ACT NOW: Doctor Kirk Moore, Indicted for NOT Harming Patients, Needs Your Help Today
Please consider his lawyer requests a check for $120,000 by Wednesday, July 5th
How do they keep doctors in line?
By using them as persecution examples.
This article summarizes Dr. Moore’s indictment from several sources, and displays my Pinterest Board, created on his behalf. If you could do with a home cup of coffee instead of a coffee shop, maybe consider sending $5.
This is a FREE article that summarizes posts from Twitter, Pinterest, Daniel Horowitz at the Conservative Review, Stew Peters, Dr. Sigoloff’s Rumble, my previous Substack articles with additional references, and more.
I spent a lot of time on this article, because I think he gave everything to keep his patients from harm - yet it appears that only a few have financially supported his legal fees. I feel that travesty as well, and because our patients have not necessarily followed us along this deeper and deeper path, the least us doctors can do is to support one another as much as possible.
While I know you may not have benefited directly from his care, your helping him helps the rest of us doctors who lost our medical licenses. Why? Because you give us hope.
In case you are new to my Substack, here is my recent story of surrendering my medical license in California:
» Brave Doctors Give Up Their Livelihood to Do The Right Thing before God and the Hippocratic Oath « … and brave people do the right thing before God - one decision at a time, one step deeper and deeper into the quagmire. It is not over. But we are prepared.
For perhaps we were born for a time such as this, as discussed in my 10-minute podcast.
BACKGROUND On Dr. Moore’s Indictment
I could not summarize Dr. Moore’s occurrences better than this, so here are some exquisite excerpts from a March 10, 2023 article by Daniel Horowitz at the Conservative Review.
An Unjust Law is No Law at All
Lex Iniusta non est lex
Seventy-five years ago, it was established at the Nuremberg trial for doctors that never again would we allow medical experimentation upon human beings without their consent. Well, here we are, 5.5 billion people into the human experimentation of the COVID injections that have killed and maimed millions, and the principle of informed consent is dead.
… Meanwhile, a doctor who took his Hippocratic Oath seriously and allegedly saved nearly 2,000 patients (with FULL CONSENT) from the shots, is facing serious federal charges for conspiracy to defraud the government defrauders.
…Dr. Kirk Moore, an experienced plastic surgeon from Utah, on the other hand, has risked his life and career to actually follow the dictates of the Nuremberg Code. Yet despite everything we now know about the shots, which should win him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his alleged actions, he is the one facing prosecution for a disposing of a shot that is only on the market because of government fraud.
In January, Dr. Moore, along with two members of his clinic’s staff and a neighbor, were indicted on conspiracy to defraud the federal government by allegedly offering nearly 2,000 patients saline injections along with vaccine documentation while disposing of the real shots into the sink. To be clear, he is not being accused of tricking patients. He never offered unsuspecting patients fake shots. These were all people (or parents of minors) who desperately sought him out to bypass the genocidal, unconstitutional, inhumane, and immoral jab mandates, so they could go on with their lives unharmed by this terrible technology.
Prosecutors accuse Dr. Moore and staff at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Utah of pretending to administer 391 children shots, 524 adult Pfizer shots, 64 Moderna shots, and 958 J&J shots between October 2021 and Sept. 2022 just based on the inventory of shots that went to that office. That was long after it was known these shots were dangerous, yet Moore, not the Pfizer executives, faces up to five years in federal prison.
… Moore is being accused of grifting and running a fake vaccine card ring and earning $98,000 off it. Dr. Moore, though, rigorously disputed this fact in an interview on my podcast and notes that when people asked him for his fee for COVID treatment, he told them to donate it to a 501(c)(3) medical freedom group. It would be absurd for someone who earns his money as a successful plastic surgeon to risk his livelihood and freedom for such a nominal fee. His side of the story is so much more believable because he was treating patients for COVID for free and never billed insurance, despite the fact that he was saving lives since March 2020. He didn’t need to turn his practice into a primary care clinic, but he did this simply to save lives. He is a national hero.
May 26, 2023
Dr. Kirk Moore was jailed. The moment I read this, I began praying and praying for him.
This story is in my upcoming No More Tears book, but I know the Jail Ward.
Having selected the short straw twice, I was at LA County-USC’s 13th Floor Jail Ward for two rotations, one during the time of the riots when Rodney King arrived there.
It was 1990 and I had just graduated medical school. In a blink, I was in the Jail Ward with prisoners who tried to bite and spit on us - so we would turn HIV positive. They were on PCP and ketamine, some tried to jump out a window, others were bitten by K-9 service dogs. It was a rough house and if anyone grabbed a pen or a syringe and held us hostage, the 12”-thick Sheriff’s door entrance would be locked for everyone. We literally prayed each shift as we left the unit and that huge door shut behind us. We were FREE!
I saw cases where the individual did not deserve to be there. It was obvious.
Already, people were helping collect articles and references for his defense.
Here is the above link to the Rumble video, “Dr. Moore’s List” by Dr. Sigoloff.
In the above interview, Dr. Kirk describes he was initially in solitary confinement for five days. For the remaining seven days, he was imprisoned with murderers and rapists.
Reasons to Donate to GSG for Dr. Kirk Moore
Follow us, support by sharing, posting, writing your own articles, and making sure you are sharing correct, updated information. Give what you can, when you can.
Beware of false information, infighting, and stay focused. Take this article and edit it to fit your audience. You have my permission to multiply this word.
Here is her Tweet announcement from yesterday. Retweet and Comment here:
NOTE: Watch for trolls, people posting that Carolina got him jailed, and other atrocious statements of negativity and falsehood - ignore and do not feed into them.

Donate to help with legal fees. If every patient who was helped by Dr. Moore gave just $100, he would have a robust defense budget fitting for the projected years he will fight this good fight.
The anticipated lawyers fees are expected to be $1,000,000.
And the Battle Marches On to Pinterest! Follow Us and Share on Pinterest: A Board to Fight4Moore!

Margaret, wonderfully done piece. Thank you and thanks to all those helping us out.