Hahahaha! That’s part of the problem. The buttons. I thought I turned off autocorrect. Then I started using it for Spanish and I’m constantly having to switch it off too but it doesn’t always work and it all goes south. My other devices aren’t currently substack friendly until I do some house keeping there and I haven’t had time. Soon though!
Biden’s dementia is progressing and just like my mother in law about the same age it’s becoming quite a challenge for us managing her life now. It’s awful that Jill Biden is trying to cover up what is obvious to the whole world. Regardless, her continuing the false notion that there’s nothing to see here is abuse! Let him sit in his recliner and eat pudding & ice cream, take naps whenever.
My father died of Alzheimer's, and I helped him to the end. You are right ~ it's elder abuse to force Biden to carry on for the sake of public perception.
I’m so sorry you lost your dad to Alzheimer’s. My heart goes out to you. I admire that you cared for him until the end. My mom had dementia but of a different type. But bladder cancer that was in remission, then chronic UTI’s and pneumonia and sepsis took her life. My brothers and I took care of our mom. We shared in her care due to our jobs.
My MIL had 3 Moderna shots and after the 3rd booster she developed A-Fib, and dementia started now her cognitive abilities are diminishing rapidly. I’m surprised she is still alive. He heart is in bad shape. She lives in a Sr independent living center but it’s a matter of time until we will need to move her to a higher level of care. Weeks I think.
His evilness aside, it’s been so sad to watch him be put through this. Anyone that has had a family member who has dementia knows. They need to be in a place where they can be protected and cared for. Not humiliated on a world stage. This should now show the lack of true compassion by democrats.
Substack really needs an LOL or SMH emoji button. Just sayin’.
😂 🤦♀️
Just use the buttons on your phone;) 🙌
Hahahaha! That’s part of the problem. The buttons. I thought I turned off autocorrect. Then I started using it for Spanish and I’m constantly having to switch it off too but it doesn’t always work and it all goes south. My other devices aren’t currently substack friendly until I do some house keeping there and I haven’t had time. Soon though!
Yes my love
Yes my love
More theater to distract from what the WEF and WHO are doing behind the scenes.
This saves everyone months of speculation and tells other countries that Biden is unfit ~ hopefully they won't try to put Biden on the spotlight.
And that’s it a bad thing!
How does our country show our leaders have strength during this time? Certainly not by putting Biden on a mic.
Sorry, typo on my comment. Meant that it’s not a bad thing.
I figured it out;) ❤️
Yes my love
Biden’s dementia is progressing and just like my mother in law about the same age it’s becoming quite a challenge for us managing her life now. It’s awful that Jill Biden is trying to cover up what is obvious to the whole world. Regardless, her continuing the false notion that there’s nothing to see here is abuse! Let him sit in his recliner and eat pudding & ice cream, take naps whenever.
My father died of Alzheimer's, and I helped him to the end. You are right ~ it's elder abuse to force Biden to carry on for the sake of public perception.
I’m so sorry you lost your dad to Alzheimer’s. My heart goes out to you. I admire that you cared for him until the end. My mom had dementia but of a different type. But bladder cancer that was in remission, then chronic UTI’s and pneumonia and sepsis took her life. My brothers and I took care of our mom. We shared in her care due to our jobs.
My MIL had 3 Moderna shots and after the 3rd booster she developed A-Fib, and dementia started now her cognitive abilities are diminishing rapidly. I’m surprised she is still alive. He heart is in bad shape. She lives in a Sr independent living center but it’s a matter of time until we will need to move her to a higher level of care. Weeks I think.
Yes my love
Yes my love
Yes my love
It took them 4 years and destruction of many in order to admit his lack of ability. Evil doings…
Thank goodness they had a debate, or it would not have been quite so plain to all!
Yes my love
Well report card to the Biden Obama 3rd term F.
I would ask any one what did have they done over the last
3.5 years that was fruitful for America?
Illegitimate power grab ends. What a week!!
“Jesus take the Wheel”!
Please Jesus and Thank You!!
Please God, come back to America. We are on our knees calling out to you. Thank you for DJT.
2020 Vision Remains Undefeated
Good riddance, but I should have put my hip boots on before reading his statement!
This kabuki theatre is getting weirder by the day. Who’s been running the presidential office in the USA until now after Bidens announcement today?
Because it's elder abuse for Biden to stay in power when the poor guy has dementia.
His evilness aside, it’s been so sad to watch him be put through this. Anyone that has had a family member who has dementia knows. They need to be in a place where they can be protected and cared for. Not humiliated on a world stage. This should now show the lack of true compassion by democrats.
Exactly. They are to be protected.
Yes my love
Yes my love