RemovedMay 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda
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👌 🙌 🙏

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RemovedMay 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda
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I would love to know what Scripture leads us to believe it is wrong to mix a body with alfalfa, sprouts, and wood chips, and then mix it with soil and put it into the ground.

I feel this is blasphemous treatment of a human body, which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. But I don't know enough on this subject to cite Scripture that backs it up.

After we die, even if we burned to a million pieces of soot, I believe God can still resurrect our bodies, if He needs to.

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My dad was cremated. I have some of his ashes in a small vase, a bit in a cross necklace. The majority is with my grandparents where they were buried and a portion with my mom in a different cemetery.

I believe in the rapture of the church, where the dead in Christ will be raised first, then those who remain will be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air. We will be changed, our mortal bodies transformed in the twinkling of an eye to perfect immortal bodies to live forever with the Lord.

I imagine at that moment, because God created all things and can do all things, that my dad’s ashes will gather from all the places they are to be joined, changed, and made immortal, instantly.

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I absolutely agree. God will put them all together again and we will have a new heaven and a new earth.

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Amen! I look forward to that day with eager anticipation.

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YES! Amen!

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I'm sorry, is your comment in reply to mine? I don't want to be impolite and butt into a comment that was not directed to me. Thank you very much.

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One level of evil after another. What will they plan next?

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Maybe they'll make special seeds to plant there, and sell special water... and how in the heck do they deliver 200 lb of human compost? They bag it up like Home Depot?

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I think I read that aquamation will be added to our water system. Cuz, it’s safe and effective. Curious why people aren’t grabbing our pitchforks and torches yet!

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They probably are doing it already, and now telling us. They people are mentally deranged !

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As usual, yes, I bet you are right. Maybe it started in Washington because of the influence of Oregon and Dr. Kevorkian's euthanasia 🤷‍♀️ 🙄

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May 29Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Here’s some other freaky methods of getting rid of a body: wiki says: Alkaline hydrolysis (also called biocremation, resomation,[1][2] flameless cremation,[3] aquamation[4] or water cremation[5]) is a process for the disposal of human and pet remains using lye and heat, and is an alternative to burial or cremation.

And don’t forget Soylent green which has probably been happening all along…they use fetal tissue in all kinds of products fro beauty, drugs, and food products.

And, not sure if this is true but they are trying to pass a bill to legalize cannibalism …. Which, again, is probably already happening.(fetal tissue in everything)

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I absolutely believe they use fetal stem cells in food.

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May 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

What if they died of cancer? And they are composted then grow food in their composted body? No thank you.

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And how do you know that you don't have someone else's remains? They could get them mixed up... No thsnk you!

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Anyone remember Logan’s Run? That “vessel” reminds me of bodies going into “carousel” to be “renewed.” Eerily similar concept.

I’m sorry, but I don’t want HUMAN compost in the garden where I grow my food. What’s wrong with cremation? Not ecologically friendly enough?

Those cultures that use biodegradable caskets or bury directly, do so in designated, sacred locations. They don’t use that ground to grow food.

Someone found a way to play on climate alarmists’ emotions and make a lot of money. Apparently, it’s working if there are six states and counting and people are paying for this nonsense. Sadly I’m surrounded by some of these states.

What’s next? We find out Soylent Green wasn’t just a movie and they’ve been making food from people for decades?

Don’t tell me. The things I’ve found out since 2016 have been difficult to bear, I don’t think I could handle that one.

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Absolutely that the sacred burials of Jewish and Muslim bodies buried without a casket go in a sacred place.

And I agree with you on Soylent Green. We're growing our own food. God bless us all.

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May 30Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This story is very deceptive. Read the about the chemicals required to facilitate 'organic' human reduction. When this became newsworthy in WA state in 2018 we read the specs on the patents. This human waste reduction is then utilized in factory farming. Ppl are eating foods sprayed with the remains of human beings, mankind, as the fertilizer. Yeah. Cannibalism is what that's called. It goes into all factory farming, animal or plant. How do you think Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, or Mad Cow disease in UK had its Genesis? Rotted animal+ remains mixed in with other elements used as 'nutritious' food to maximize production causing 'prion disease'? Finally properly identified & diagnosed in the '90's.

It all sounds so new agey don't it? Like a calm, intelligent thoughtful way to 'give back'. I wouldn't give my rotted gangrenous left toe to medical research & that's coming from one who fought the state of CA to be removed from the organ donation website. I used to be a believer in medical research. I'm from a medical industry family. We BELIEVED. I worked in medicine for 25+ years. Today I would rather die in my barn surrounded by farm animals than become a victim of the medical industrial complex & to my shame I did not recognize the cage I helped build. May God have mercy on my soul.

I appreciate the rather milquetoast article hwvr, I've learned why 'civility' has been weaponized to silence those who speak frankly. I finally had to dig deeply into Marxist ideology to discovery how can ppl lie with such facile ease? I was genuinely perplexed. Clearly I'm speaking to a bald faced liar. What do I do? Unravel & scream after hours of meaningless diatribe of mental chess in a faux game? After one such convo I gave up on I rolled up my sleeves & did a proper research study to find how ppl lie in court, in front of congress to any authority where your word is your bond. That used to be a death penalty crime. To lie after promising to tell the truth. Then I got into Islam horse💩 & how did these guys manage to plagiarize, outright steal, manipulate, deviate & pervert the Holy Bible in a book of gibberish of sexual deviance only a freak could love, and BINGO. I found out how, why & where civility is used as a deception. Sorry for long comment but my thoughts cannot be concise or pithy with human fertilizer and having 5 grandchildren.

For the faint of heart, you will be consumed first. Clutching your politically correct pearls as they eat your soul that will be judged for not defending the Faith. So be it. And do not dare to call my language uncharitable or 'un-Christian' as this is the kindest most direct speech we were taught by Christ himself. He called a whore a whore. He did not mince his words. David as a 14 yr old mocked a giants dick(penis for the weak) in public until he became so enraged that kid managed to take him down with a rock to his frontal cortex then used his own sword to remove his head. Reread how Christ spoke to liars, cheats & thieves. Frank, uncluttered, direct true words is how to communicate and sometimes those words sound "course". Awww really? I could cuss up a storm but it's inelegant and unladylike. But the loss of direct frank speech is how we lost our children and this nation.

My only point in my long comment is, this is human fertilizer being sold as a thoughtful way to green energy lies. It's an abomination. And THAT is the rest of the story as the Great Paul Harvey used to say. God bless you all! 🙏🏻

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It is an abomination.

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The chemical reduction of human waste was not a topic in my post. It would be a great topic for you to consider writing on your own, however!

You bring up not only the banality of evil and its sisters, the aggressors who hide behind social norms, but also Christ's boldness, and you intermix it well within your content.

There's a link at the bottom of all my posts where you can start writing with my referral. You should do it 🙌

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Well said IMO.

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Thank you, as this is an awful subject to bring up... but it allows us to think about what we want done - and to talk to our families so they know. Appreciate your stopping by!

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