"And his prediction was that a long disease free period could be followed by a far larger epidemic than predicted starting about fifty two years after the vaccination programs began. Considering that vaccination only really got underway with an effective vaccine in 1980 as this writer described, counting fifty two years from there, the year 2032 is a good estimated guess of when more surges of measles cases will become obvious, at least in America."
"Another medical article put it this way, that twenty years after two doses of vaccine have been given, thirty three to forty four percent of those recipients would become susceptible to measles again. The old pre vaccine community immunity of 95 to 99% from life is out the window. What we see here, this is the main, analysis and these are what are and these are what are called confidence intervals, meaning kind of the range of where you where we could end up. So, what we have over here are the per I took them over here and look at this. Potentially susceptible people."
"And this is based on blood testing, on on antibody testing, actually. And this is how many years after people were vaccinated. So you can see over here, if we go to twenty years go to the middle, we're looking at thirty approximately thirty three percent of people being susceptible when we look at the middle line. But if we look at the, other line, we're up to about 44%."
"And you can see that over time, a certain percentage of the population, after fifteen years, you're still having about 12 or 13% of people that were vaccinated with with two doses, not having immunity. We know that, and the experts know this. For this reason, their answer will be more of the same, which is to give extra vaccines earlier to babies, again, to prepregnant women, more to us adults who were vaccinated as children, and to make vaccines mandatory by law for everyone from cradle to grave. They're also researching, newer vaccines that maybe can be inhaled and given earlier."
Main Points
Let me know if I missed anything.
Only 1 in 8 measles cases get reported. The rest are mild.
Natural measles cases infection is about 24 times more effective than a shot, affecting primarily adolescents and adults.
Since 1991, babies have been 3 x more vulnerable to measles (I.e., since the current shot came out).
Because of natural measles, the efficacy of the measles shot in Africa looked better than it was.
In Africa , young adults and pregnant women got the worst cases of measles.
Vaccine immunity is now described as “skaky”.
In 20-30 years, herd immunity may be so fragile that it’ll be worse than without the shot (1-dose model).
In today’s 2-dose model, a large-scale epidemic is still possible, affecting our generation, mathematically predicted in 2032.
20 years after 2 doses, 33-34% would still be susceptible to getting measles.
After 2 doses and 15 years later, 12-15% lose their immunity.
To solve this conundrum, they want to mandate and mass vaccinate, earlier in life, repeatedly throughout life, and in different forms like aerosols.
They Lie
Increased Measles in Texas after The Measles Shot
This seems too clear for discussion. It can’t be a coincidence.
The 1 Texas Measles “Death” Case
They gave the child a measles vaccine while sick with pneumonia and RSV - AND measles.
They only introduced risk and attributed the death to “measles” - conveniently.
I think you already know what I think;).
Do you think that the measles vaccine might be worthless at best, and harmful at worst? And that it’s better to just have your child get it at a Measles Party?
Father God,
Thank You for Your mighty love in my life! Even when I don’t feel Your presence, I know You are working in my life!
I ask You to forgive me of my sins and shortcomings, Holy Father. I lay my sorrow before Your feet, and renew my commitment to live for You.
Lead and guide me through Your Holy Spirit, Dear God. I slow down my mind and am still before You.
I ask you to guide mothers to protect their babies and children from all harm, to question what they are doing at every level, and to open their eyes to Your wonder and glory of healing that is free from You.
Make the way.
I ask you in the Name of Jesus.
It’s been reported that the child in West Texas was diagnosed with measles with a positive PCR, but never had any symptoms of measles.
Thank you so much for this important info and much-needed perspective. And that playlist…!!🙏🏼🥹✝️