🚨 The Monkeypox "Vaccine" Can Kill Unvaccinated People Who Are Exposed to the Vaccinated, as well as A Pregnant Woman's Baby
The Live Vaccinia Virus Can Be Shed Through Pustules That Form, Until They are Scabbed. May Be Transmitted to Pregnant Women, Who May then Lose their Baby
Both the FDA and the Austraian package insert information cite the same adverse event of death that can be caused by the mPox vaccine, a live viccinia virus. And if you don’t believe in viruses, let’s just call it a “virus thing” that can be imaginary or man-made - but still causes damage, illness, and death.
Note that the FDA admits “the risks in contacts are the same as those for the vaccinee”:
Source: https://www.fda.gov/media/75792/download
Section 5.1, page 10:
“Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.”
This is listed in Section 4.4, Page 6 of Australia’s package insert on the smallpox vaccine:
Source: Article: https://expose-news.com/2024/09/24/mpox-vaccine-can-kill-the-unvaccinated/ and the Australian Document: https://www.emergentbiosolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ACAM2000-Product-Information.pdf
Thank you to one of my readers who alerted me to this subject.
InfoWars, Maria Zeee, Zeee Media, and The Exposé
InfoWars broke the story on September 18, 2024. Maria Zeee and Zeee Media broke the story on September 20, 2024 and the Exposé followed up on September 24, 2024.
On August 29 the FDA approved for use in the U.S. a vaccine [ACAM2000] for Monkeypox. While the injection is actually a Smallpox vaccine initially approved in 2007, this new approval allows the shot to be injected into those at ‘high risk’ for the Monkeypox disease, such as those in the LGBTQIAAP2S+ community. It carries with it serious side effect risks, including death to those who have contact with the vaccinated.
“…the FDA approved a new indication for ACAM2000 [the vaccine], to include the prevention of mpox disease in individuals determined to be at high risk for mpox infection. ACAM2000 has been approved since 2007 for the prevention of smallpox disease in individuals determined to be at high risk for smallpox infection. ACAM2000 is a live replicating vaccinia virus vaccine,” an FDA press release said on August 30.
The medication guide found on the FDA’s website for the vaccine lists numerous serious side effects on page 1.
While many of the side effects are similar to that of the Covid exotic technology injections, perhaps the most alarming sentence of the medication guide is that these serious side effects can afflict those who come into close contact with a Monkeypox-vaccinated individual.
“[The vaccine] can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread,” the medication guide said on page 1.
The package insert for the Monkeypox vaccine also includes the proviso of serious side effects for those shed upon by the vaccinated.
Importantly, that piece of literature goes so far as to state that the same specific serious side effects can be spread via shedding,
“[The vaccine] is a live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those stated for vaccinees,” the package insert said on page 1 in the ‘Warnings and Precautions’ section.
While that section only mentioned fetal death as a side effect, the initial ‘Serious Complications’ section of the package insert, found on page 1, does mention death as a side effect of the Monkeypox vaccine, implying that those who have contact with a Monkeypox-vaccinated individual may die.
An unusual direction is given in section 2.4 ‘Vaccine Administration’ on page 4 of the package insert. Cleaning the vaccination site (the upper arm) with an alcohol wipe is advised against, unless the arm is dirty. This likely sounds bizarre by anyone who’s gotten vaccines before, however it’s stated that the residual alcohol can deactivate the live viruses of the injection.
“No skin preparation should be performed unless the skin at the intended site of vaccination is obviously dirty, in which case an alcohol swab(s) may be used to clean the area. If alcohol is used, the skin must be allowed to dry thoroughly to prevent inactivation of the live vaccine virus by the alcohol,” the package insert said in the ‘Vaccine Administration’ section on page 4.
Post-vaccine care also differs from most other vaccines, as a usual bandaid over the injection site is not called for, but rather gauze.
“Ensure each vaccine recipient has the FDA-approved Medication Guide, which includes instructions for care of the vaccination site. Cover vaccination site with gauze and secure it loosely with first aid adhesive tape. The gauze provides a barrier to protect against spread of the vaccinia virus. If the vaccinee is involved in direct patient care, the gauze may be covered with a semipermeable (semi-occlusive) dressing as an additional barrier. A semipermeable dressing is one that allows for the passage of air but does not allow for the passage of fluids. Do not use a bandage that blocks air from the vaccination site. This may cause the skin at the vaccination site to soften and wear away,” the package insert said in the ‘Care of the Vaccination Site’ section on page 5.
These differentiating factors with vaccine administration stem from the fact that the Monkeypox vaccine is also administered in a different way than most other vaccines.
“[The vaccine] is given ‘percutaneously.’ Your healthcare provider will make 15 pokes in the skin of
your upper arm with a two-prong needle holding a small drop of [the vaccine]. The pokes are not
deep but will cause a drop of blood to form. Where the 15 pokes are made is called the
vaccination site,” the medication guide said on page 2.Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. reported in The Defender on Tuesday that the Monkeypox vaccine manufacturer is tied to biochemical warfare threats.
“ACAM2000 — made by Emergent BioSolutions, a company specializing in vaccines for biochemical warfare threats such as anthrax and smallpox,” Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. reported in The Defender on Tuesday.
The Monkeypox vaccine, like the smallpox vaccine, is considered ‘effective’ when development of a major cutaneous reaction (characterized by a pustule) at the site of inoculation occurs.
“In an individual vaccinated for the first time (primary vaccination; vaccinia-naïve), the expected response to vaccination is the development of a major cutaneous reaction (characterized by a pustule) at the site of inoculation. The lesion evolves gradually, with appearance of a papule at the site of vaccination after 2-5 days. The papule becomes vesicular surrounded by a red areola, then pustular, and reaches its maximum size at 8-10 days after vaccination; the pustule dries and forms a scab (See Figure 1). In primary vaccinees, scab separation and re-epithelialization occurs 3-6 weeks after vaccination, leaving a pitted scar. Formation of a major cutaneous reaction by day 6-11 is evidence of a successful ‘take’ and acquisition of protective immunity. An equivocal reaction is any reaction that is not a major reaction,” the package insert said in section ‘Interpreting Vaccination Response’ on page 5 and 6.
Images of the pustule are included on pages 7 and 8 of the package insert.
Dr. Peter McCullough wrote on his Substack that Monkeypox is a disease that primarily affects the butts of gay men.
“President Biden and HHS Secretary Becerra declared a US Monkeypox Public Health Emergency in 2022 and let the declaration expire early in 2023. The crisis conjured up little fear for the average American as it was learned that the infection was largely a pustular rash that occurred with intense sexual contact among gay/bisexual men with the skin blisters around the anus and buttocks or mouth,” McCullough said on his Substack on August 18. “A report by Kannan et al, indicated that what happened in 2022 almost certainly occurred because of a gain-of-function mutation in one or more genes within the Monkeypox virus.”
The gay-butt Monkeypox hysteria has led some on social media to produce satirical memes.
The name Monkeypox has undergone a social justice rebranding to ‘Mpox’ in order to omit the word ‘Monkey’ as that was said to offend the black people.
Source: https://www.infowars.com/posts/fda-approves-monkypox-vaccine-says-it-may-cause-death-in-the-vaccinated-and-people-they-come-in-contact-with
In a court-ordered action, Infowars will be liquidated and auctioned off to pay the Sandy Hook Families. NOT to worry - there are groups of advocates who will bid in the auction in the hopes of giving it back to Alex Jones.
Dr. Rima E. Laibow shared with Maria Zeee that the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) approved monkeypox (mpox) vaccine called ACAM2000 has a package insert warning that people who receive the injection can cause death to unvaccinated people around them.
Under the heading ‘Warnings and Precautions’ and the subheading ‘Serious Complications’, the package insert states: “Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.”
This alarming information was shared during an interview with Maria Zeee last week.
Sharing Dr. Laibow’s interview, retired Australian pharmacologist Philip Altman demonstrates that the product information issued by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration includes the same ‘serious complication’ as the FDA. “Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.”
Australian Approved Vaccine Which Kills The Unvaccinated
A vaccine for smallpox called ACAM2000 (and now TGA recommended for monkeypox) which was approved in Australia in 2009, can cause death to the unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated. I’ve never heard of such a thing before – not ever!
Given that Australia is right now preparing to give the UN and the WHO the right to force everybody to get any vaccine they designate (the so-called WHO Pandemic Treaty with powers to enforce lockdowns, travel restrictions, locking of bank accounts, forced detention in camps etc) upon the direction of only one unelected person (General Secretary of the UN) this should be terrifying to everyone reading this.
The officially approved use reads [emphasis added]: ““ACAM2000 is indicated for active immunisation against smallpox disease for persons determined to be at high risk for smallpox infection in an officially declared outbreak.” These last 3 words are critically important.
It is the UN who can declare an “officially declared outbreak”! Our government may give the UN the legal authority to force you to receive the monkeypox vaccine ACAM2000 if the UN declares an official outbreak.
It gets worse. With the newly introduced digital identity laws and impending misinformation and disinformation legislation, anyone attempting to warn of the dangers of these potentially lethal injections will be censored and most of the population will be totally unaware that they have been targeted for harm by their own government. The mainstream [corporate] corrupted news media will be instrumental in spreading fear propaganda again as they did (and continue to do) with covid.
If you don’t believe that ACAM2000 can kill the unvaccinated, I attach below the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) officially Product Information (“PI”) which was first approved on 26 August 2009 and revised on 17 June 2020.
The PI states: “Death [in the vaccinated] is most often the result of sudden cardiac death, postvaccinial encephalitis, progressive vaccinia, or eczema vaccinatum. Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts [bolding added for emphasis] accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.”
The Australian TGA has also issued this information (Click HERE, updated 1 August 2024, and follow the hyperlink contained in the words ‘consumer information’ under the subheading ‘ACAM2000™ vaccine’): “The Australian Sponsor of ACAM2000 is Emergent Sales and Marketing Australia Pty Ltd – 74 Pitt St Sydney suite 303.”
The “Sponsor” is the legal entity responsible for the product. I’ve never heard of them. They don’t look like a vaccine company or a pharmaceutical to me. Are they a front company for something?
This is the same terrifying wording in the officially approved US FDA-approved Package Insert (see below).
Here are the officially approved words describing the potential adverse consequences of ACAM2000 vaccination for anyone interested in getting injected:
Serious complications that may follow either primary live vaccinia smallpox vaccination or revaccination include: myocarditis and/or pericarditis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome) eczema vaccinatum, blindness, and foetal death in pregnant women.
A Maria Zeee interview with Dr. Rima Laibow MD fully describes the background and dangers:
It is now apparent to many that Australia must GET OUT OF THE UN COMPLETELY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Write and call your Member of Parliament to express your concern. These unelected UN bureaucrats (and their shady globalist masters who are above any law and cannot be prosecuted for any crimes) are very close to taking away our freedoms and even our lives. The secret UN draft plans to effectively take over world control are ongoing right now in New York but the corporate media will not even tell you this is happening.
Source: https://expose-news.com/2024/09/24/mpox-vaccine-can-kill-the-unvaccinated/
They think we’re stupid.
We will stay informed, we will continue to shine the light on the darkness, and we will not be deterred.
I must pause here to Thank You for supporting my efforts. I am a solo writer, with no administrative help whatsoever - but I do count on you to keep me advised on articles you think I should write on, as is the case on this subject!
Thank you for being my eyes and ears. And if you can’t be a paid subscriber, you can contribute by sharing, sending me links, commenting, sending me a personal message, and offering your encouragement, insight, and feedback. It is so much appreciated!
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Father God, Most Holy One Above All,
Thank you for bringing us together across different cities and nations. We pray for those getting or forced to get the monkeypox vaccine - help them, stop deaths, and intervene especially for any exposed pregnant women. Protect their babies, dear Lord and Giver of Life!
We also pray for Alex Jones, that You turn what is meant for evil into good, Dear Father of All Ages! Help good people win the auction so he may continue Your work with more drive than ever. Help him bring more in to Your Kingdom.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus.
Thank you for reading my writings!
Indiana had a case of vaccinia naive aka small pox. A service member came home on leave after getting the small pox vaccine. His wife then acquired small pox. A field epi who had the vaccine had to go into their apartment and clean with A PAPR (air purifying respirator). Watch “Contagion.” You will see what they had to wear. Level 4 personal protective equipment.
Outrageous. I call for a six-week voluntary quarantine for vaccine recipients. And they need to have a written plan of how to avoid shedding to others if they choose not to quarantine.