Not All Doctors Took The FAKE Hippocratic Oath
And If They Did and Failed to Give you Advice for COVID-19, Here is a List of Things that Absolutely Broke Their Oath. For me, I took my vow to GOD and not the Greek gods.
Did you know that, "First, do no harm" has been attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, yet it isn't a part of the Hippocratic Oath?
A lot of people don’t know that not all doctors took the Hippocratic oath. And a lot of people don’t know that in the first place, the “oath” is FAKE.
Did you know that not all doctors took the Hippocratic Oath?
For at least the last 33 years, the Hippocratic Oath has been OPTIONAL.
My USC School of Medicine Class of 1990 reviewed 3 Choices on the “oath” we would take. The overwhelming majority voted to swear to the original Hippocratic oath.
Our Three “Hippocratic Oath” Choices
The original and unaltered Hippocratic Oath
A revised version of the Hippocratic Oath
A completely unrelated oath
The Hippocratic Oath In the UK
According to Exposé News,
In the UK, while there is no legal requirement for doctors to take the Hippocratic Oath, many medical schools still use it or a modern variation during graduation ceremonies. The General Medical Council (“GMC”) does not require doctors to take an oath but does require them to adhere to the principles outlined in its “Good Medical Practice” document.
Many foundations of modern Western medicine lie in Classical Greece and the Hippocratic Oath is no exception. Written over 2,400 years ago, the Oath is attributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates. In 1964, Dr. Louis Lasagna, the Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University, wrote a revised version of the original Hippocratic Oath known as the Lasagna Oath or the Modern Hippocratic Oath.
In the UK, medical schools do not all use the same oath. Some use the original Lasagna Oath, some their own variant based on the Lasagna version, some use the Declaration of Geneva and some a statement based on the GMC code of good medical practice.
1. The Original Hippocratic Oath
Written between the 3rd and 5th Centuries BC, the original Hippocratic Oath requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold some very specific ethical standards.
Below is a fragment in the original Ionic Greek, on papayrus and dated circa AD 275. The oldest complete version was written circa 11th and 12th Century and is housed at the Vatican.
Here is the original version in English, and exactly what I swore to:
I swear by
Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses,
I swore to the One and Only God.
making (Him) them my witness
es,that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the Healer’s oath, but to nobody else.
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me. – Translation by W.H.S. Jones. Reference: Wikipedia
P.S. Do you see, “Do no harm” in association with food? More on this later.
2. Revised Hippocratic Oath
All I remember about the modified version we were given is that it did not replace the “gods” with “God”. For that reason, I voted against it.
In 1964, the oath was rewritten by Dr. Louis Lasagna, Academic Dean at Tufts University School of Medicine. This revised form is still widely accepted in medical schools. Here it is:
The Changes
The original Hippocratic Oath is said to have involved a triad: the physician, the patient, and a spiritual component, God (without mentioning Him but citing pagan gods).
The revised version only cites two components: the physician and the patient. It removes the spiritual component and has no place for God or the gods.
3. A Completely Unrelated Oath
I don’t remember much about the proposed, independent oath we voted on, except it was in plain English, and I believe it left out the part about swearing never to do an abortion or perform an assisted suicide. For that reason, I rejected it.
Salient Points of the Original Hippocratic Oath
From medicine’s inception within this oath, doctors swore:
To keep this oath
To hold my teacher equal to my parents
To consider my teacher as a business partner
To give them money if they needed it
To consider their family as my brothers
To teach them medicine if they wanted to learn it - and to do it for free
To teach orally and in all ways to my own children and the sons of my teacher and to indentured pupils who have taken this oath, but not to anyone else
To use diet to benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and to do no harm or injustice to them. Note that “do no harm” is associated with diet.
I will not provide medication for self-suicide or euthanasia
I will never suggest euthanasia
I will not insert a device into the vagina or give a medication that causes a woman to have an abortion
I will keep my life and my art holy
I will not use a knife to remove a kidney stone but leave it to the surgeons who are qualified
When I enter a house of the sick, I will help them
I will not perform any intentional wrong-doing, especially with respect to abusing the body of a man or woman, slave or free.
Whatever I hear in the course of being a doctor, as well as outside my profession, it should not be published abroad
I will never divulge secrets regarding the health of others
If I carry out this oath and do not break it, may I forever have a reputation among men for my life and art
If I break this oath and go back on my oath, may the opposite befall me.
The UK’s Declaration of Geneva
Today, the Hippocratic oath is considered to be “out of date” by the UK’s medical establishment, and the General Medical Council of the UK (the official body that licenses doctors). The World Medical Association upholds the Declaration of Geneva.
Adopted by the 2nd General Assembly of the World Medical Association, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1948
and amended by the 22nd World Medical Assembly, Sydney, Australia, August 1968
and the 35th World Medical Assembly, Venice, Italy, October 1983
and the 46th WMA General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1994
and editorially revised by the 170th WMA Council Session, Divonne-les-Bains, France, May 2005
and the 173rd WMA Council Session, Divonne-les-Bains, France, May 2006
and amended by the 68th WMA General Assembly, Chicago, United States, October 2017The Physician’s Pledge
I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to the service of humanity;
THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF MY PATIENT will be my first consideration;
I WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient;
I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life;
I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I WILL RESPECT the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;
I WILL PRACTISE my profession with conscience and dignity and in accordance with good medical practice;
I WILL FOSTER the honour and noble traditions of the medical profession;
I WILL GIVE to my teachers, colleagues, and students the respect and gratitude that is their due;
I WILL SHARE my medical knowledge for the benefit of the patient and the advancement of healthcare;
I WILL ATTEND TO my own health, well-being, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard;
I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;
I MAKE THESE PROMISES solemnly, freely, and upon my honour.
What do you notice? No spirituality, no swearing to avoid abortions or euthanasia.
COVID-Related Oath Issues
I think for me the biggest COVID-related issue was that of “never performing any wrong-doing”.
I never told one patient to stay home until their lips turned blue. Yes, we all avoided the hospital which was a death sentence that we now know happened due to Remdesivir and anesthetic cocktails designed to kill.
Even if we lose our licenses, many of us doctors will be able to say that we did no wrong, and we never once violated our oaths. Anyway, I received my Certified Tribal Practitioner license and don’t need to be in any state-regulated system.
How to Ask Your Doctors if They Took the Hippocratic Oath
You can tell them that you read an interesting article about the Hippocratic oath that said not every doctor had to take it. Then pause to see if they offer that they did take it.
If no response, look them in the eye and ask,
“So I was wondering if you took it, or if you took a different oath.”
Then wait a few seconds before commenting,
“Because I heard graduating doctors can write their own oath.”
Those are simple enough questions to ask, ones that you have a right to know.
But if your doctor told you to stay home until your lips turned blue and they admit to taking the original Hippocratic oath, they broke it, even if they swore to Apollo. I have no idea why anyone would keep someone like that as their doctor; these doctors are murderers.
Exactly how did they break the Hippocratic Oath by “Causing Harm”? And How Could they have Done Things Differently to Keep Their Oath and “Do No Harm”
In the beginning, we all struggled to know “what to do” for COVID-19, the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But as time went on, it was obvious that simple measures could help one set of symptoms, another intervention helped something different, there was no “one thing” that would cure everything. It was poly-pharmacy all the way, but not just with “Big Pharma” prescriptions. Simple supplements made a big difference.
You inhaled the virus, it built a nest at the back of the nose, and then you swallowed it into your gut, and breathed it into your lungs.
Unless your doctor stopped practicing medicine during the pandemic, there is no explanation for them not at least looking at interventions for prevention and treatment.
Your doctor failed to “do no wrong” because it was wrong and a violation to tell you:
To stay home until your lips turned blue, instead of providing options that would absolutely would have “done no harm” - and may have saved a life.
To stay home instead of coming into the hospital, instead of providing options that would absolutely would have “done no harm” - and may have saved a life.
There was nothing they could do, instead of providing options that would absolutely would have “done no harm” - and may have saved a life.
There was nothing you could do, instead of providing options that would absolutely would have “done no harm” - and may have saved a life.
Failing to tell you to get equipment to monitor your vital signs at home, especially the pulse oximeter to check your oxygen and heart rate. Then at least you could have watched it, read about it, and learned to take deep breaths or sleep on your stomach. Why? Because sleeping on your stomach, i.e., prone, redistributes the blood flow and oxygen to the lungs, improving your oxygenation. After all, virtually every doctor knows that flipping even a ventilated patient prone is a life-saving maneuver that improves oxygenation.
Failing to at least tell you to sleep or lay prone, on your stomach. Improves oxygenation. For example, it may improve your oxygen saturation from 88% to 93% and at least buy you time to improve with vitamin D and other medications.
Failing to tell you to take Vitamin D. For goodness sake, you could have had it delivered to your door. If your Vitamin D blood level was over “50” ng/ml, at least one studies shows you would have about a 0% chance of dying. There are formulae for this - it’s on my FREE handout at the top of my website. JUST ENTER CREATE AN ACCOUNT BY ENTERING YOUR EMAIL AND CREATING A PASSWORD. POOF! Then you get my guidebook in your email.
And how does your doctor feel about your taking vitamin D now? What level are they happy with? If the answer is “30” ng/ml, get a new doctor. See my article on this HERE.
Failing to tell you to take Vitamin C. For goodness sake, you could have had it delivered in the same package to your door.
Failing to tell you to take Zinc. For goodness sake, it stops “viruses” or their manmade things called viruses from multiplying.
Failing to tell you to take quercetin. It acts like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) by allowing that zinc to go into virus cells and do their work - eliminate viral replication. If you don’t have HCQ, read my article HERE.
Failing to prescribe a budesonide inhaler. Studies show it stops SARS-CoV-2 virus from multiplying in the lungs and is associated with good outcomes. Dr. Richard Bartlett, a Texas doctor, had a 100% survival rate for COVID-19. Budesonide is also on the McCullough Protocol.
Failing to prescribe ivermectin. Discovered serendipidously in a nursing home with a scabies breakout, none of the patients on it died from COVID-19. Allows the body to recognize the virus as “foreign” and mount an immune response. Also causes cancer cells to commit suicide, i.e., apoptosis, and decreases the rapid growth of blood supply around a cancer, i.e., angiogenesis. If you don’t have IVM, see my article HERE.
Failing to tell you there were Early Treament Protocols you may want to try at home. My Guidebook lists everything on page 11, combining several protocols. At least then, you would not have suffered harm and they would have kept their oath.
Failing to tell you there were other doctors who believed in an Early Treatment Protocol, and they may be able to help you, because they couldn’t. At least then, you would not have suffered harm and they would have kept their oath. They could have “passed the buck” and still kept their oath.
… And the List Goes On and On…
What I Really Think
I think you need to get rid of your doctor if they didn’t help you during Covid.
The medical boards did not investigate doctors who killed their patients or refused to treat them at home with any preventative or early treatment. NONE of these apathetic, human-life-losing “doctors” lost their licenses.
In case you ever need it:
Physician State Medical Boards:
Physician Assistant Medical Boards:
Nurse Practitioners: They have 2 Boards:
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For the most part, I believe the Hippocratic oath is a relic of the past
Given how I have been treated regarding my reluctance to accept the jab,
and I hear now they are developing a nasal delivery
(apparently insufficient MURDERED and MAIMED by the jab)
My msg to the world
NEVER FORGET what THEY did and THEIR accomplice was often
those who define themselves as 'physicians' and 'nurses'
Some of us took the Osteopathic Medical Oath AND kept that oath by never advising nor giving any vaccine AND promoting health and early outpatient treatment of CoVid. We are still in the crosshairs and CoVid was just the tip of the iceberg of medical fraud.
This is the Osteopathic Oath:
I do hereby affirm my loyalty to the profession I am about to enter. I will be mindful always of my great responsibility to preserve the health and the life of my patients, to retain their confidence and respect both as a physician and a friend who will guard their secrets with scrupulous honor and fidelity, to perform faithfully my professional duties, to employ only those recognized methods of treatment consistent with good judgment and with my skill and ability, keeping in mind always nature’s laws and the body’s inherent capacity for recovery.
I will be ever vigilant in aiding in the general welfare of the community, sustaining its laws and institutions, not engaging in those practices which will in any way bring shame or discredit upon myself or my profession. I will give no drugs for deadly purposes to any person, though it be asked of me.
I will endeavor to work in accord with my colleagues in a spirit of progressive cooperation and never by word or by act cast imputations upon them or their rightful practices.
I will look with respect and esteem upon all those who have taught me my art. To my college I will be loyal and strive always for its best interests and for the interests of the students who will come after me. I will be ever alert to further the application of basic biologic truths to the healing arts and to develop the principles of osteopathy which were first enunciated by Andrew Taylor Still.