Stench of Death in Asheville: Two Months Later, Bodies Mixed with Piles of Debris
WARNING: Explicit content. SHARED GOOGLE DOC: Thanks so much for bearing through this human suffering with me.
If you or anyone you know has a North Carolina business needing a Business Grant or Loan after the Hurricane, see the resources HERE. NOTE: Some deadlines are on Friday, such as this one for small businesses in NC, HERE. See our Shared Google Doc HERE:
The Video
The Thread
Yes, we love Shawn Hendrix and he is single-handedly making a HUGE difference in WNC. You can donate to #OperationRescue here:
Thank You, God,
That we have a heart and feel the pain of our fellow man and woman. Let us always have compassion and empathy!
Help those who are on the ground to multiply their work, endure to the end, and also bless their families who have been without them. May they prosper in all that they do, Holy God.
Let us help whoever we can, and do it however possible, Dear Lord. Allow us to be a blessing and to turn our blessings into a gift for someone else who needs it more than we do.
Help us to be Holy, Lord.
In all things, in all ways, we worship You!
Thank You, Lord God. Only You are Holy. Only You are Mighty! Only You are Worthy of all our praise! Only You are Wonderful!
In Jesus’ Name.
My heart continues to break for all who suffer Helene and Milton
In the continuing tragedy, God KNOWS who they are.
They are precious in His sight and more deserving than they
have been treated.
There will be an accounting for those who failed to care for His creation and it will be far worse than they can imagine
How sad. God bless you for your tireless work on behalf of these tragedy stricken folks, Margaret.