TRANSCRIPT: “Rebecca Charles, ‘Danielle’s Mom’, Describes Her Child’s Harrowing Medical Murder” by Dr. Naomi Wolf
An Interview to Remember: No reason for admission, forced to lay down in bed without sitting up, forced to use a bed pan and not walk to the restroom, oversedated time and time again with more drugs.
This transcript is taken from Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Interview with Rebecca Charles:
The Transcript
This is the transcript from Dr. Naomi Wolf’s interview, above. Please note I left typos unchanged, as this was probably AI-generated.
Hey everyone, it's Naomi Wolf of Daily Cloud and I'm joined today, this is a very sad story indeed, I'm joined today by Rebecca Charles, also known as Danielle's mom. Welcome, Ms. Charles.
Thank you so much for having me, Naomi.
Of course. So Rebecca Charles was in the interior design industry and living in the New York area for many decades. She moved to Florida after her daughter's passing, and we're here to talk about her daughter and the story of how her beautiful, perfect daughter So with that, I'm just going to hand it over to you, Ms.
Charles, to tell the story.
Thank you, Naomi. I would start with at birth. I was a very healthy young woman, planned my pregnancy, bought the teacher baby to read cards before she was even born. And the tragedy of my daughter's life started in the hospital when they delayed her birth and she lost oxygen, a health trial.
I took care of her and managed everything and did everything to make her wonderful and healthy and gluten free, sugar free, very strong, very strong, rarely ever sick. And she volunteered for eight years at Sunrise Assisted Living. She loved her job serving the elderly until 2021. When how old was she at that time?
Was she 28 years old at that time? Twenty eight. Twenty eight years old. And one of her workers took her to every week she goes to chiropractic and acupuncture and um at the acupuncturist the worker said that she had a fever and she tested
positive the next day for covid you know covid flu whatever you want to call it at this point and um that was wednesday on thursday daniel started the co-op now mind you 2021 uh ms charles if you just slow down a little bit so we can I'll follow this very sad story.
2020, when this happened, Danielle did not get sick. None of us got sick. 2021, just after her birthday on August 5th was her last birthday we had with her. And that's when her worker got sick and Danielle started to cough two days later. We treated her at home. With all the medication that we had, you know,
the Z-Pak, high flow, you know, everything that we had, we treated her. She was better. But she had this cough that I never heard of. I never heard my child cough like that. And it was all night long.
What was it like? Was it like a bronchial cough or a? Dry cough?
Like a dry cough. You know, coughing, coughing, coughing. And this worried me. And I wish if I never, ever, ever saw a pulse ox. Saw? A pulse ox. Yeah. They said that check the pulse ox. Everybody's checked the pulse ox. And everyone I know right now had checked the pulse ox and ended up taking their
loved one to the hospital. Her pulse ox was 87 and I give her a nebulizer and it went right back up to 95 then
in the next week Sorry to keep interrupting had she had asthma. Is that why she had?
No We bought it because I said if you ever get sick at home to use a pulse ox, so that's I mean Nebulizer why did she have a nebulizer? I? We just bought it within a couple months of, you know, people getting sick. That was the thing to use.
They were all talking on the alternative media, have a nebulize if you have any problems. So we had the nebulize on hand, Danielle.
I'm sorry to keep jumping in. Forgive me. nebulizer with what in it i'm familiar with nebulizers don't you need to put some
sort of medicine in it well we only use a saline solution we didn't have any medicine to put i know that we're talking about putting other drugs we got that later on for ourselves um so it was just a saline it was just a regular nebulizer no medication no prescription and she went back up
Now, I was so worried because my daughter is never sick. I call my neighbor, who is a doctor, and he knows that hospital, Northwell Health, Glencoe Hospital. He's affiliated with it when he was young.
On Long Island?
Glencoe on Long Island? On Long Island, New York. Northwell Health is one of the largest hospital systems in New York. And he said, OK, I'll call you all in. So I'm thinking I'm protected. I know a couple of nurses there. One of the girls who worked with my daughter, her mom is also a respiratory therapist there.
No one warned us. No one warned us what might happen. So Danielle went in. And as you see from the video, all normal blood count, normal oxygen, normal heart rate, normal blood pressure, no fever. And the doctor told me she had pneumonia. And that scared me.
Based on what did the doctor say she had pneumonia? Based on the cough?
An x-ray. An x-ray. And then they did a PCR test and they said she had COVID pneumonia.
Pardon me. I'm so sorry. You'll just have to let me interrupt from time to time. I don't mean to be rude. I'm just trying to follow. It's a complicated story already. Do PCR tests identify COVID pneumonia? They just identify COVID.
We know now the PCR test, you could stick it in a Sprite can and it's positive.
Literally, I've never heard of a doctor saying the PCR test identified COVID pneumonia. That's new to me. But please keep going. I'm listening.
Well, that's what they told me. But now in the medical records, they admitted her for sepsis and hypoxia, which was fraud. So the fraudulent...
They didn't tell you she had sepsis and hypoxia?
Good God. Go ahead. I'm listening.
So she didn't have sepsis or, sepsis is a hospital acquired disease, you know. I know.
I had sepsis from a hospital last summer. It's horrible. So they said she had sepsis when she arrived at the hospital. but she couldn't have had it because it's hospital acquired? Is that, okay, go ahead.
Well, no, but they didn't tell me. So in order to build insurance and in order to admit her, because she was not admittable, she had no reason to be admitted. Just give her some medication and send her home. There was no reason to admit Danielle. So right away, the fraud started.
and and they after that we got a room that night and um they start giving her they give her they started remdesivir in the er without telling me that they were given her remdesivir oh my gosh so so now i know that pneumonia could be treated and
healed without telling you they gave her remdesivir they did not and i am her guardian i am her guardian that's so illegal yes
Oh my gosh, please go on. I'm listening.
So they went on with the Remdesivir and they started to give her other drugs. And I have the list of all the drugs.
Could you read the list to us if you have it handy?
Yeah, she has.
People are going through these kinds of things.
Yeah, well, they started her on the first day was Remdesivir. Remdesivir she got for 10 days, 10 rounds of Remdesivir.
Sorry, how much Remdesivir each dose? A dose for 10 days?
A hundred milligrams from this severe. A hundred milligrams.
Go ahead. Keep talking.
Yeah. And excited her on, let me just get my papers in order. So what they would do is they would start to give, but then they give her Toxilabine, Toximabine.
That's another EAU drug. I think that's $20,000 a pop. Wow. And this was $3,500 a pop.
Did you say they gave her 100 milligrams or micrograms?
Oh, sorry. 100 micrograms.
All right.
All right. That's stupid. Sorry, the first day was 200 micrograms. The second time was 100 micrograms. Tuxizabum was 450 micrograms. Then they gave her lorazepam.
Sorry to jump. I'll stop. Apologies.
Go ahead. Go ahead. Talked to Grace's dad. Yes. Yes. I'm familiar with Grace's dad. We are friends now after what happened.
So sorry for both of you. I believe that his daughter also, Lorazepam is a big sedative, right?
Yes. Yes.
I think his daughter got a big sedative too. Anyway, please keep going. They sedated your daughter and gave her something that damages kidney function. Yes. But please go on. I'm listening.
So I was with her, and my husband would bring us food and clothing while she was in the room, and they would accept it.
How was she feeling at that point? Was she conscious? Was she comfortable?
Well, before the relapse, she was conscious. You know, we were talking. She was scared, and we would sing her song, her favorite songs, and she was very scared. I mean, she was scared to be in the hospital.
Was she scared because they said she had COVID, or what were they?
She didn't know. she just was scared she's never been out of the house without you know in a hospital this is sex from when she was born and the next time was when they kill her was in a hospital my daughter was never in a hospital and so they never said
when you have pneumonia we'll get up and walk sit up notice that she has to remain on the bed she has what yes yes my daughter was not allowed to sit up my daughter was not allowed to walk they
thought that she had so i'm very familiar with lung issues they thought she had like mucus or fluid in her lungs and they didn't pound her on the back they didn't turn her over they didn't have her walking none of that they didn't try to get her
to expectorate no because in the er examination the lungs were clear there was no wrong kind no noise no reason it's all in a medical report Her lungs was clear.
Even if her diagnosis was pneumonia, you have to treat pneumonia by getting the stuff out of the lungs. Yes. Good God. Sorry?
She had no stuff to get out the lungs because it was not clear.
I mean, this is just all so bizarre because even if she didn't have pneumonia, but they said in the records she had pneumonia, they're not treating her the way you treat someone with pneumonia. Please keep going. Okay.
so on this was friday saturday sunday morning i asked could i see a specialist i mean we're still in here and you said just a couple days and we'll be out and no one else is coming just in this coming given the iv so on monday the ventilator
maestro that's what they call him came in he calls everybody knows him as a ventilator maestro on the covert killing floor he came in And he didn't even say, oh, mom, don't worry. Not a happy face. Nothing. Just a solemn face. Sit down. OK, so I sat down. We need to move her to the ICU. Why?
We're going to observe her better in the ICU. So now I realize you wanted to observe how much poison to take out my child life. So they brought it into the ICU. We both went in. And now Daniel was sick for a week and I wasn't sick.
Ms. Charles, what did this specialist, the ventilator maestro, say to you? And what was his profession, right? There isn't such specialty as a ventilator maestro, obviously. Was he a pulmonologist?
Pulmonologist, DO. DO pulmonologist.
Okay. And so what reason did he give you ostensibly for needing to move Danielle into the ICU, intensive care unit.
Observation. Because she wasn't getting better, because what did they say about her condition?
Nothing. He just said, you know, we just have a small window on this door, but in the ICU we have glass and we could see everything.
So I'm thinking, okay. I think really weird reason is, to give for moving anyone. You just open the door and take a look at the patient. So weird. Go ahead. Everything's weird about this.
Yeah. So on Monday afternoon, when they took us in, they covered us up, covered her up, you know, at all the gongs and everything. And again, my doctor, my neighbor who knows us, who's very close to us, was calling every day to find out how Danielle was doing.
So I knew I had people there looking out for me, but they were lying to my neighbor. They were lying to him and saying she's really bad. She's really bad. She's really sick. She needs to get into ICU right away. So they were under the impression that these doctors were speaking the truth.
So after we went into the ICU, they took off her pajamas and they said she has to wear a gown and she has to use the bedpan. Now, my daughter is very independent. She started to cry. I said, why does she have to use a bedpan? No, she cannot move. She cannot move. She cannot move.
So they forced Danielle to use the bed pad. What reason did they give you that she couldn't move? They keep saying, oh, it's the lungs, it's COVID, it's so bad. But now I knew it was all a lie because my daughter was talking and eating. That night she had lamb chops in the hospital.
Twice she had my serving. She was eating well. Even when she was on remdesivir, she was still eating because Danielle is very healthy.
So she was eating, she was drinking, she was talking. Was she making sense? Was she conscious? Very conscious.
Mommy, I want to go home. Mommy, I want to go home. I don't want to be here. Mommy, I want to go home. And I'm like, no, baby, we're going to go home just now. You know, just bear with it. You know, I really taught they were helping her. Of course you did.
On Wednesday, I started to get really sick. Really sick.
You did. You started to get sick.
Yeah. Yeah. So now I was home with Daniel, treating Daniel. I never got sick. My husband never got sick. On Wednesday, I got sick in the hospital. Really bad the night before.
What were your symptoms?
Chills, fever, like a flu. Like a flu. I had a flu in my 20s. And that's the only time I ever had a flu. And then I got sick in 2021. Right. They told, I asked them, I said, now she's asleep. Could I just, it's like 5.30 in the morning. I said, could I just run home?
I'm eight minutes away. I'll shower and come back. Oh yes, you could do that. Yeah, go ahead, go ahead. So I took up all her dirty clothes while she's asleep, hoping that I'm going to be back in like an hour. They called the house and said, I cannot come back unless I have a negative COVID test.
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It's time to find those alternative health care communities that actually do care about your future. Yes.
Oh, my God. So she's all alone.
She's all alone. So I sent one of the girls I sent with balloons and I sent flowers and I sent her iPod. The head of the hospital and the head floor said she cannot receive anything. I said, wait, but she just, my husband was bringing us food and bringing us clothes. No, she couldn't receive anything from outside.
So I heard that my child ripped everything off of her and she fell down. She wanted to go home and they fought me. They fought me. No, I can't see her. I can't talk to her. Your husband will see her. My husband got sick at that time.
Also sick. So both of you had COVID.
Both of us were sick at that time and they wouldn't let none of us go into the hospital. I tried to hide.
And they wouldn't let a member of your family or a friend who wasn't sick go see her? No, no, no.
You had to have a negative COVID test.
But I'm asking something different. And I know this is very emotional and I'm sorry to you know, drill down into these questions, I just really, I mean, that's what we're here for, right? So take all the time you need. If you need to cry, you should cry. If you need to just take a breath, take a breath.
I understand sort of the hospital saying if you and your husband have COVID, you can't come see her, although they don't have the right to make those determinations. But I don't understand why they wouldn't let a representative or a family friend or a grandparent,
or a friend with your permission who doesn't have COVID come see your daughter and check on her?
It was only my husband and myself. My in-laws, you know, my family don't live here. My in-laws, they didn't want to go. Everybody was scared of COVID. So I couldn't get anyone to go. I tried to hire a nurse to go and then she couldn't go. So people were really scared.
Why couldn't she go?
She got into an accident. I paid her before and then she got into an accident. So it's very bizarre what took place. It's very bizarre. I'm calling on Thursday night. Where are you? Where are you? And the law says anybody with special needs or disability should never be left alone by law.
They left my daughter alone Wednesday, Thursday. They called me and said, we have to restrain Danielle. I said, what do you mean you have to restrain? She's pulling everything out.
Sorry, one question. Do you feel that your daughter had special needs or disabilities?
My daughter had special needs from being damaged at birth. She was developmentally delayed.
So like Grace, who also was a special needs young lady, your daughter also was developmentally delayed. This is giving me chills that the similarities between what happened to Danielle and what happened to Grace are overwhelming. And so you hired a nurse. I just want to say, mom, you were doing everything right, right?
I mean, I'm trying not to break down to talking to you, but I just like just listening. You moved every stone. You left no stone unturned. You tried to go. Your husband tried to go. They wouldn't let anyone in that everyone was scared of COVID, which is another criminal thing. And then you hired a nurse to go
be your proxy and the nurse got into an accident. What kind of accident did the nurse get into?
A fender bender and I spoke to the police. I said, he said, well, they have to take the car because it was an accident. So it was just chaos. I mean, I'm sick and I'm hearing this and thinking, okay, at least I know people in the hospital who know my child.
At least I know that nothing will happen because people know us, right? We live eight minutes away. Danielle was known as the little Lucas Valley mayor because everybody knew her. She was so friendly. Everybody knew my daughter. And they called me on Thursday and said, we have to restrain her. And I said, what do you mean?
Because we tell her stop taking the oxygen off. So they restrained her. One second. Was Danielle an intern at that hospital? Is that how they knew her? No, the people who worked at that hospital also worked with my daughter as assistants, job coach. So that's how everybody knew Danielle.
So this was a child or young lady that was known. to some of the people in this hospital as a family friend, really. Yes. Go ahead, Ms. Charles.
And they restrained her to the bed because they said she keep pulling out the oxygen and she's pulling out the IV. Well, my daughter want to be at home. She want her mom. She's scared. She's afraid. The biggest thing my daughter ever feared was being alone. Mommy don't leave me all her life. Mommy don't leave me.
So Daniel was never, ever, ever alone. And this doctor, Started her on lorazepam when I wasn't there. More fentanyl. Presidex. He started on Presidex. What is that? It's to prepare you to go onto the ventilator. Oh, my God. He wasn't even on the ventilator. And he started on Presidex, lorazepam, Ativan, and my ex-husband. Lorazepam and Ativan?
Two gigantic sedatives? Yeah. Equalizers? Yeah. Good God. Go ahead. Now, midazolam too. She also got midazolam. Yep. Yep. So they inject the lorazepam in the vein. And on the 2nd of September, the 4th is when she went on the ventilator. So they were already prepping her. And they didn't give her food or water or anything like that.
Nothing. Because we heard that they were not giving her. And in the medical records, it showed that she was malnourished. I mean, I could vomit when I heard my daughter was malnourished. My daughter eats so well. How could she go into the hospital? and come on, I'll nourish, you know. So my ex-husband came.
How many days did they not give her food or water? Well, when I was there, I was feeding her. So I left on Wednesday early morning, and my ex-husband came Saturday morning early. And the night before, the ventilator maestro, Ramanu, was telling my neighbor she needs to go on the vent.
My daughter needs to go on the ventilator to tell the family because I kept refusing it. I say, no, no way she's going on the vent. on saturday morning when my ex-husband was there he called again and he says she needs to go on the ventilator only for a little while only for a little while and
um i said if this was your daughter would you put her on the ventilator and he said yes he told me yes and with him saying yes i says okay go ahead and i wish to god i never did My daughter had normal oxygen at that time because my ex-husband has a video where
she was talking to me, and I can't look at that video. I cannot look at that video. It's the last video of Danielle talking. And they put her on the ventilator, and then they started. Now with the overdosing. Overdosing fentanyl. Fentanyl IV and fentanyl statinol. And no reason.
Are you saying a fentanyl IV, like fentanyl is a drug that kills people? Yes, yes. They're injecting it into her veins? So they give her the IV while she's on the IV. They give her statinol. So I had the nurse read the records to explain to me what they did. She had nightmares after she read it.
She couldn't believe what they were doing to Danielle. Propofol, midazolam, fentanyl, castaricum, I can't pronounce it, sorry. Midazolam, statinol. So that wasn't enough. What's statinol? Did she explain to you what statinol is? Statinol means inject her now. I get it. I have the reasons for pain. How could she have pain when she's in a coma?
So that was the reason they were giving, and sometimes just no reason. They overdose her on Tylenol IV, acetaminophen. Is that what you call it?
And they waited for three days before they give her the antidote. Three days. So this was malicious. This was deliberate. So this wasn't all the fentanyl she got. Fentanyl patches supposed to be one every 72 hours. They did two fentanyl patches a day on my daughter.
Oh, my God.
Two fentanyl patches.
They were just killing your daughter day by day. They were working up the murder of your daughter.
Yes, yes. So when I was at home, I hired Ralph Larengo to get a court order for ivermectin. He was able to get the court order on Friday before I came back. My neighbor, the doctor's wife, delivered the court order to the hospital because I know the hospital administrator and she has to get ivermectin now.
I called that night, oh, it's in the legal department. Saturday morning, I called to see if she got the ivermectin. The nurse said it doesn't work. And then the talk in the hospital was.
It doesn't work?
Yeah, that's what the nurse said. It doesn't matter. She was ordered to give it.
So the talk in the hospital was I want to give my daughter horse medicine. Too bad. Yeah. Yep. So on Monday, I went back. And, you know, they'll kick me out any time again. When I went back on Monday, they said to me, after I saw Danielle, I couldn't believe it was my daughter.
She was turned upside down. She was swollen. What do you mean turned upside down? She was on a proning position. Oh, my God. And her head was bruised. Wait, what? She was on a proning position and what? Her head was bruised.
You should tell Danielle. She fell down. Oh, my God.
Yeah. And she was swollen.
She was swollen. And with a bruised head and ostensibly lung issues, they've put this young lady in a prone position. Yeah. How was she breathing?
I don't know. I don't know. Now I found out that the ventilator was on high settings most of the time. They did it on high settings. And I'll tell you more. They tortured your daughter to death. They tortured her. They tortured her. They tortured her. She was so healthy.
That's why she lasted 40 days, 32 days in a ventilator, 32 days in a ventilator.
They kept the child for 32 days on a ventilator? Yes.
And you weren't able to get in there and stop them? I finally went in after the 10 days I was cleared with negative tests. And she's supposed to be getting the ivermectin. The doctor called me in and said, I need to see this. Her liver enzyme is going up because of the ivermectin. We need to stop it.
Were they lying to you?
Yes. And I said to them, now I know about Remdesivir. I said to them, Remdesivir does that. It didn't say anything. On the fourth floor, I was outside the nurse's station. No one said anything. So what am I supposed to do? Say, no, don't stop it and get kicked out of the hospital again?
Or say... Okay, knowing that my daughter is very healthy and she's going to come out, it is. Two days later, I came back. I came back every day from 12 to 6. That's the time they will allot me. Was she still on a ventilator this whole time? Yes.
I never got to see my daughter again alive talking to me. She couldn't talk to you. She was comatose. She was paralyzed with a Presidex. Now, if you heard Scott say Presidex only supposed to be given for 24 hours, my daughter was given Presidex almost every day. almost every day. Why would you do that?
She's 28 years old. She's healthy. And I came in the next day and they told me, oh, I need to talk to you. What happened? The right ventricle of her heart is damaged. I'm like, I just put it out my head because this was too far to even believe.
How could I say, okay, they don't know what they're talking about. She's healthy. I just not going to listen to this. And knowing now with the medical records, it damaged the right side of her heart. And they never called in a cardiac consult.
How could they have damaged the right side of her heart? Do any of those medications damage your heart?
Yes. Overdose of the medication. Overdose of them because they were overdosing her. And the ventilator maestro gave her, ordered a heart medication for her. He's not even a cardiologist. And he ordered catalaric and another drug and meds. They were just like experimenting, seeing how long they could kill her,
seeing how much drugs it would take to kill her. My daughter never was on drugs. She had no pre-medical condition. She was accepting for thyroid. She took thyroid medication and she takes 25 vitamins a day. She loved her vitamins. So she's so healthy and strong.
Next time I came in, he came to me and said, I have nightmares about your daughter. What are you telling me?
The ventilator maestro came in and told... young lady's mother that he's having nightmares about her daughter. Mrs. Charles, this sounds like a horror film.
This is a horror film, and I hope to God, I hope to God that more people would hear the truth what happened. I really hope to God more people would hear because I am not the only one. I fought for my daughter. That's why I was there to witness what they were doing.
What about the people who wasn't even there? How could you look at a child crying? And my daughter is such a loving girl. She was probably telling all of them, I love you. I love you. Come back. I love you. I love you. Come back.
You're begging them to come back in the room because she doesn't want to be alone. She doesn't want to be alone. So this went on and on. And then he said to me, okay, you know, October 6th, October 9th was my birthday. And I keep on saying, I want my daughter home by the 9th.
Could you take off the ventilator?
Hey everyone, here at Outspoken and on Daily Cloud, we delve into the intersection of politics, finance, health, and personal freedom. We never take anything at face value, and especially not from the establishment media or the establishment healthcare or banking cartels. Recently, I've discussed the impact of political upheaval on our financial markets worldwide,
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sent you welcome Dr Elliot he told me okay we're going to take the the ventilator oh we're going to put the tracheotomy that's the one to breathe through through it it's okay I agreed to it um 24 hours later they said oh she opened her eyes but I'm not seeing Danielle wait Miss Charles
Why did the ventilator maestro say your daughter was giving him nightmares? What did he mean by that?
And now I know his conscience probably was pricking him that he was killing my child.
I hope he's haunted for the rest of his life, not by your daughter, by his conscience. I mean, what, what did he say he meant? Like, but that's a weird thing to say to a parent.
I couldn't ask.
Did you say, what do you mean? Or I don't understand. I was just shocked by the statement. Right. I was so shocked. You moved on to other things.
Yeah. That's when he came into the ICU room for a few minutes to tell me that and then walked away. And I was just like, oh, what do you say? What do you mean? Like, what do I say?
Now we know what he means. He had probably gotten direction to let your daughter die or to murder your daughter.
oh he was he was involved from the moment she went into the hospital because on the record show he was one of the doctors him and saeed ikbar together with hedda messelman and you see these people you would think oh my god they're so beautiful
they're so nice they look so good they are psychopaths we have psychopaths working in the hospital psychopaths and so that went on that took her off of the uh they put on the trick and um Hoping to see my daughter wake up, I came in. She's still unconscious. You're supposed to wake her up.
Next day they said to me, we need to put her back on the paralytic. She's not doing good. She's not doing good. This went on and on every day, going back, hoping I would see a change. And then I would hear, oh, something went wrong in the night. She need more.
And one nurse came in and said, oh my gosh, why'd they put her back on so much medication? So Naomi, You were the point where you either trust that everything's going to go right or start questioning and get kicked out.
I was trusting that they knew what they were doing. My father from Trinidad in a third world country had heart condition, diabetes, high blood pressure, was very sick, ended up having to go on a ventilator. and survived three weeks at 59 years old or 65 years old and didn't die.
How could I even think my 28-year-old daughter would succumb to a ventilator? so this is going on and on and finally i told him i don't want to hear any more negative thing my daughter is coming out i believe in jesus christ i believe in
miracles i know my daughter will walk out to here and he said one of the doctors said to me it's going to take a lot of therapy so wait a second it's going to take a lot of therapy yeah yeah a lot of therapy so you're telling me the other option is to let her die
Why would he even say that? What a disgusting, weird, psycho thing to say. That's why I want all of them to be known in public. I want every one of them.
It almost feels like they were saying, maybe you don't want to want your daughter could come back because it's going to take a lot of therapy. Okay. Maybe it'll just, just let her go.
Yes. It's almost what it sounds like, whether they say that or not.
It seems like it's, it's, that's what you could pick out of it, right? If you're knowledgeable and you have common sense, you would say, why would he say that? Is either one option or the other, let her die or deal with the therapy. Right now, I took care of my daughter for 28 years.
I did everything hyperbaric oxygen chamber, everything you could think about. And now you're telling me that how it's going to take a lot of therapy discouraging me. So the weekend before she died, we were there and Edward Wang Zina, the PA. There were a lot of chaos in the room at the time. And I'm like, what's happening?
What kind of chaos? Can you describe it? Well, the doctors were coming in. The oxygen was dropping. Then they were coming back out. And I'm like, they say, okay, you stay outside. They use the rebreather or something to do this. And when he came out, I said to him, what's going on?
He says, her kidneys are working for now.
Okay, that's messed up. Yeah.
Edward Wangsner. What was the name? Edward Wangsner, the PA in Northwell Health. Okay.
He said her kidneys are working for now. For now. That's like we want the kidneys to stop working, but for now they're still working. That's not a normal thing to say. No.
once you say that how we have we see the kidneys might stop let's start dialysis mom would you give us permission to start no no the kidneys are work the kidneys are working for that i mean i don't know how i even handle it i don't know how i
handle it uh mrs charles i have a horrible question i have to ask do did they pressure you to have your daughter's um organs donated
Well, Daniel was never on the organ donation list, but in the medical records, they added Daniel to the organ donation list without my permission. They added my daughter to the organ donation list. It's in the medical records.
This is why I'm here. This is giving me chills. It almost sounds like not her kidneys, right? The kidneys are working for now. It's almost like they were. anticipating a harvesting your daughter's organs. I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you, but that's what it sounds like to me,
you know,
like they had this healthy, like it, I mean, if these people are the demons that so much other evidence suggests, this is a, your poor daughter, mentally disabled in some ways, healthy, very, very healthy, young right so it's a trifecta you know forty thousand dollar covid death bonus
plus i think they they get money for for selling organs that of young people that are in good condition and so they put on a ventilator they can harvest the or they they invented do not resuscitate i we haven't gotten there but that's what happened to grace's to grace and and then they
They're able to make money harvesting her org. I can't believe we're having this conversation. But that is a very creepy thing to say to a parent. The kidneys are working for now. Yeah. I can't get over that.
You know, I mean, between shock and like, did I really hear what I just heard? And with all authority, he said it, you know, with all authority. You know, it wasn't like, oh, mom, I don't know how kidneys are working. No, with all authority, oh, how kidneys are working for now. Like that.
He was frustrated, like she's not dying fast enough. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. So after that, that was a sad day. I'm sorry. I have to process this.
Just psychologically, it feels like I mean, this could, like, if this was a play, this is the dramatic tension, right? The decision was made probably when your daughter walked in to have her be a casualty. Yes. And it was probably made higher. And maybe some of these people, like the ventilator maestro, are on board,
but it took a lot of people to kill your daughter,
A lot of people had to collude. And so these weird responses from multiple sources, unhearing people, you know, normal people who are not psychopaths, but not brave enough to stop everything and say, get your daughter out of here. They're trying to kill her. They are struggling with their consciences. And so they're blurting things out.
And very often when people are struggling with their consciences, they get mad at you or they get mad at your daughter. So I just wanted to jump in and say that, but please go on.
So this was Saturday. Go back and see her again Sunday. Spend the day with her on Sunday, praying, praying, kneeling down.
How is she doing on Sunday? How is she doing on Sunday? What's her state?
Same way. She was still giving off urine and everything. On Monday, I came in and I saw the urine bag wrong. And I asked the doctor, I said, what's going on? Oh, nothing. Oh, nothing.
Her urine was brown?
Yeah, in the bag, yeah. Yeah, from the catheter. It was wrong. And it was different, you know, because I'd always check and make sure everything. I would even be in there wiping her and bathing her. And this time, they were starting antibiotics two days and stopping it. Starting it and stopping it.
And this would flare up an infection because she had the infection, bacterial infection. Who's ever heard of that? It's all in the medical records. It's all in the medical records. That's a crazy way to administer antibiotics. Everybody knows that, but please go on.
So that because many times she was like ice cold and then she would be profusely sweating and I'm there putting ice cloths and the next time she's ice cold and they have heat and blankets and Daniel temperature went down to 70 something and I don't know what's going on. Okay, it's just COVID. Everything was COVID. It's COVID.
COVID did this. COVID did that. It's COVID. Everything was COVID. So it's making you rethink, like, is this really killing my child? Is this really that bad? Because everything was COVID. So the Monday when I came that afternoon, Ramanu had her oxygen drop. And Ramanu went in the room. The nurse was there. He bathed her, changed her.
And he came into the room. And he was doing like this. Yes. What does that mean? Maestro. No, no. No, he was doing this as he was doing the ventilator, and I'm like, I'm outside the room.
They could have told me to go out. No, wait, wait. Hold on a minute. You're saying Ramanu, who is the ventilator maestro, was in there with your daughter, administering the ventilator, and going like this while he was doing it? It's hard for me to believe that. I mean, I'm not, I'm not, can you, Is that possible?
I saw it with my own eyes, and the nurse told me he's a ventilator maestro, so apparently he does that with his patients on the ventilator. Why else would he get that name? I don't understand. Is it a? As he was adjusting it, he was doing his hands like this while he's watching the machine.
And he came out, and he told me the next few days is going to be tough. No, I'm still not thinking. What do you mean the next few days is going to be tough? You never told me my daughter going to die.
Is there a purpose to this? Like does it help him keep time or? Is it just a crazy psychopathic thing to do?
It's a psychopath. It's a psychopath. It's a psychopath. You're watching how you're killing her. You wanted to watch how much drugs would kill her. You were watching. You were overdosing her on fentanyl three times a day. Patches, IV, start now. You knew what you were doing together with propofol, midazolam,
every freaking drug you could think about that would execute somebody. They were doing it. They were doing it. So Monday he told me the next few days is going to be tough. I don't know what he mean because you're not telling me my daughter might be dying. You're not telling me that. And Wednesday morning,
they call us early in the morning and say, better come now because it doesn't look good. Wangsner, Edward Wangsner told me that. And he has a baby. He has all of a Facebook. He has a baby and a wife. He's telling me it doesn't look good to come right away. And I remember, like, I wasn't sleeping,
and I remember that night, in the middle of the night, I just was shaking. All of a sudden, my body was just convulsing. And I think that's when my daughter died. I think that's when she died. And they just had her on the machines just to make more money on the medicine.
So what they did, the nurse told me, was when I came, they stopped all the medicine. They had a seal on the ventilator. They were still giving her a little bit of medicine, but when they called her dead for her to go into cardiac arrest was when they stopped everything.
So my daughter, Buddy, was going into shock and I was begging them, please, please do CPR. They said, no, Mom, you don't want to hurt her anymore. I said, what do you mean? That's what CPR is for. CPR is to save somebody. I begged them and when they did it,
They were pumping, and then they were shooting her with the epinephrine, pumping and shooting her. And I saw blood coming out of it. I said, where the blood is coming from? And they said, coming from mine. I said, stop. Don't do anymore. I said, stop. Stop. Don't do anymore. I'm sorry. It's okay.
Take your time. Take your time.
They called her dead. They decided she was going to die because I told them I want her home for my birthday, which is the 9th of October. And I said, I'm preparing the whole house. I was talking already to bringing all the machines and bringing the special bed. She'll be in the living room. She'll be at home.
They didn't want that. They killed her. They killed her. And it's not only that. It's like they watch me in my face. There are 44 of them involved in this. Watch me in my face and talk to me every day.
I was buying Young's Living Oil and giving it to the nurses because I would rub it on my daughter. I'd rub the lavender on her. I would rub the tea's oil on her feet. I would rub vitamin D all over her. And you were killing my daughter. I mean, look at all these drugs.
I mean, people see the drug list.
Can you bring that chart closer to the camera? Charles, let's see your daughter. Oh, what a lovely girl. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl. So full of life. Oh, what a lovely girl. What a beautiful soul. Oh, my gosh. And so you've made a chart. Gorgeous, gorgeous daughter.
You've made a chart of the drugs every day. Do you have that online somewhere?
Yes, I have it online. I also write substats. And this is my daughter. Oh, she's so nice. She looks like 12 years old. She didn't look like that.
She does look very human.
How could you? How could you do? What kind of human are you? So now I found out that, you know, read this. Not well-known. Theo was given his team by Cuomo to redesign the Medicaid from 2011 to 2021. He saved $19 billion in Medicaid. How did you save $19 billion? By killing the patients?
He killed them off.
Killed them off. And he was hired again to do it. And in 2021, he saved $2.5 billion.
That's a good find. I mean, you shouldn't have to be a detective as well as a grieving mother. probably an important document.
He wrote a book in 2020 about the COVID. How did you know? Michael Dowling wrote a book in 2020.
How do you spell the last name?
D-O-W-L-I-N-G. Michael, he's a CEO of Northwell Health.
Hello. Okay.
And he went back with Cuomo father. He's all the way back there. So these are all friends. So, okay.
How did we get here? Oh, what an disgusting guy. In 2020, before Michael Dowling, he wrote a book before it was known. This guy's a big Catholic, by the way. I mean, you'd think that he would not be killing people. Michael Dowling. Wow. How did he know about COVID? A book takes two years to write and publish.
Yes. Yes. Yes. So what we found out now, and like you say, I have to be detective, is that every time New York sent a test to the CDC, the test was coming back negative.
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So the COVID test with the PCR was coming back negative from the CDC. Michael Pence worked with, I believe, Cuomo and Michael Dowling to have the tests start being done in the hospital.
Oh, wow. So they can send you back whatever tests they want. Yes. That's a good find also. Well, my friend, Northwell Health CEO Michael Dowling made $7.7 million in 2021, the year you lost your daughter in salary bonus and perks. Far above a normal CEO's pay packet.
He was doing some very dirty, dirty work for the government and for the hospital to get paid like that. $7.7 million a year.
I call it blood money. It's blood money.
So I hate to do this, but please go back to the room where they told you your daughter was dead. Tell me exactly what was happening then, please, if you can stand to, because I want to understand what they encouraged you to do at that point.
They left me alone. My husband and my friend flew in from Florida to be with us.
Excuse me, I'm sorry, but what metric were they using to say your daughter was dead now?
The flat line. Oh, I see. On the heart, the machines were kind of crashing. But that's because, as you see in the medical records, it stopped all the drugs. So when you stop all those high drugs, opioids and everything, you would crash. Your heart would crash. She died from cardiac arrest.
And in the medical records, they wrote, expect a cardiac episode.
Good God, these monsters.
Oh, my God. Yes. Yes. Yes. I don't know what, I call them white coat assassins. I've been calling them that for the past two years because they assassinate you. They will, it's unbelievable. This is a hospital. This is a sanctuary. This is supposed to be about healing, but it's not. This is America. This is America.
So I was there with my daughter. I can't believe my husband was praying. We were hoping she would wake back up, you know. And she didn't even look like her that morning. She was so swollen. She was so swollen. And after she died, her lips somehow smiled. And I was like, oh, God, no.
Why did you do this to me? Why my child? Of all people, why my child? I remember cleaning her nose before she died because liquid was coming out, and the nurse said, don't do that. But still, they wasn't telling me she was dying. They never told me she was dying. They never told me she was dying.
They never told me, mom, I think your daughter going to die now. It was all about. know making the most money on her and 32 days on a ventilator paid a lot i had signal ppo danny they charged signal ppos over six hundred thousand dollars that
money should be returned because that's fraud that's fraud and that's murder and i just i stood with i stayed with danielle in shock you're in shock you had your child 40 days ago and When in history ever heard a healthy young woman, 28 years old,
walks into a hospital for a dry cough and comes out in a body bag with multiple organ failure. So I did an autopsy. They didn't know. The hospital reviews.
So they said she's deceased and then they left you alone.
And at that point,
did they, after that, did they put any pressure on you about how to dispose of the body? Were you allowed to take you know, take normal possession of the body, to call you the undertaker, whatever is normal in a hospital.
Yeah, I called the funeral homes to get one funeral home was so booked. The other one was able to fit me in. And we went after that. My friend told me who lost her daughter through cancer. She said to me, Becca, you don't want to have that memory when they put her in a body bag.
Don't stay for that. Right. Don't stay for that. So... I couldn't stay for that. We left and we went to the funeral home and the funeral home director said to us, a 28-year-old died from COVID? Because he got the death certificate.
They needed young people to die from COVID at that time because the narrative at that time in 2021, all these spokespeople wanted to say, young people are going to die, young people are going to die. And the statistics didn't bear it out. They needed young people to die of COVID. I'm sorry, go on.
So he called the Nassau, I forget the department, to ask for an autopsy on Daniel because he was concerned. He was concerned. You know, you're not a 28-year-old, small 28-year-old person. She's just 100-something pounds, like 115, die from COVID. And they said if it has COVID on the death certificate, they cannot do an autopsy.
I think that's the coroner's office.
Yes. I didn't even know that was happening.
Good God. Well, how to say guilt without saying it? Yeah. Yeah. And this is everybody. So they put COVID on the death certificate, everybody.
And you couldn't check if it was actually a heart attack or cancer or anything else.
No, people falling off the ladder and getting COVID in the hospitals and making money for every death certificate that said COVID. I mean, this is such an incentivized genocide. It is. incentivized by our government. You couldn't do an autopsy. How did you do an autopsy? Well, thank God he knew the manager of the funeral home.
There's a family business, the new doctors who do autopsy. And he put me in touch with him. He came in. He did the autopsy on Friday. And his findings were her lungs were rubber at least two weeks before. So that excuse to do the trick was an excuse to make money because it blew her
lungs out with the ventilator.
Oh, God. What does it mean that her lungs were rubber two weeks before pneumonia? What?
From the ventilator.
Oh, the ventilator turned them into rubber. Blowing air in.
Oh, God. Poor thing. I have a video of my daughter. When she was in the room, she was going . And I was like, what happened? Oh, no, no, no, don't worry. It's just she's breathing. And I didn't know she was gasping because her lungs are not working.
Oh, my God.
And the organ size, because in the autopsy he measures the organ size, the organ size correlate with a fentanyl overdose.
Oh, my God. They were enlarged or shrunken?
They enlarged the weight of her organs. Yeah, they were enlarged from normal. That was part of the swelling that you saw? All her belly, all her body was filled up with fluids. It was unrecognizable. And a fentanyl overdose is like a 20-something. When you have a personal overdose, Daniel was a 50-something. 50-something in her blood.
I mean, how is that in her organs? How is that? You're saying that 20-something is an overdose and she had 50-something in her blood?
Yeah, I did a toxicology report.
You murdered her.
You murdered her. Did the person who did the autopsy not call the police at that point and say, this is a murder? I mean, what's your recourse if the hospital's murdered your child?
He said to get a large law firm and he will testify. And it's two years and nine months, and I must have called at least 90 law firms. No one wants to take my case because it has COVID on the death certificate because of the PREPA and even all the freedom fighting attorneys.
I don't want to name anybody, but they all refuse. Unless I could pay and I have a million dollars to pay for my case, there's no justice. There is no justice. So. And what about filing a criminal report? I filed my lawsuit myself one hour and 11 minutes before the deadline for
malpractice when I put together everything and I filed it against 44 people, the hospital and 44 nurses and doctors. And it's in court. They sent me the reply to it and they said they want to dismiss the case because I'm not an attorney. I kind of represent my daughter case.
know i cannot so i'm still here begging for an attorney to help me please i mean criminal i wrote to the district attorney giving her all the evidence of murder and they say they need to have beyond a reasonable doubt before they could investigate
that's insane that's not how the justice system works no it does not and unfortunately the only attorneys i know of who are filing criminal charges are in Texas, which is not going to help you, right? It has to be a New York attorney.
It has to be a New York licensed attorney.
God. This is shocking.
It's very hard to get up every day and face with a blow in your face. Every day, attorney hung up the phone. Every day, attorney said I can't take it. Oh, the justice or the district attorney. I just wrote back June 29th. I wrote again to the district attorney, sending her my case with all the evidence again.
I wrote to Eric Garland, Merrick Garland, and I wrote to the AG of New York. I CC'd everybody and I wrote to them. I have not gotten a response as yet. And this is why that I could go away and shut my mouth and never speak again. And people keep dying like this.
Because this is no longer medicine.
Rebecca, Mrs. Charles, is this still happening? Are you hearing from people who say their loved ones have died recently or in the last couple of years? Like how recently?
A couple, just three weeks ago, when we did the conference and the event in Orlando, they called Scott and Cindy staying with us. A 50-something-year-old, special needs, was put on a ventilator in the hospital, and now they're talking about she has no quality of life. and they were trying to help get her out. It takes a lot.
I mean, this is a bounty.
You're saying you met a couple who have a special needs adult child and that child or that adult, young adult, whatever grownup child offspring is in the hospital currently. And they're having difficulty getting that special needs adult out of the hospital.
Yes, Cindy and Scott Shara were staying with me after the event. What state? Wisconsin, where Cindy and Scott is from.
Wisconsin. Their child also is a special needs person.
That is Grace's parents. They call Grace's parents for help.
Right, right, right.
This 50-something-year-old who is in the hospital and they put on a ventilator for no reason.
I'm sorry, the 50-something-year-old also has... special needs?
Yes, she was in a residential home.
We now know three people with special needs who have been medically murdered or attempted medical murder.
More than three, more than three. Cindy told me of a 19-year-old girl, another girl just turned 19, looking so excited to get her job. She's Down syndrome in Wisconsin. She had a cough, again, a sore throat. They took her to the doctor. The doctor said, take her to the ER.
The ER took her, transport her, between transport her from one hospital to another. In 24 hours, that child died.
So this is happening all over the country to this day.
All over the country. And I think the reason why attacking the special needs and the elderly is because attorneys do not want to take a case that is not going to bring them in money. So many attorneys told me my daughter didn't have a job, a paying job, a family to support. There's no money for that case.
So an elderly person, he's already retired or she's already retired. There is no money. What are they going to ask for? I don't care about money. Take all the money. I don't care about it. I need these people held responsible for what they did.
Oh, my God. So it sounds like medical murder is still the protocol of hospitals around the country.
Still being incentivized.
Still being incentivized. The incentives are no longer COVID payments, presumably, but there are other kinds of incentives.
They still have on the CDC COVID, updated COVID payments.
Yeah, they still have. And Remdesivir now, I spoke to another attorney, and he said to me, Remdesivir works 95% of the time. I said, why are you reading that? On the internet, he's like, well, I can't go against what is on the medical journals and the reports. Ebola trials, it kills so much people.
He said, Rebecca, I cannot take something from another country. So the medical journals are captive by this. I see. The doctors are captive. I mean, where do we go for justice? If they're lying and they have to use these documents in court, how could they say we're causing this and it doesn't?
Right. So all of us are still at risk, not just in New York State, but probably in states around the country, of being murdered in hospital to save what? To save Medicare payments, to save treatments for special needs. Why do you think your daughter was murdered? Why do you think this is happening aimed at special needs people?
I kind of get the logic that if they're going to kill someone for a COVID payment, They're going to go after someone elderly. But why do you think special needs healthy young adults are being targeted?
It's because Michael Dowling is saving the Medicaid money. Special needs use Medicaid money, and Michael Dowling is saving Medicaid money.
Oh, my God. In that case, poor people are also going to be targeted, right? Oh, yes. Do they use Medicaid or Medicare? It doesn't matter.
Both. I think it's over 65 is Medicare and under 65 is Medicaid. So when my daughter died, one person in Long Island told me, oh my God, I am so sorry. It attacked the special needs so hard. COVID attacked them. The residential homes lost so many. What? The residential homes lost residents? Oh my gosh.
So they were wiped out. They're euthanizing people who are expensive to the system, especially because the system is going to run out of money. Yes. Oh my gosh, that's what's happening and it's still happening. Mrs. Charles, I have to, unfortunately, we've come to the end of our time together.
You've brought such an important story to so many people and you've done it with great, no doubt, great pain to yourself And you've done it just to help others avoid the fate that your daughter sustained or that led you to lose your daughter. I'm so sorry. I mean,
words cannot express how sorry I am for not just the death that your daughter died, but the horrible, horrible tortures, unbelievable suffering, needless death of a beautiful, healthy young woman. I'm sure you will miss her forever. And I just want to,
just acknowledge your loss and, and, and again, say to you, cause I hear it in your voice. Like I did this, I did this, I did this. You still couldn't save her. That's how we feel as moms, right? Like it's up to you to save your daughter.
And I know there's no way to ever be at peace with what happened to your daughter, but I'm telling you, you did everything humanly possible to save your daughter. And I,
I walked into her debt. I have to live with that. I walked her into her debt. I walked her in.
At some point, we have to go to the doctor, right?
I would go to a vet. I would never go back to a doctor. I'd never go into a hospital. I would go to a vet. And before we end, I just want to say what I'm doing now is I created an app. The app is called Debt by Hospital Protocol.
the app is the hospital is that what you said protocol woman you've got a death by hospital protocol okay i have the website also that by hospital but now is everybody has it on their phone everybody could just turn your phone on download the app and read the stories it's there it's there to help people save
lives so what i want is for people you see
Hold it up higher, please. Okay. Death by hospital protocol.
All right. Wow. So what I want is for people, if something happened, what is a vaccine or a doctor cut off your organs, you know, a hospital that did this, we need their names here. We need to know who they are before this continues.
And I think once they know there's a place for their names and their faces, because I have their faces on the app. I have their faces on. You mean you want the hospital names?
Personnels, names and faces, right?
And doctors and nurses.
And doctors and nurses. It's actually very useful because you'll know who to avoid, right? If that person comes towards you, you know to run.
If you want to save a life, you need to know who they are. I mean, they're hiding behind this respectability and their nice uniforms and white coats. And then you go in and killing people in a hospital and going to a synagogue or going to a church or going to all these clubs and you're so famous.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
they need to be kicked off of that pedestal no more i love it you built an app to bust the murderers in the hospitals that's fantastic yep i i really admire that we'll have so go to and you can get that that's the website yeah from the app store see yeah
Yeah, it's on Android and it's on iPhones now. I fought with Google and Apple. They did not want me to have anything like that. They said it's political. It was this, it was that. Finally, it's approved. Finally, it's here and it's free. I want people to use it.
And you haven't been like sent legal letters for defamation or libel or anything like that.
I want them to send it to me. I want to go. I want my day in court. I want them to tell me I'm doing something wrong. They didn't send letters because I know I'm speaking the truth.
And that's all. Yeah.
Sorry. Um, Mrs. Charles, you're a hero. You really are. And you're a fighter and you're fighting, you know, you are helping to save the lives of many, many people. And so your daughter didn't survive, but other people's kids will, you know, and elders will because of what you're doing. So I'm going to showcase your app.
I'll check it out and encourage people to use it after we've checked it out. And I think that that's actually a really clever way to get justice. If the justice system has failed you just to let people know it's really powerful. I want to thank you.
Is there anything else you want to say before we let you go?
No, thank you so much for having me. And, you know, I hope to God someone will hear my story and probably make a documentary on medical murder, you know? And I already have the name, The Kill and a Danielle. I really hope somebody will take that up.
I mean, we have filmmakers, you know, if we can put you in touch with filmmakers. And I guess you'd have to... it's another conversation, but if there's a donations button on your website, you can ask people to donate, to make a documentary. And then we can send you some names of some.
No, thank you. I don't want money from anything. I just want to help. And, and this is what's keeping me alive. It's a fight. Otherwise shrivel up and die.
I I'm so sorry. I can't, I'm just so sorry for your loss. We're going to let you go, but I'm sure we'll talk to you again. And we'll showcase everything you're doing and just, you know, our sincerest condolences for the loss of your beautiful, beautiful daughter.
And you're really honoring her life by using this horrible situation to at least save other people's children. Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Rebecca’s Sites
Remember, information is power. Please consider visiting Rebecca Charles, including her APP that lets others know WHICH HOSPITALS HAVE KILLED:
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Simply horrifying. Judgement day can't come soon enough for these demons.
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