deletedSep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda
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For a variety of reasons, this is considered by many to be a very dark way of life.

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Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They might be leaning towards Santeria, which is basically half voodoo, half catholic dogma.

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I haven't seen this sect in my readings and would like to know more. Let me see a link that you like, if you could be so kind. Thank you!

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Sep 13Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

It’s been around since the French brought slaves to Haiti. The slaves mixed the 2 beliefs, basically. There was a movie about it, starring Martin Sheen and Jimmy Smits.

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Nice. I would love to see what they tell us. Can you be so kind as to share the link with me? Thank you!

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Sep 13Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The Believers, 1987. I don’t have any links offhand. It was briefly in the public discourse when the movie came out.

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Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This is their crazy culture and someone needs to clue them in that it won’t be tolerated here. We love our animals and take care of them!

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They will need to learn.

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But they won't. Much like Muslims, they consider their religions and therefore themselves to be superior to westerners and western culture. They do not assimilate, tolerate or compromise......That is why they are wholly incompatible with western civilizations and need to be repatriated. Haitians, Afghanistanees, Arab Muslim illegal aliens from Palestine and surrounding Muslim countries. Only when this is accomplished is there a possibility for western civilization to survive. Right now, western civilizations are slowly walking the plank....voluntarily.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This is accurate information! The occult believes blood (sacrifice) is spiritual realm currency to purchase black magic power (demonic in nature). God/Jesus/Holy Spirit in a person is MUCH GREATER than vodoo in the world. Jesus is my Lord and Savior! Jesus brings protection, peace and a beautiful life! Jesus purchased redemption from evil for all mankind by shedding his blood at calvary. We can by choice invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. A simple prayer, asking Jesus to be my Lord and Savior changed my life forever! It was a from darkness to light changing transformation for me.

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The life is in the blood, and the blood of a murdered man cries out to God. The covenant between God and man was made perfect by the blood of Christ.

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Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

no no nooooooooooooo

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I know. It's another shame of a thing 😔. But we will keep shining the light on the darkness! I need to go back and add a prayer 🙏 and thank you for the reminder 💗

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Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This practice is a violation of God's sovereignty. He hates it! It is witchcraft. God says Don't do it." When you WILLFULLY VIOLATE God's law it will NOT go well with you. REPENT turn from your evil Satanic ways. GOD will hear your prayers then and heal your lands.

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Repentance is key! False gods are idols! Blasphemy and satan worship rituals are also the worst evil of all, the very epitome of evil that Christ overcame! Hallelujah!

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Sep 12Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

It is true the weird traditions are here and they don’t belong here!!! But , now that i read the clintons had ceremony there for their honeymoon, I wish we had their shrunken heads to show and make the haitians feel at home here in the new usa🤮🤣

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That sure jumped out of the page at me, the Clintons' honeymoon ceremony 🤮

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Appreciate your words😻

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It should also be noted, that while animal sacrifice is still practiced in vodou, the animals used are in fact raised just for that purpose. They are not going around willi-nilli grabbing any furry critter off the street or from someone's back yard. These animals have to be perfect, and healthy.

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One would think that they would hunger to do another sacrifice, if they didn't arrive here with their own animals.

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Yeah that's True. It also eliminates any witnesses of the animals existence. The Santerians at this undisclosed location use a Shar Pei mix breeder bitch.

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Think the Iranians at the last undisclosed location used Black Labs. But these are ritual incest cults, so thel slaughtering of pets is the least of their abominations.

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Shiite Muslims practice dog sacrifice rituals?

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In a pinch, not having time to raise them (which is ridiculous anyway, Boone in Haiti is prosperous enough to raise animals for this purpose anymore, if ever) anyone's cat will do, didn't be ridiculous.

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Anything that CAN fall under the first Amendment WILL fall under the First Amendment with the Supreme Court in place. Anything and I mean ANYTHING.

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A formidable thought that reinforces this isn't a physical battle - it's a spiritual battle. You keep my sword sharp, and I hope to do the same for you.

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