Addendum 1/13/25 at 6:30 am PST: Ed is on the Tippens Protocol with ivermectin and fenbendazole. Also the Gerson Therapy protocol with no processed food, no sugar, lots of Pau D’Arco tea, and everything homemade, including that I make sourdough bread and jam:) Thank you for your prayers!!
We believe in miracles! Stand with us in FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE as we believe God for a HUGE MIRACLE tomorrow morning when we expect Ed’s bladder cancer to be GONE!
Can God do it?
He’s done it before!!
While this clinic was closed by the government, WE SEE THE BLADDER TUMOR DISAPPEAR!
It God can do this for one person, He can do it for Ed!
Ed has had bladder tumors twice before, and this is the third time. He had chemo years ago, then some small areas of tumor taken out.
A few weeks ago, I went with him and was in the room when the cystoscopy was performed.
Cystoscopy. They go in through the penis with a camera, and look all inside the bladder. I could see a small area of tumor at the base and agaian at the dome of the bladder, and a third on the junction between the ureter and bladder.
The left ureter is affected with tumor, and the camera can’t go up it ti visualize it and the left kidney.
Laparoscopy with Left Nephrectomy. Ed is scheduled for general anesthesia wherein they go in with the camera scope again, and look at the area that connects to the bladder. If it has tumor, the surgeon will snip it out and then reconnect it to the bladder. Then he looks all the way up to the left kidney.
If the kidney is full of tumor, he will remove it. And people can live just fine with one kidney.
And We Pray…
Join me in Prayer!
Holy Father,
Gracious Lord of All Creation, thank You for answering our prayers. Thank you for the miracles we anticipate, the healing we already have, and the IT IS DONE faith we have in You and You Alone!
Lead the surgeon’s hands, SURPRISE HIM with the NOTHINGNESS of normal tissue, and let the surgery be OVER in no time!
Bless us, watch over us, lead us in all of Your Ways. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.
We will pray for his full recovery, fast and without complications of any kind.