The Joe Tippins Cancer Protocol
Using Fenbendazole and Supplements, He Healed from Lung Cancer All Over His Body. See MyCancerStory.Rocks
Joe did not change his diet, but had been on a liquid diet for weeks during his chemo and radiation treatments. Many stop consuming carbs and sugars because cancer cells feed on them, switching to a keto or primarily vegetable diet with juicing.
Updated Joe Tippens Protocol
Joe’s Story
I had late stage small cell lung cancer that had metastasized through out my entire body and was told I only had a few months to live. From there, I found an unlikely pathway to “get busy living” instead of “get busy dying.”
Let’s meet in Zihuatanejo and celebrate 🙂
My name is Joe Tippens. I was born in the late 50’s, the baby of 6 siblings, to incredible parents who created an idyllic atmosphere in a small Oklahoma town. Steeped in Agriculture and Education, we were taught self-sufficiency, work ethic and living and loving with integrity. But most importantly, we were taught that positive thinking, prayer and laughter could get you through just about anything.
After getting a degree in Agriculture Economics and Accounting from Oklahoma State University (sorry Sooner fans we bleed Orange), I embarked on a very unlikely journey that would take me to Tulsa as a CPA (stands for Couldn’t Pass Again) to founder/President of a Sports Marketing company to New York as a Venture Capitalist and Chairman of a Financial Technology company to Florida as a hedge fund/private equity fund Co-CEO…..back to Oklahoma where I help family owned businesses to achieve maximum exit values as well as representing firms in Europe related to US Capital Markets cross-border transactions.
My life changed forever when cancer took over my body.
The purpose of this blog is to tell the story of how, so far, I’ve managed to kick a deadly cancer’s butt.DUE TO THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ONLINE SOFTWARE, I WAS FORCED TO PRESENT THIS AS ONE “RUN-ON” BLOG POST SO THAT MOBILE DEVICES CAB BE EASILY USED.
See more here:
Emphases are mine.
Attitude is Everything has always been my mantra. It seems that the more troublesome an event or challenge I’ve faced, my natural defense mechanism (that I attribute to my parents, siblings and friends) is to use positive thinking as the kick starter and humor as the mechanism to power through the adversity.
I found out I had small cell lung cancer two days before I was about to move to Zurich Switzerland to accept an assignment as partner in a large private equity firm there. The first two weeks were very rocky and then 180 degrees to the positive and the two ends of the spectrum are important to understand.
I will not name names to protect the guilty, but I initially had the biopsy done by a local medical group. That group, in an attempt to keep the business local, delayed telling me the results for one whole week so that I could meet with their cancer specialists. When I did meet with their specialist (and when I found out I had small cell lung cancer) the bedside manner, outlook and demeanor could not have been more negative. It was basically “what you have can’t be cured”.
I left that doctor’s office at 2pm, with my head held high, and immediately faxed the biopsy report to MD Anderson in Houston Tx. MD Anderson called me back at 4pm and asked if I could be there at 7:30 the next morning. Of course I said yes…..went home and packed a bag and drove to the airport.
Customer service leads to positive thinking.
MD Anderson people met me at 10:30pm IN THE HOTEL and checked me in, including doing my initial blood work, right there in the hotel. When I walked into the hospital the next morning, I was already checked in and they already had my initial blood work.
Contrast that with my local provider intentionally sitting on my biopsy results for a week in hopes of retaining my business.
Contrast my two first meetings:
The first thing the oncologist at MD Anderson said to me was “Joe, We’ve got this….you need to think positive.”
Wow….is all I could think. Already being a student of the power of positive thinking, I was amazed at the contrast between a local provider somehow thinking it was in my best interest to tell me I was going to die versus the #1 cancer center in the world telling me “no problem, we got this Joe”.
From that moment on I made three promises to myself (that I can now thankfully say are promises that I’ve kept):
First, I promised to be absolutely positive regardless of the short term challenges I faced, and
Second, I promised to let my prayer posse take over and believe in the power of prayer, and
Third, I promised to make at least one person in the hospital laugh every day.
That was an epiphany and a great start to an amazing adventure with many lows, offset by incredible highs.
And as a businessman, I can say that many industries and businesses could learn a thing or two from the MD Anderson customer service business model. Think about it, how many businesses are there in the world where 100% of the customers fear for their lives and are in need of hope. And they’ve figured out a way to incorporate “hope” into a service offering. Truly amazing.
A rocky start Sept 2016
The initial plan was to start chemo and radiation simultaneously, both targeted at my left lung where a very large tumor the size of my fist was, along with cancerous lymph nodes nearby. At the end of the first week, I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in my left side and drove myself to the MD Anderson emergency center.
After a CT scan in the emergency room, the ER doc came into my room and said “I have some bad news… have pneumonia”, to which I replied “Thank God, I thought you were going to tell me I had Cancer”.
The real problem then became a cascading effect. The pneumonia was clouding the view of the people administering the very targeted radiation and radiation was suspended until the pneumonia could clear up. There’s only one serious problem with that as follows: The radiation regimen was cut in half in days and doubled in twice per day treatments. Sounds good except the radiation coming in at 6 different angles twice per day meant that my esophagus was being bombarded 12 times per day. My esophagus became fried bacon and nothing would go through it either way. I told people in the hospital this was good news because the chemo wouldn’t make me throw up since nothing could go up or down. There’s always a silver lining.
They wanted to put a feeding tube in me and I made a decision that dumbfounded them, but I knew it was right for me. The year before I got diagnosed I lost 25 lbs (from 225 to 200lbs). I decided that at 200 lbs, I still had a whole lot of fat stores to live off of, and I was convinced the human body can withstand a lot more than we understand. So I went for 8 weeks without any nutrients in my body, keeping my body hydrated solely by IV fluids. My weight dropped to 115 lbs and I was a poster child for a WWII holocaust story. From there, they also radiated my brain prophylacticly and even when my esophagus was healed enough for liquids to pass through, my taste buds had been altered so much by the chemo therapy that eating (and throwing up) were still an adventure for some time. A rocky start for sure. But I kept up the positive thinking and laughter.
The side benefit of being 5’10” and only 115 pounds is that my BMI was FINALLY in the green zone. LOL
After I lost all of my hair, I was taking a stroll through a Houston shopping mall and I’d noticed that in the middle of my bald head, there was one lonely long gray hair sticking out of the side of my head. For fun, I walked into a barber shop and told the barber “I need a haircut” Ha “Literally A hair….cut” He didn’t charge me to clip my lone hair and we both got a good laugh out of it. Subsequently, when I make regular trips back to Houston for my quarterly scans, I go see my friendly barbers and tell a few jokes.
When 9 out of 10 Doctors Tell You You’re Dead, You are Supposed to Lie Down – Jan 2017
A PET scan was scheduled to coincide with my last radiation. Up to that point, I dealt with the radiation oncologists for radiation and the thoracic (lung) oncologist for the chemo. My radiation oncologist just happened to be in line to be the number 2 guy in the entire organization. Great guy, who told me he had good news and bad news. The good news was that the chemo and radiation had done their job in my Left Lung (which was amazing considering the size of the tumor there). The bad news was that my PET lit up like a Christmas Tree from head to toe. The cancer had spread to my neck, my Right Lung, my stomach, my liver, my bladder, my pancreas and my tail bone. Dozens of tumors.
I know how to use Google. And I knew, for starters, that small cell lung cancer was bad news with very low success rates. And FURTHER, I knew exactly what it meant when SCLC metastasized that far afield in so many locations.
So he didn’t have to tell me what it meant, I cited the statistics to him as he nodded approval with a grim face. The numbers are simple. <1% survivability and a median/mean life expectancy of 3 months. He confirmed that my numbers were correct.
But unlike the local oncologist that said I was going to die before I even started, he then went on:
“Joe, we are not going to give up. There are some other things we want to try and I’d like you to go see your thoracic oncologist this afternoon to discuss them”.
So I laughed and said, “You guys are good…..really good!!!!….you have a way of telling me my odds are 0% and there is no hope….but then you somehow give me hope……and I am prewired for hope, so I’m all good”.
My thoracic oncologist told me he could put me in a clinical trial that “Would NOT save my life, but the best case scenario might extend my life by a year…or so”
A year (or so) sounds a lot better than 3 months, so I said “Let’s go for it”.
7/22/ 2020 UPDATE NOTE: My radiation oncologist mentioned above was none other than Dr. Stephen Hahn, who became the Commissioner of the FDA. Truth is stranger than fiction
Strangest Call of My Life from a Veterinarian – Jan. 2017
The meaning of the Vet Med symbol couldn’t fit my precarious situation more perfectly…..even though I am human. The staff of the Greek god Aesculapius, encircled by a sacred serpent, is held as a symbol of hope and triumph over illness. It represents the miraculous events that occur as nature defies the inevitable.
Could you define a better mantra/objective for my situation than this?
As mentioned in the “About” section above, I am a big OSU fan and I bleed orange. To that end, I belong to an OSU message board where we get on-line and cuss/discuss OSU sports.
Two days after coming home from being told I’ve got 0% chance to survive, I read a post on the OSU sports board that simply said “If you have cancer or know someone who does, give me a shout.”
I had known the author of that post (and his sons) for a very long time, so I picked up the phone and called him. He is a large animal veterinarian in Western Oklahoma. What he told me next should have stunned me, but I was fairly numb and not stun-able (new word that should be a word).
He told me a story of a scientist at Merck Animal Health (veterinary side of Merck) that had performed cancer research on mice by injecting different types of cancers into different mice body parts. And this scientist stumbled (trial and error) across a product in their canine product line that was batting 1.000 in killing these different cancers.
He told me that the scientist in question got diagnosed with 4th stage brain cancer and was told “no hope, 3 months to live”. This person decided “what the heck” and started taking the canine medicine. Six weeks later, she was all clear.
I had just been told I’ve got no hope and 3 months to live, so it wasn’t a hard decision for me to take the leap.
Two other facebook pages do NOT police and administer the comments and we have noticed significant misinformation and absolute bad information that could effect peoples lives.
Password for admittance: Wapiti
Read more blog articles on Joe’s Blog:
The Joe Tippens Protocol
IMPORTANT: I will not receive any financial remuneration from this company for the sale of these products and I do not own any stock of the company.
I have a significant announcement to make. Several months ago, I was introduced to a researcher who collaborates with other PHD’s, MD’s and researchers globally in the pharma and nutraceutical space.
They have developed some patented technologies that they apply to specific classes of plant extracts and botanicals that dramatically enhance delivery of those ingredients into the bloodstream at exponential levels.
Over the months we have met together, and I have performed extensive due diligence on what they can offer. We’ve discussed a 4-pathway approach and philosophy for cellular support through supplementation that I believe will complement fenbendazole greatly.
CBD has always been part of my protocol, but the new product incorporates some important changes. As we have learned more about the potential benefits of hemp extracts we have discovered that the species of hemp, the methods of its extraction, the ratios of acidic forms of cannabinoids to non-acidic forms of cannabinoids all play a critical role in how well Hemp extracts can have on cancer outcomes.
In my research of Hemp extracts – Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 – product hits all of the important qualities for a hemp extract. First the product is cryoextracted, this preserves the terpenes and the non-decarboxylated cannabinoids. Second, this product uses a proprietary strain of cannabinoid that has actually been tested on cancer cell lines. And Third, they supplement the CBGa cannabinoid to standardize it up to 7mg per dose, something that I believe could be significant. Finally, they add in two other important ingredients, the first being Frankincense, an iconic material dating back to the biblical times and recently the topic of a ton of cancer research. The company’s work on Frankincense focused on a collaboration with Dr HK Lin, the iconic researcher who studied Frankincense as a supplement for cancer for more than a decade. Together they developed an approach that uses specific fractions of Frankincense that are the most beneficial, according to his research. Finally, a Nano molecule carrier, C60 has evidence to show that it could help significantly with low dose chemotherapy, reducing the rtoxicity of chemo to healthy cells and increasing the toxicity to unhealthy cells.
The Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 is a unique combination of Cryo Extracted Hemp, with Middle Eastern frankincense essential oils and the Nano C60 carrier, all in one tincture.
Some people may wish to stay with the previously recommended Forgotten Trails CBD from Pharmacy Plus at and they will continue to supply that as well.
Curcumin has always been part of my protocol, but even the product that I have previously recommended, Theracurmin HP, simply does not tackle the problem of absorption into the blood stream. You all know I have recommended Theracurmin for some time as being the best, most highly bioabsorbable Curcumin I had found. What I didn’t know about was Ultra Botanica’s LPS technology UltraCur (UltraCurcumin). Data shows better absorption above Theracurmin by at least 6X and their consumer experience proves this out. Their product by itself is a game changer in curcumin and I would have left it at that except the science behind Quercetin, an equally important polyphenolic compound as Curcumin also using their LPS technology to make it absorb into the body. Previously I had been reluctant to recommend Quercetin (also recommended by Jane McClelland and many others) as it had the same problem as Frankincense and Curcumin in absorption into the blood stream. Why take something that simply isn’t being utilized in the bloodstream? UB’s LPS technology solves that problem and they have added the convenience of taking them together with one product.
Specifically, Onco Adjunct Pathway 2 is a combination of 300 mg of Clinical Grade UltraCurcumin, 200 mg of Clinical grade UltraQuercetin and 100 mg of Frankincense powder.There is a lot I could share about the cellular pathways that Curcumin, Quercetin and Frankincense affect, I will leave that to another time.
None of you have heard me recommend Berberine up to this point, even though many researchers have recommended it. Much like Frankincense, Curcumin and Quercetin, Berberine also is not bio-available into the blood stream Something this company’s LPS technology solves. In evaluating the new curcumin and new hemp options I had the opportunity to take a fresh look at Berberine. As most people know, cancer cells are devourers of sugars / glucose in the body. In fact, cancer cells are glucose monsters. Jane McClelland and many cancer coaches strongly recommend starving your cancer cells by ketogenic diets, and Care Oncology recommends Metformin in its protocol for the same reason. For those of you that are serious about starving your cancer cells from glucose, adding in Pathway 3 to your regime could help. Berberine in its soluble LPS form modifies glucose metabolism in much the same way that Metformin modifies glucose metabolism. The scientists in India proved that Fenbendazole is effective in interrupting cancer cells' ability to metabolize sugars and I believe by adding in UltraBerberine as Onco-Adjunct Pathway 3 you further diminish the ability of cancer cells to devour glucose, weakening them and putting their survival at risk.
This is a new product that has been recently launched. It combines EGCG (Green Tea polyphenols), Resveratrol and Fisetin each of these ingredients is enabled with the company's LPS™ technology. They also added a very important ingredient which is a highly purified Beta gluicans that has the benefit of autophagy/apoptosis on senescent immune cells. This is especially important for the long haul when our immune system can become overtaxed and worn out.
You can learn more about ONCO Adjunct and order the products at the following Onco-Adjunct™ Product Page. The reason I am not linking the direct products here, but rather giving you a link to their page is due to FDA regulations. I need to make it clear that the information you’ll find on their site is fully compliant with the FDA regulations which prohibit them from saying specifically what the products can do that is cancer specific. Their manufacturing facility is an FDA cGMP facility held to the highest quality standards possible.
Please understand the company is not withholding information from you, but they’re saying what they can to stay in a safe haven with the FDA. The last thing we want is for these products to go away because of a violation.
Q & A Session, June 2024
Scientific Research
Please click the following link and print the report. Even if you are not a scientist, you will understand enough to be better educated as to what, why and how this works and why it is cancer agnostic
Click the Link above
==============PhD response=======================
“Basically, it follows pretty much the same line of investigation that we originally had when the summer started. In fact, we actually just started two different experiments this past Thursday and Friday with FZ. a. A hallmark of metastatic cancer is the lost ability to maintain appropriate cell-cell contacts. On Thursday we started an experiment on the establishment of cell-cell contacts to see if FZ has any effects on formation of contacts. If anything looks promising, we will move to trying similar experiments with several types of cancer cell lines. b. The second experiment is cooking over the weekend where we are looking at cell growth and the effect of FZ on proliferation. Interestingly, our discussion on follow-up experiments follow the same line of thought as the paper. The microtubule effect can be very confounding because any effect on the cytoskeleton will have secondary and tertiary effects elsewhere. For example, autophagy relies upon moving “cellular cargo” along microtubules and so no MT, no cargo movement, and crappy autophagy. So not surprising that the paper reports other effects — they almost all rely upon cargo movement of some sort.
That research report basically says that the cancer cell is being attacked from 3 different angles, the micro tubules required to sustain life and proliferate, the increase in the cancer killer gene P53 AND the negative effect on cell glucose metabolism, which is a requirement for cancer cells to thrive.
And I don’t have worms
The stories are now coming in too fast to chronicle all of them here but JUST in the past week, people having success with Ovarian, Breast, Colo-Rectal, Melanoma, Lung, Pancreatic and Liver Cancer have reported remarkable results….and as the above attached research suggests, this regimen SEEMS TO BE cancer agnostic.
Joe’s Reference
Another Shorthand Version of The Tippens Protocol
This is not approved by Joe Tippen, but I thought I would include it in the interest of being thorough. As noted above, Joe feels that vitamin E is the least important component.
Vitamin E. All eight forms of vitamin E, Tocotrienol and Tocopherol. Dose: 400-800 mg/day, 7 days/week). Some recommend Gamma E or Perfect E by Life Extension.
Curcumin. Bioavailable curcumin. Dose: 600 mg capsule, 2/day, 7 days/week. Some use Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics.
Vitamin D. Take with 30 gm fat, and with ivermectin, as both are fat-soluble. Dose: 62.5 mcg, or 2500 IU, 7 days/week.
CBD Oil. Hold under the tongue for 1-2 minutes, then swallow. Dose: 1-2 droppers under the tongue, 7 days/week. This equals 167 - 334 mg/day. Some recommend CBD-X, a potent and full spectrum, organic CBD oil with 5,000 mg activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG/serving.
Fenbendazole. An anti-parasitic. Dose: 300 mg, 6 days/week. For severe turbo cancer, take up to 1 gram six days/week.
Ivermectin. Anti-parasitic. Dose: 24 mg, 7 days/week. For severe turbo cancer, may take up to 1mg/kg/day. A 150-lb man at 70 kg = 70 mg/day.
No carbs or sugar. Cancer feeds on sugars and is optimized in an acidic environment. Eat vegetables! Juice them!
THANK YOU MARGARET! I have been asking God for a sign that I should follow this protocol despite it being cost- prohibitive for me on my disability income. Reading Joe's whole story here and having some important science right here, curated by you!, has been a wake- up call. I believe there will be a way for me to receive what is needed to assure that there will be no recurrance and that my mortality rate will be no different than that of the deadly tamoxifen route, which I am refusing. Meanwhile, I was recently gifted an important part of this protocol by my personal guardian angel.. who just happened to be coming through town with her husband. She has been with me for many years, providing me with unexpected gifts and love. For those of you kind enough to have read this far, I am asking for your prayers, that God's perfect will be done for me, if surviving and thriving are his will. Meanwhile, I'll also pledge Joe's 3 part perfect attitude for healing, detailed at the beginning of his story. My gratitude to Margaret and Joe! ❤️🙏💇♀️
I just read a post about someone who’s dealing with cancer and I’m going to pass this article on to them. Thanks so much. 💕