How to be 100% Prepared Against the Cabal! Deprogramming with Grace's Dad
God Gave Us a Brain and He Wants Us to Use It
Earlier this week, I did a 33-minute recorded summary on a topic God has put on my heart to share.
God gave us a brain and he wants us to use it.
In this short clip, I discuss a few of the critical thinking skills necessary to be prepared for the evil that is sweeping the planet. More importantly, I explain how the Tree of Knowledge has become an idol and the only way to be 100% prepared is to accept and be part of the Tree of Life.
In this mono cast, I discuss the critical thinking skills necessary to be prepared for the evil that is sweeping the planet. More importantly, I explain how the Tree of Knowledge has become an idol and the only way to be 100% prepared is to accept and be part of the Tree of Life.
How to be 100% Prepared Against the Cabal!
How do we make sure we are not duped again? There some very simple things we can look at, and I’ve prepared these slides for you.
Link to PowerPoint Presentation:
We are programmed to focus on ‘what’ vs. ‘why’.
Grace had such a gift for seeing things for what they are.
Here’s Piggly Wiggly:
Grace said,
“Dad, that doesn’t make any sense! You can’t shop a pig! First you shoot the pig, then you eat the pig!
The Concerted Effort for Gun Control
We all know there is an effort, a narrative, for gun control to take away our guns. We’re the only nation that has a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun. And there’s a reason for that.
Here is an interview of General Reinwald, who really nailed the interviewer. See below, Is Gun Control the Problem? There is a reason why we are a nation that is allowed to own guns.
Read the dialogue below:
I love that creativity, because these dialectics that people like this try to get us into is debating something that shouldn’t even be debated.
Having a gun doesn’t make you a killer, any more than being equipped to be a prostitute makes you a prostitute. There’s never been a gun that’s killed a person. Having gun control, of course, makes no sense.
When We Want to Convince Someone of Something
I happen to be a hunter. If you’re not a hunter, that’s fine. Jeff Foxworthy made a great video clip, it’s terrible from the video quality of it, but listen to the words. This was done well over a decade ago, but it still rings true today.
Do You Think I’m Having Fun?
“Do you think I’m having fun? Do you think I’m having fun driving two hours each way to the hunting camp after working all week long?
Do you think I’m having fun sitting in a tree in freezing temperatures all weekend long?
I’m not having fun! I’m trying to provide for you and the family!
You know, I’m not content with you just having hot dogs and hamburgers. No, I want you to have the best!
Here - let me show you what I’m talking about:
My average hunting lease is about $500. Last year, I got a new hunting rifle with a scope; that was about $800. I got a full set of ammo $150. Hunting magazines every year cost me at least $50. Which, $200, and yeah, I could work at being a better shot.
___ (unintelligible)
New the new 4-wheeler I got last year cost about $6000. During the course of an average deer season, the bio sausage, the ___ , and ran me almost $500.
You add that up, it comes to $8,200.
$8200 every deer season. And that’s not including my personal time or hunker money. Just had to mention that.
Now, the average deer I get, by the time it’s processed, I get 50 lbs of meat. 50 pounds of meat divided into $8200 comes to $162 per pound.
Honey. Lobster doesn’t cost but $20 a pound.
$162 a pound, the most expensive meat on the planet, are for you and the kids.
And you know, instead of griping at me, a little ‘thank you’ once in a while might be nice.”
My wife didn’t appreciate that video. When us guys are trying to convince somebody of something, we can come up with all kinds of shenanigans.
Zeroing in On Some Numbers
Moving on to something a bit more serious, let’s zero in on some numbers. Many of you know that I zero in on numbers, because this is where you can start framing things.
In the US, we are #1 in the planet for hospital deaths. How is that possible?
See from the slide below.
We see that we had 1.2 deaths in the 39-month “COVID era”, that’s what I call it. #2 is India, and they had half a million deaths, less than 50% of the US - but their population is 4 x that of the US.
It absolutely makes no sense that we are #1 on the planet. Let’s look at the ‘why’.
Why Is the US #1 on the Planet for COVID Deaths?
There are a number of reasons why: the main reason is because we promoted protocols.
Our government incentivized hospitals to follow protocols that were known to kill people.
When you dig into that, you start wondering,
What’s really going on? Why would a government ever do that?
I’ve gone down that rabbit hole, and I’m an expert in the ‘hospital murder lane’, because of going down that rabbit hole.
It’s important when looking at this slide, that you compare statistics with other statistics. So you see what is going on here. And this one is so obvious that it should alarm you to say,
“We have a problem here.”
One of the Tentacles of “Why”
Why would FEMA be training Pastors?
Why is FEMA training 100,000 Pastors?
What I found out when I started digging down into the ‘why’ behind all these deaths, I reflected on the leaders, the pastor that we rely on in the church. Which included me. But we ended up leaving our church over this, because my pastor did not want me to speak out, which is really strange. I can hardly believe that.
The fact is that there’s up to 100,000 pastors in the United States that have been trained, by FEMA, to round up - they call it a ‘round up’ - from their congregation in the event of an emergency.
If you process this from a level that you’re not used to thinking about, pastors really should be calling out Romans 13 violations. They say, unfortunately with Romans 13, that we should just be obeying the government. Well, that’s not true. Romans 13 doesn’t say to obey the government. That’s taken out of context.
We are supposed to obey God. And the government, if it does not disagree with what God says. So when the government uses fear and mandates to force us to do something, that is our time to disobey.
So that was a shock.
The right attitude, to me, is Deidrich Bonhoeffer’s attitude during World War II.
He said,
“Not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.”
When pastors are being silent from the pulpit as to what’s going on, they are parties to the crime. That’s one of the reason why those numbers are so high. They could have sounded a warning to all of us about what was happening. But they chose to not do it.
The Hegelian Dialectic: Problem - Reaction - Solution
This is a brief introduction to the Hegelian Dialectic. A simple way to look at it is Problem - Reaction - Solution.
There are esoteric dialectics (behind the scenes; big things that nobody really sees going on) and exoteric dialectics. What I’m going to do is walk through a couple exoteric ones, so you can see what they do.
The consistent theme here is fear.
But as a warm-up to this, I just want to share a couple of things, to show how Satan uses dialectics. For example, we know there are conservatives and liberals. What’s the dialectic?
Dialectic: “The Government Saves Us.”
That’s not true. God saves us.
These dialectics are always “evil” versus “less evil”.
The News Dialectic
We have the news: CNN (evil) and NewsMax (just “less evil”), another dialectic.
When you see that, you ask: What’s the dialectic?
The dialectic is: “We get the “truth” from TV” - and that is not true.
The Abortion Dialectic
On the abortion dialectic:
We have the (evil side), we have “A woman’s right to choose”, and on the (less evil) side = “no abortion ‘except for’ ”. But both sides agree that murder is acceptable, it is just a matter of degree.
These are dialectic that Satan uses to get us off track, and he employs the government to implement these dialectics.
COVID Was Introduced to Our Society
So with COVID (see the slide again),
COVID was a bioweapon, not a virus. It’s been a bioweapon since day one. They did this on purpose. What was the reason? Reaction: Create fear. Solution: What’s the solution? A jab. A jab to kill us.
And I’m going to go through the jab math in detail.
2. PUTIN and a Nuclear Explosion
Problem: Nuclear threats by Putin. Reaction: Fear created by our leaders. You process that we are attacked nuclearly, by a nuclear explosion, and what does the United States do to show, “We’re going to help our people”? Solution: Purchase a drug that’s going to protect us from a nuclear attack? It’s so laughable, you can’t make it up!
But it looks like, ‘our government is going to help us’, versus ‘our government is in on it’.
On slide: The US purchased $290 million in nuclear emergency drugs.
I really like this one because they’ve been promoting this, and of course that causes a panic, and what’s the solution? We already see there’s some bills that are being introduced in various states, for a gold-backed financial system.
I promise you that if there’s going to be a gold-backed financial system, it will have a hook. The financial system has already collapsed, a long time ago.
Problem: Financial collapse. Reaction: Panic. Solution: A gold-backed financial system. We are already in a collapse, with a Fiat currency. How do you think they can keep printing money? How can our country survive with a $35 trillion national debt? It is impossible.
We are completely bankrupt, but they keep printing money. The financial collapsed a long time ago, folks!
I wanted to share these things to you can see how the model of fear is used to control us - so you are not duped again. Of course, they did that with COVID and COVID is the thing that woke me up.
How They Used Statistics to Fool Us With COVID
They used numbers to fool us. Mark Twain said,
“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
Our buddy Bill Gates promotes in his book, How To Lie with Statistics. You can’t make this stuff up!
Using Statistics
I title this,
“Would you take this bet?”
Here are the literal statistics they used to convince us that the jab was “safe and effective”.
Top Rows (see slide below):
The original group was 21,830 in the placebo and 21,830 in the vax group.
The Test
In the placebo group, 162 were infected by COVID (Top rows in green).
First of all, we don’t even know that this is true. I’m assuming it purposes of this only - I don’t want you to take it that I’m in agreement with any of this. I’m taking their numbers. I’ll have some commentary on these numbers, that you see on the screen are from September of 2022. I don’t want to get emails saying, “Are you agreeing with this?” I’m not. I’m taking their statistics.
I want to show you, just with their own statistics, how they used their own statistics to lie to us.
There are 162 infected. We don’t know if their real 162 number is true or not, because if they used a PCR test, that’s already been debunked.
Regardless, that would end up being a 0.74% risk of infection (see above).
Then they took 21,830 vaccinated people, and only 8 were infected.
But this is one of the fundamental problems: What was the timing? We learned, through watching this play out in real time, that the vaccinated group had a higher likelihood of getting COVID, so we don’t even know the time frame. Was this 1 week afterward? 2 weeks? Regardless, it was not enough time, because you need time to see what the reality is.
They used the “Propaganda Formula”.
It is illegal to use this Propaganda Formula AKA a Relative Risk Reduction Formula like this to prove that a drug works. But the Smith-Mundt Act, which repealed government propaganda, was repealed in 2013. So now they are “allowed” to do this in the guise of “national defense”. They claimed this is something that we needed this for national defense, the plandemic.
They are allowed to lie with “Relative Risk Reduction”.
You see what they did (see same slide above, the 2nd row in brown):
The Complete Lie
They took the 0.74% - 0.4%, divided by 0.74% = “95% effective”. This is what was sold to us, the “safe and effective” 95% number they gave us early on.
It is a complete lie.
The relative risk reduction formula that was sold to us is a complete lie.
The Truth: Absolute Risk Reduction
(See the same slide below, the 3rd row in blue.)
Let’s go over how it is supposed to be done. This is the right way; it assumes we have time, the appropriate time period:
Absolute Risk Reduction
Above: At the time I did this slide, there were (3rd row, in blue):
98 million US COVID cases.
Almost 1.1 million deaths.
So, the percent chance of dying from COVID was 1.1%.
We can take these numbers and take what they told us was the case: your chance of getting COVID if you don’t take the jab is 0.74%.
The Propaganda Formula if the Entire US was Jabbed
We take the chance of getting COVID, their 0.74%, and divide that by the US population of 335 million people.
The chance of being infected by COVID was 2.5 million people, if nothing happened.
Out of those infected, their numbers are that 1.1% would die = 27,479 deaths in the entire population.
If we had done nothing, i.e., no jab, 1.1% would have died (based on their numbers, not mine) = 27,479 deaths.
Compare that to the number of people who would have died with the jab
We use the same formula but now we use 0.04% of 335 million people, instead of 0.74%.
And we see that using their numbers, 1.1% of 122,000 people would have been infected = 1,357 deaths.
Now compare how many lives would have been saved by the jab.
We have 27,000 deaths of people without the jab vs. 1000 deaths from those who took the jab. If we apply that to the entire population, the jab would have saved 26,000 lives across the entire US. IF they convinced 100% to take the jab. These are their numbers.
The sold the “95% effective”, based on saving 26,000 lives, using data through September 30, 2022.
Of course, this number has now skyrocketed. Just the VAERS system reported 31,000. We see “died suddenly” happening multiple times a day. The guesstimate is now 300,000 now..
Given that, we have more deaths from the jab than from COVID.
Most people realize that VAERS data is somewhere between 10 and 100-fold underreported.
And we have over 70 million adverse jab effects reported on VAERS. And it’s still going on today.
We had a net loss of lives, 5200, if the entire population would have been jabbed.
We would have lost more lives than saved, by 5200.
And we have over 70 million adverse events reported.
This is sick and evil.
The jab is still being promoted!
As of May 9, 2023, the FDA is still recommending Remdesivir and ventilators. Even though COVID is officially over, per Congress said on April 10, 2023.
The FDA is still incentivizing and promoting the jab, Remdesivir, and the ventilator.
We go to a local pharmacy, not a chain, for ivermectin prescription. That pharmacy, when you call in, they play the jab narrative. Why? They have to do that to get reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid. They’re still playing the narrative., that the jab is necessary for us to be protective. It’s so evil.
Look at statistics and use discernment.
My Wife is Thinking I Should Stop Drinking Beer
But if I did, I would be dead! See below! I calculate it all out!
“I wouldn’t even be here if I stopped drinking beer!”
Incentivized Health Care
If something is right to do, why do you need to get paid to do it? This is from Anthem Health, a vaccine bonus schedule.
The average number of patients per doctor - 2,500
If they have a 30% vaccination rate by September 31, 2021 and a 70% vaccination rate by December 31, 2021, the individual bonus for one doctor would have been $296,250.00 a quarter.
That ‘s a bonus they would have received not from their employer, but care of the insurance company.
Connect the dots, folks! The insurance company isn’t going to take this out of their pocket.
Our government incentivized the insurance company, and then the insurance company took their cut. And then the insurance company incentivized the doctors in order to implement this jab that is clearly meant to kill us.
Now, we are going to go to our Final Exam, to see if you learned anything!
It’s time to elect the next leader of the world (Read the slide below):
Candidate A vs B vs C, See Above. Choose One.
Which of these candidates is your choice? Decide before you go scroll down the page. Don’t scroll down without choosing.
Candidate A: Franklin Roosevelt.
Candidate B: Winston Churchill.
Candidate C: Adolf Hitler.
You were probably duped to pick was Adolf Hitler. Were you fooled? You should have thought, “These facts don’t matter, because I don’t know the ‘why’. “ Remember the title,
“If you don’t know the “Why”, you know nothing”.
The next level of deception that we are going to experience is a false light appearing as good. God promises that, see? This is how Satan reinvents himself as the Angel of Light - and that is how he is coming next.
I want to introduce that Angel of Light in a much bigger perspective and say,
Let’s look at a much bigger program: we’ve been programmed.
We Have Been Programmed
Those of you who follow me know it’s called, ‘Deprogramming with Grace’s Dad. I was not awake to any of this until I realized Grace was murdered and decided to go down the rabbit hole.
“Why was she murdered?”
And then all of this has been exposed in my life, since then. I see it as a responsibility, now that I am awake to share this with you.
What is the biggest thing that I have been awakened to?
It was in the Garden.
In the Garden, Genesis 3:15, says that when you eat, your eyes will be open. And you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
We know Satan is a liar, the Father of Lies. He used the word, “good” on purpose. And that was a lie; only God is good.
What Satan did: he got us into the idea that we should be chasing knowledge. And what God always offered was the Tree of Life.
Jesus said in John 15:5,
“Apart from me, you can do nothing.”
So the “Tree of Life” is “Rely on God. Do not rely on our knowledge.”
Satan spun these “evil” versus “less evil” dialectics. He wants us to focus on knowledge and education (there’s nothing wrong with being knowledgeable or educated). But…
… Can we be educated enough to know everything? That would be impossible.
God wants us to rely on Him. He provides us with wisdom and revelation.
In this world that Satan has created in the Tree of Knowledge, which is the ultimate duping as we follow Satan into this Tree, cleverness is key. And then by being “clever”, we become “successful” in this world.
What does that look like? We have two new cars, 2.1 kids, 2.7 dogs. We can retire when we’re 50 and drink beer on the front porch.
That is ‘success’ in this world.
Humbleness is the key to success in God’s kingdom.
What Does That Look Like?
Everything in this world is God’s. Everything that you think you personally own is God’s, and it’s at His disposal, for His use, to have men reconcile with Him. THIS is the Tree of Life.
What I have seen it in my own life, even though I’ve been a Christian for about 30 years:
The reality was that I was still chasing the world. Now that I am awake to this, I cannot shout it from the roof tops enough, especially as I see how evil things are. I can spend my life figuring out all these evil schemes and protecting myself - but I realize that I don’t have enough time for that.
It’s impossible.
And when I see all the evil that I’ve been presented with in the last 22 months since Grace died, I see that this is foolish, to chase any of it.
What we should do is get roots as to what God expects.
And that’s where our time should be invested.
This final slide is to answer some questions that people have.
Matthew 7:1
The “Don’t Judge” scripture. I get questions on this all the time. Is that applicable here? In alot of these things, I’m really teaching you to ‘judge’. But what is the context here?
Am I teaching you to judge? Yes, we are supposed to judge for ourselves, because Christ said not to cast our pearls before swine.
The context of “not judging” is to “judge yourself first”.
Make sure that you approach with a spirit of humbleness as you are discerning, as you’re looking at what other people are doing.
Don’t instantly ‘judge’ because if you do that, you’re going to be the first one to be judged.
Hosea 4:6: My people perish for lack of knowledge.
And Satan sold us out for the Tree of Knowledge.
Is God against knowledge? Of course not. He’s not against knowledge at all. But when knowledge becomes our idol, that is what God is against.
God is always a God of the heart.
God cares about the why, not the what. So when we’re chasing knowledge, that would be sinful versus if we are obtaining knowledge because we have a responsibility to discern - that’s the type of knowledge God expects.
God gave us a brain for a reason. We can’t make knowledge the idol.
I have a statement here:
The desire for knowledge started in the garden, and is part of our sinful nature ever since. Satan has been tempting us to focus on knowledge from the beginning, and he has us focusing on it so much that it has become an idol for many.
We have to protect ourselves from that.
Luke 11:35: Make sure the light that you think you have isn’t actually darkness.
That is an overall theme for today’s message, and I brought you a few things to get you into a mindset of critical thinking. They are trying to dumb us down, and you have to get your critical thinking skills to protect you from the next thing that is coming, whatever it is… the next plandemic threat, nuclear threat, alien threat…
I have no idea what’s coming next, but I do know that it’s a consistent theme. And the consistent theme is fear.
A Message of Hope: Psalm 2:2 and 2:4
The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord, and against His anointed. The one enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.
As Grace said to me many times,
“Dad, God’s got this!”
God does have this.
Two Mistakes We Can Make: They are Always the Same
Failure to prepare.
Relying on our preparations.
We can’t prepare against Satan - it’s impossible.
He knows the Scripture better than any man walking, other than Jesus.
We need to be preparing, but we need to also be discerning, not trying to focus on knowledge.
We can’t outsmart Satan.
We can’t prepare enough for what he has next.
Our 1st Mistake: Failure to Prepare.
Our 2nd Mistake: Relying on our Preparations. What do we rely on?
We rely on the finished works of Jesus Christ.
That’s why Grace would say,
“Dad, God’s got this!”
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Thanks for doing your part and for the overwhelming support and encouragement.
Your prayers are keeping us pushing forward with everything we’ve got!
I hope your week is blessed.
Grace’s Dad
Scott Schara, President
Our Amazing Grace ™
1 Sam 17:47
Our Amazing Grace is a trademark of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc.