"Breaking the Oath": Based on Grace Schara's True Story.
Jeff Wagner and America 1st Productions
The theater premiere of Breaking the Oath was a monumental event in Wisconsin, with a full house and Scott then staying with the audience for 45 minutes. He said it was “beyond my wildest expectations”.
All thanks to Jeff Wagner, host, for getting this meeting set up - it reached the limit twice and 400+ were on the waiting list!
Please view the presentation in its entirety, and consider purchasing the Director’s Edition which is a great effort by Jeff Wagner.
The Patriot Review on Rumble
America 1st Productions and Jeff Wagner (of The Patriot Review) bring you this groundbreaking documentary to expose the truth many can't bring themselves to believe or accept.
COVID was intentionally developed, released and spread to reduce the earth's population!
What's more the treatment protocols and the vaccine are the tools of this satanic evil, resulting in the deaths of millions.
The UN and the World Economic Forum have openly plotted and initiated this demonic medical tyranny as part of a detailed and deliberate plan to destroy western civilization.
Like Adolf Hitler announcing his insane intentions in his book Mein Kampf, these evil and demonic madmen have put their plan in writing! Yet the majority of people ridicule those who have educated themselves and know the truth.
COVID and future pandemics are just one of many tools in the globalist cabal's arsenal to force those of us who survive into slavery under a New World Order.
"Breaking the Oath" centers around Grace Schara, a vibrant, happy nineteen-year-old who was needlessly murdered On October 13, 2021 by COVID treatment protocols that were created to kill. Millions have been murdered in the name of COVID as a part of this demonic plan.
The heartbreaking story of the Schara family, and those this film is dedicated to, provides a stark warning to all. There is a profound evil in the world the likes of which we haven't seen for nearly one hundred years.
History is shaking us awake, urging us to remember times in which civilization was brought to the brink of collapse. "Breaking the Oath" draws parallels to our past, showing the shocking similarities all around us. We need only open our eyes.
Now, we are the generation being called upon to once again sacrifice for the future freedom of humanity. It is the legacy of greatest importance. Humanity has never faced a more serious threat.
What path will you choose?
Download the movie and get access to extended interviews and more. Purchase the Director's Edition at https://www.america1stproductions.com/plans-pricing
Save $10 by entering the coupon code "America1st" at checkout!
Introductions are in order. Then the documentary.
Scott is sporting the “Grace Wins” T-Shirt! and many want to buy it but they don’t have time, what with defending the case.”
Vera is a Holocaust survivor, as a Guest Survivor
Robert Paiser, whom Scott rescued from the hospital killing protocols.
Stacy Ograyensek, her husband was murdered by the Hospital Protocols
Dr. Reni Moon: She has “concerns” about the current medical system.
Jeff: There’s a much bigger agenda here, world population control and depopulation by the WEF.
Fundamentally, people are good. As Americans, we like to believe we have the best institutions in the world, despite what is before our eyes. We love police, firemen, doctors, etc and we go about our daily routings without thinking about badness.
Intentional harm is being perpetrated - and it is happening worldwide.
Grace Schara and Killing Fields
Grace and the disabled are targets - so are you.
We listened to a voicemail from Grace, above.
Cindy, Mom: “Grace’s color changed. It was hard to accept she was truly gone. The nurse came in and started to clean Grace up, cleaning her off. They took off all the leads… it takes your breath away.” Grace’s violin plays throughout.
Why is Grace’s Death “Murder”?
Grace Died on October 13, 2021
Most of interviewers called her death “murder”, including the medical record.
Scott: “I answer to God. I did about 500 hours into Grace’s record, and that is how I came up that it was murder. She was on Precedex for 4 days, and the package insert specifically said not to use this drug due to adverse events like agitation and respiratory distress. On the last day, they increased it to 14 times the dose - and on her death certificate, they said #1 her cause of death was acute respiratory failure and hypoxemia.”
She was given Precedex, benzos and morphine before she died.
The pharmacist had to sign off on the order, and the alarm had to be overriden… and the nurse in charge of Grace’s care had 14 years experience and had to know this was wrong. The package insert has a “Black Box” warning.
After morphine, not one doctor or nurse stepped in. When Jessica complained Grace was cold, the nurse said to give her a blanket.
The package insert said Precedex can cause death - and they did not have the recommended order for a reversal agent. Plus that is when we learned there was a DNR Order - put on Grace after the 14X increased dose of Precedex.
Jessica was in the room, and stated there was an armed guard outside the door.
Scott: “I am calling this “murder”. I don’t need to wait for a court…”
“We trusted the white coat…”
Jessica Vander Heiden
Scott: “We never would have thought in a million years that a hospital would be involved…”
Confusion in the ICU
The video shows COVID patients were mixed with non-COVID patients, mixing well with sick:
Families were not allowed to have visitors, and nurses were supposed to report unethical behavior (see below).
Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski was fired for asking questions. She recorded everything on video.
They put fear into people.
Erin Olszewski, RN
Dr. Renata Moon:
Children as young as 7 years of age would ask,
I would go home and cry.
We are the experts…Why can’t we try something else?… I knew (hydroxychloroquine) would work… I don’t know if I ever saw a stethoscope there. I saw feces up the patients’ backs that was there for 2-3 weeks. There was no humanity. They were assumed dead before they were even dead.
Erin Olszewski, RN
Jessica Vander Heiden
Dr. Moon: We are experienced physicians. Each patient is an individual human being. Sometimes, the “auto pilot” may work for a patient, and other times, it does not. We have increasingly tied the hands of physicians. They were no longer caring for the patient- an administrator was.
It’s like the “auto pilot” working, but the pilot isn’t doing a thing even though the plane is going down (My shorthand).
Jessica: How can you let a patient die in front of you without doing anything?
Dr. Renata Moon:
“We have seen informed consent erode away.”
Consent is not bullying. “It has to be of someone’s free will.”
Grace’s Last Day on Earth: October 13, 2021
Scott: “We said NO!” They knew they weren’t going to get consent to put Grace on a ventilator. A ventilator is about a $300,000 decision. They had higher-paying patients in the Emergency Room. Grace was worth more dead than alive.”
… murder.
Stacy Ograyensek:
She recorded the conversation with the nurse, politely asking what treatment options there were, and the nurse said, “None”. Zero.
They tried to give Remdesivir. She refused.
Nurses were given $10,000 a week.
Doctors were given $50,000 to $60,000 a week.
We were forced to follow these protocols. The reason that nurses didn’t say anything was because of the paycheck. I could care less about the money. Money is the root of all evil.
Erin Olszewski, RN
Ezekiel Emanuel, Secretary of HHS, has the authority to start and stop a Public Health Emergency - not the President, not Congress. He said he never wants a serious crisis to “go to waste”.
Above: We conclude that people with Down's syndrome have no right to health care.
Dr. Renata Moon:
Above: Dr. Moon shows the vaccine package insert, left intentionally blank. Below: She got threats to get these matters reported to her medical board.
Vera Sharav: Holocaust Survivor:
Above: “Our institutions are corrupt… None of them act on behalf of the people who supposedly elected them.”
Above: “Fauci … has been giving out billions and billions for research. His agency was supposed to prevent infectious diseases, not let them out into the public - but that is what he has been doing.
They normalized the worst evil. It’s absolutely diabolical.”
Goodness Exists to Fight Evil
Below: Robert Paiser was originally put on medications for COVID, but an infectious disease expert reversed that order, recommending hospitalization.
Robert Paiser
Below: Scott spoke to Robert’s sister, Heather, who said Scott has SMA or Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He weighed only 40 pounds. Scott then helped get him out of the hospital, due to the initiation of Remdesivir and the impending protocols.
Above, Mother Wendy: “I felt helpless and angry… it is just so heartbreaking to know that you can’t trust somebody who is supposed to be there to help you. And they were not.”
The audience was aghast. People were crying, upset. They audience broke out with applause.
Scott: “As a low hanging fruit, they thought they could take Robert out… The answer is advocacy - get someone to watch out for your health and render a 2nd opinion that hasn’t been bought. Have an independent advocate… I highly encourage people to have a power of attorney, medical directives, and get an advocate…The paradigm has changed... The documents need to be done before you get there.”
Cindy Schara: Mother Extraordinaire
Above: Grace’s mother, Cindy: Her mission began when Grace died. She said the “agenda wasn’t to help her. It was to end her life.”
Above: Cindy: The house is not the same without Grace. Below: Mom pleads with doctors and nurses to stop following evil protocols that clearly do not work. Putting people in body bags day after day? That has to hurt you.
“If you would have met her, you would have been blessed beyond your wildest dreams… she was a gift to us, a gift that was taken away from us. Put yourself in my position. Your child dies - go through their shoes, their clothes… there are no words to describe it… Please! Please! Help us stop this! No one deserves to die! Come together and explain what was going on behind closed doors. Get things back on track. Too many people are dying… you can start the healing process.”
We Are Waking Up
Be the Light in the Darkness. May God bless you all.
Please give a big hand to Jeff Wagner, who volunteered his time for production:
After-show discussion:
April 11, 2023 Lawsuit: Shara v Ascension Health in Wisconsin
Scott: Named specific doctors and nurses by name- a different approach with COVID because they want t”o make sure that all doctors and nurses know they will be held to account.”
The hospital’s reply to the suit: The Answer to the Summons and Complaint”
"… deny that Ascension Health directly provides health care services.”
They said in one of the answers, in Answer to paragraph 66 that any of the hospital staff refused to provide care at any time - while Jessica and Scott were screaming - they DENY THAT!
This is a MIRACLE - in answer to paragraph 74:
Another one:
Affirmative Defenses #6
Any and all damages sustained by plaintiffs … are made by the plaintiffs.”
That says they are stating that Scott and Grace resulted in Grace’s death.
Be In Prayer:
In the next 35 days, there will be a remediation meeting.
Question from the Audience
A Comment from Melissa: “What can I do as a lay person?” How can we help shed light on this evil?
Share the documentaries, share Scott’s Substack and Twitter - bring up conversations on the hospital situation. Drive with a chalk marker on your car - strikes up conversations at the gas station. Make handouts to keep the information going. If they are a health care worker, use your voice to keep spreading this word.
Never feel that your voice doesn’t matter. Your one-on-one voice is the most important thing to keep spreading the word - because this affects everyone.