Schara vs. Ascension Health, et al Wrongful Death Lawsuit Update – First Release of Deposition Transcript
Landmark lawsuit
Big picture – Grace was murdered on October 13, 2021; the wrongful death lawsuit was filed on April 11, 2023; the jury trial begins on June 2, 2025.
In this update, I want to connect some dots most have not thought about and begin the release of depositions to the public.
All of the doctor and nurse depositions are complete. I reported my overall perspective on the defendants’ depositions in a prior update. On December 13, our doctor expert had the first day of his two-day deposition. The New Year will begin with the second day of his deposition. Our nurse expert had her deposition on December 17. Both of our experts are exceptional.
The focus has turned to releasing the depositions to the public. To that end, we cannot release the video testimony of the doctors and nurses, as a result of the gag order hearing this past July.
There is so much information that I’ve decided to release things in bites, as I’m preparing for the next phase of getting ready for the trial. I began my review of depositions last week, and plan to keep releasing transcripts after each review.
Accordingly, I will use this platform to highlight some specific nuggets and attach the related transcript so those interested can read the entire under-oath testimony.
As I release depositions, after today, most updates will generally be related to a single deposition. The examples I’m using today are from reviewing my May 29 deposition by attorney Randall Guse. Attorney Guse represents doctors Beck, Baum, and Shokar and is from the Otjen Law Firm in Waukesha, Wisconsin. I believe this format will be helpful for those who want to follow the details.
Here we go…four highlight clips from this deposition are below. The deposition was via Zoom and these clips give you the flavor of the questions and answers. The entire video file is too large to include.
Attorney Guse asking me questions…
1) regarding Dr. Beck.
2) regarding Dr. Baum.
3) regarding Dr. Shokar.
4) about how I know the three drugs caused Grace’s death.
The entire transcript is below. Note this transcript also includes my May 29 deposition by attorney Jason Poje, which will likely be the subject of the next update.
A brief reminder of historic benchmarks on the slippery slope to “health care” today
The Hippocratic Oath– 400 B.C.: An oath to satanic gods.
The “vaccine” agenda: Began in the late 1800s; was already producing cancer in the early 1900s.
Jacobson vs. Massachusetts – 1905: Legalized ‘collectivism’ as the tool to force mandates on the population by the government.
Flexner Report – 1910: Formalized the ‘trust the science’ deception and, through training and propaganda, ostracized alternative treatments.
Medicare and Medicaid 1965: “Free” health care set up the rationing care model we follow today. Rationing care became legal through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' use of the Chevron doctrine - unlawfully dictating “Standards of Care” for the entire country, beginning in the early 1980s.
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 1986: Eliminated downstream liability for “vaccine” manufacturers for related injuries and deaths. Facilitated the government requirement of 80 jabs to obtain free babysitting (indoctrination) in the public fool system.
Obamacare – 2010: Put the government legally in charge of “health care” and legalized euthanasia. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the country’s most influential bioethicists and a prime architect of Obamacare, wrote as far back as 1996 that health care “services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed.”
“Covid” – 2020: Provided direct government incentives for diagnosis, death protocols, and death certificate coding. Incentivizing murder became legal because of a declared Public Health Emergency. Even the direct lie, “safe and effective,” was legal through repealing the Smith-Mundt Act, allowing our government to use propaganda against its citizens. Connecting the dots, “Covid deaths” and false PCR tests were the propaganda tools used to create fear, to achieve the goal of jabbing the population with a bioweapon. Requiring DNR orders and vaccinations before surgery has become normalized, showing how far down the slope we are today.
As reported in the November 1 update, almost everyone is in on this evil agenda…from unwitting participants, to programmed fools, to those following orders, to those who believe in collectivism, to completely evil actors. In that update, I provided an example of each.
If you are a believer in conventional medicine, it’s like being Truman in The Truman Show. In my podcasts, I discuss how to escape once you realize you are in the trap.
Why are there so few lawsuits to stop these behaviors?
The system I just finished describing is in bed with the legal system, so it provides no justice for the real victims who paid the ultimate price, such as our precious Grace.
Grace’s lawsuit is lifting the veil of deception concealing approximately 1,700,000 deaths, annually in America (excluding the murder of the pre-born), as a direct result of the evil practices of the medical industrial establishment. That’s 61% of the total annual deaths – 142,000 new medical murders every single month.
With medical murder being the number one cause of death in America, shouldn’t there be more lawsuits?
We must remember that an anti-Christ legal system is not where justice is found. This reality is by design. How are the doctors and nurses protected? Here are several direct and indirect hurdles put in place to protect the guilty:
1. Doctors and nurses have immunity from liability by following Standards of Care designed to hasten our deaths. This fact is much bigger than the PREP Act immunity we learned of with “Covid.”
2. State statutes effectively prevent lawsuits through liability limits. You would expect any law designed to protect the public would result in a minimum loss of license to practice. In bed with our legislators and legal system, the medical-industrial complex does not allow for that consequence. In Wisconsin, the medical “malpractice” statutory limit is $750,000. Assuming a victory, the payment doesn’t even come from the doctor – the statutes further require that he/she have medical malpractice insurance, so the guilty have no consequence for their actions. Even their legal fees are paid by the insurance company.
3. State statutes also have limits on ‘loss of companionship’ and the timing of filing a claim. In Wisconsin, if a single adult (like Grace) is medically murdered, the loss of companionship claim is $0. Furthermore, the Statute of Limitations for filing a claim is three years (only one year in some states). These cases are complex and having the hospital comply with complete records’ requests is nearly impossible. Once the family realizes what happened, gets the records, finds an attorney, has the records professionally reviewed, and files the lawsuit, most are SOL.
4. Medical records contain lies. Outside of direct lies, the confirmation bias in the records is hard to grasp. These records are prima facie evidence in a lawsuit – they are deemed true unless you can prove otherwise.
5. Hospital policies prevent visitation by family. It is a lot easier to commit a crime if no one is watching.
6. State statutes limit the attorney's compensation in contingency cases – in Wisconsin, the limit is 1/3 of the proceeds. The implications of this statute, when combined with the $750,000 limit, shut down nearly 100% of the potential lawsuits. Here’s the type of lawsuit that works in this system: a child is medically murdered by an ER physician giving the wrong medication, within an hour of arrival. Why? The statutory restraint doesn’t apply because the deceased is a child and the medical records require almost no review, so it keeps the legal cost to a minimum. In simple terms, attorneys take on cases that have the best opportunity for success with the statutory formulas. There’s not enough money available for a typical medical murder.
7. Protections for not providing informed consent are twofold: a) Prior case law, in Wisconsin, has placed the doctor’s decision to ignore informed consent as malpractice, versus a battery, so claims are subject to the statutory limit referenced above; b) Violations are submitted to the Medical Examining Board – of which 10 of the 13 members are doctors, by rule! Furthermore, there are no appeal rights of the Board’s decision.
8. Finding experts is difficult because of the inherent desire to support colleagues.
9. “They are bigger than us.” In the search for an attorney, I came across one who told me the truth regarding why so few medical malpractice claims are filed. He told me that “even in slam dunk cases, you only have a 1 in 10 chance of winning.” I asked why. He told me of a case where he represented a victim who had a sponge left inside of him after surgery. He lost the case. He said he had 10 experts, but the defense brought 100 experts, claiming this practice is normal. He told me bluntly, “They circle the wagons around their own.”
10. Gag orders and settlements. The cost of a jury trial is typically more than the attorney will receive via the 1/3 formula, so these cases almost always settle. Additionally, many states have statutes that dissuade plaintiffs from going to trial. Specifically, if a plaintiff rejects a defense settlement offer, and receives less than the offer at trial, the statutes contain a payback provision. Finally, settlements come with a gag order, for the victim’s family, so the results are forever hidden from the public.
11. Wisconsin is one of many states that recently passed laws making confrontations with healthcare providers a felony. If you are not sufficiently docile, you are now at risk of being jailed.
12. Programming. We’ve bought into the idea that when someone goes to medical school and puts on a white lab coat, he/she knows more than us, and God, about our body. We’ve further bought the lie that “nobody would do that” regarding medical murder. In the jury trial, 10 of 12 will have to overcome their bias for us to win. Take a look at the slippery slope items again. We got to this point through propaganda and training preying on our desire to be like God. The medical staff programming follows the agenda. Even worse, once they obtain their licenses, to maintain their living standards, they must follow “Standards of Care” dictated by those who are the puppets of the population reduction agenda. We falsely assume all doctors are good and look out for the best interests of the patient. There are some exceptional doctors, who have not been bought. Some finished last in their graduating class (which doesn’t cause bad actors but is interesting to think about), and some blindly follow orders for a paycheck.
13. Normalization. As an example, chemotherapy has a 2.1% success rate across the board. Doctors who are in the system cannot recommend real cancer cures. Vaccines and chemical poisoning of our food, water, and air cause cancer. When a person dies of cancer, or the treatment, we’ve been programmed to believe this is normal. Cancer deaths account for 35% of the annual medical murders – since chemotherapy is the Standard of Care, this fact prevents any justice for the families of these victims.
It is fitting to close this section with a quote from one of the defense attorney’s motions to dismiss Grace’s lawsuit:
“The Legislature’s purpose in enacting a statutory scheme for covering claims for damages arising out of alleged medical negligence was to encourage health care providers to remain in Wisconsin by imposing certain limits on the causes of action that a patient or her family member can pursue, and the types and amount of damages that can be recovered.”
Praise God the judge did not go along with this ridiculous argument.
I had no idea the extent of what I was getting into when this process started. Now I know. I’m thankful God opened the door to shed His light on the evil. The legal case is exhausting – time; money; reliving the details. To be blunt, participation in this system is grinding. We are now less than six months away from the goal. I pray the trial will be live-streamed, the jury members will each be pursuers of truth, the judge will critically evaluate the facts, and most importantly that God’s will is done, and He is glorified.
What does justice look like in a case like this? First, repentance. The defendants have no idea the extent of their blindness. They don’t realize our work will benefit them, their families, and their friends. Second, stop the behavior. If God uses Grace’s murder to hold individual doctors and nurses accountable for their actions, it will send shockwaves through the industry. Third, our family’s calling is under Genesis 50:20, which says: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” God has given us a platform to share what we are learning. As souls wake up to the physical and spiritual goals of the system, each one has a new responsibility to rebuke evil and starve the beast. Finally, and personally, I’d like Grace’s death certificate to be changed to the true cause of death. Assuming we win, writing a check for Grace’s death is not justice.
When man turns away from God’s laws, God’s judgment is certain. This consequence is the reason our country is experiencing evil like we’ve never seen in history. God warned us this would happen in Revelation 18:23:
For your merchants were the most important people of the earth, because with your pharmakeia they deceived all the nations.
The only way out of this mess is repentance. Repentance for trusting in man [our sinful nature desiring a king – 1 Samuel 8] and believing that by chasing knowledge [“science” – Genesis 3:5-6] we can be like God. We are being bombarded with false prophets at an alarming pace, as God prophesied would happen in Revelation 13 and Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24.
Repentance of even one doctor, or nurse, would save more lives than any lawsuit. “For nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)
Our family wishes each of you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.