What a tangled web we weave. Something tells me this sort of thing happens in government all the time. At least Trump didn’t force us against our will to take the clotshot poison like Biden and all the Dems did. Both parties have proven they don’t have peoples best interests at heart. Kennedy is another honost Abe. I don’t share his values with abortion. He needs to educate himself with what Infanticide is. No person should have the right to stop a beating heart. He’s not perfect but he has what JFK had. A heart for his people.

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Every one of them have good things and bad things about them. I don't want to pick the "least worst" choice. And I don't know if my vote will even be counted as cast. Therefore, I don't intend to vote.

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Not trying to be argumentative but I'm not sure any of them have anything good to offer us. I also don't vote, always seemed like a sham. How often has one party had the WH, senate, congress and blames other party for not gstting anything done? Every admibistration?! Plus, I find this impossible to be coincidence, if true of course.


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I have heard this before but more in the history of many US Presidents being Freemasons.

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Yippee! More darkness. How unexpected.

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Time will tell.

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A Clear Win

For People

That Seek

And That Need

To Be Rewarded

For Being Victims.


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It shouldn't be a win for any country to prosecute a former President based on political motivation.

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Doesn't the US impose santions on countries that politically persecute the opposition?

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Uh, but that’s different. He posted mean tweets.

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Ahh that's right! Better to be molesting and sniffing women. Sillyness.

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And: We investigated ourselves and found we are not guilty.

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Right? 🤷‍♀️ 🙄

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The Democracy-is-at-Stake Storm troopers just won a battle. I hate them all. May they rot in early graves.

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We can only do what we can do. And it's not over yet 🤔 🙌

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I'm hoping he will still run. He is the best chance we have of pushing back the globalists and if you dont agree, you need to watch his last speech at Davos.

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Do you have a link? I would love to see someone sticking up for everyday people.

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Clinton got impeached and won his next election? The fact he's in Davos at all scares me.

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They're all in on it. Waiting for the anti-Christ to be released. They are creating the climax.

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Maybe he already has? If you start researching that, you will find a lot of stuff about Pope Frances. Makes sense. He's a complete heretic who now preaches acceptance and support of homosexuality, taking shots with aborted fetus cell lines. W hich is actually a lie. The cell line used HEK293 is from live babies and the 294 represents how many babies it took to successfully extract the cells because no amesthesia could be used and it had to be done quickly. So you know what that means? Also, macron of France, who has a very interesting background. He also has pushed through legislation which is more of a "freedom from religion " than freedom of religion. He's also often photographed in a way that portrays horns on his head, i.e. Time magazine covers. Check it out.

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Pope Francis is going to answer for much, including his denial of Christ in favor of Satan. Indeed!

Yes, my understanding is that the fetal cell line was from live babies. Dr. Carrie Madej cited this fact, but I haven't been able to confirm it. Hence, the vax was a religious exemption (that the Pope denied) ~ as were the Covid moniclonal antibody infusions. Interesting that I haven't heard of anyone having any type of sickness after those.

Macron was one of the groomed WEF Young Leaders, yes. And the crowds vehemently rose up against him.

We need to stay strong!

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Amen sister. Keep the faith. The Bible tells us not to put faith/trust in man.

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Shameful indeed, that the Pope shunned Christ's teachings against harming children and is in favor of fetal stem cells used for vaccines. What an abuse of morality!

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I'll try, my tech skills are so bad but I'll do my best

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I think it worked, you might have to repost it maybe.

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You're watching a MOVIE!

Enjoy by all means but don't think for a second this is even remotely real life.

The next (and FINAL) administration of the current American Republic is Trump as POTUS and Tucker Carlson as VP.

The script for this movie has been written at least two years ago (but potentially even before Trump took office for his first term).


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Why is it the last administration?

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Because it will bring about the end of the current Republic (the fourth one I believe).

Trump will be a vengeful POTUS in his second term and more importantly a tyrannical one as alluded to in the recent "Civil War" movie.

States will secede which may or may not lead to an actual civil war but the US in its current form will be no more.

The other reason is a currency collapse and a major tension erupting within American society. This is all part of the "fourth turning" cycle and has happened many many times before in history. Especially to empires.

No idea what comes next but I hope it won't be something like the Republic of Gilead. Either way, the time of the United States as a global super power will come to an end, something I think many everyday Americans will actually welcome.

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I personally hope Jesus' returm is what comes next!

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🙌 🙏 ❤️

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My great-relatives ensured that the state of Texas could succeed from the union whenever it wants. I believe that this is still law. Other states may have similar laws.

We ditched the big city and are growing our own veges, trying to be more self-sufficient.

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Texas is a pretty good place to be in the US in the immediate future but the current governor is definitely a major concern.

You have an enemy (and a very devious one at that) in your midst.

If there is one thing that is fairly certain in the aftermath of the restructuring of the US is that the Independent and Sovereign Republic of Texas will rise again.

Texas ALWAYS had a lot more to lose from being in the union than to gain. The risk/reward ratio is completely skewed towards Independence and has been since at least the first decade of the 20th century.

I literally can't think of a single benefit for Texas to be part of the US, no matter how its next reincarnation looks like!

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My relatives are in Texas but I don't live there. And you're absolutely right on the financial independence it has... there are more reasons it could be on its own than reasons to stay part of the USA.

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I read an article that says he's had a secret meeting with Elon Musk and eyeing him as a VP pick. This stuff is entertaining!

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Cannot happen due to the 25th Amendment.

"The Constitution lays out the qualifications for vice president, and they're the same as those required for the president. The vice president must have been born in the United States (or on U.S. soil abroad), must be at least 35 years old and must have spent at least 14 years of his or her life in the United States."


This makes sense because the VP can potentially step into the oval office at any time.

Musk wasn't born "in the United States (or on U.S. soil abroad)" and still holds other nationalities as well I believe (South Africa as well as Canada).

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Which was why obammy wasnt qualified but he still got "elected." Kammy too.

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Fair point. They had a 'cover story' though. Musk clearly doesn't. Every single person knows without a shadow of a doubt Musk was NOT born on US Soil.

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I guess so. At this point I'm not sure if Musk is dead, alive, a borg, or cia. Maybe he's a hologram?

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And a lot of our politicians hold dual citizenship in the USA and Israel.

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I've seen 'Tucker Carlson as VP' memes, too.

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It's pretty clear the courts do not like Trump and what he stands for. I do not vote. My vote is not heard. None of the candidates are the right one.

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Agree. They're all in on it.

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There too much drama about Trump so I do not listen very much.

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I don't watch TV or the news. Never liked TV and would rather read a book;)

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I have a big screen TV, I used to watch it for a little while, then put it away. I do not watch TV either. I read too. Sew and draw.

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AwE. I love to embroider, crochet, and draw. I am on the Board of Directors of our local art gallery. Wonderful things!

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Okay. So I say go get barry and his husband, clintons x2, Bush, and Carter too for that matter.

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Im not giving in and still believe in American Exceptionalism.

I’m voting for Trump and think everyone else should also because he gave up everything for the country he loves. You think there is a country somewhere better than USA???

We need to have the backbone and patriotism that he has! A defeatist attitude will certainly not put him in the Whitehouse! He needs every vote!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I also am optimistic about our future, but don't plan on counting on them.

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