Jun 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yeah 😀

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A "win" but I am sure they'll be back #Resist

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Jun 21Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

What human rights activists need to grasp is the role that sovereign debt plays in driving forward these attacks on individual privacy. And once we see that causal relationship to the attacks, we then need to launch a political offensive against voter bribery with debt-financed social benefit programs whose costs are not immediately paid by taxes upon voters.

A nurse I know, who has almost zero experience haggling or bartering and does not understand the fundamental economic principle, that if I make someone a promise then fail to deliver, at best I will disappoint a friend and at worst my failure to keep the promise will result in serious harm to someone. Economics is not the study of money. It is the study of value. Markets that count sales with money are a convenience to the research economist, but value was the driving force behind every barter trade, in the days before money was invented.

So my nurse friend lived near Washington, DC in the 1990s and held a clerical job on the Hill, first for a Congressman and then for a Senator. All those many years ago, her employers boasted that the US national debt and the sovereign debts of other nations, would "wash away" when the new global money came into use.

That's an amazing promise when made to gullible people. Don't worry about the cost of anything. Borrow as much as you can. Let that debt "wash away" as if the things you acquired with it, were gifts.

So applying that lie to real-world events: All of the G-7 and G-20 nations have old age pensions and massive public debts they are unable to repay. How will they feed, clothe, house, and medicate millions of elderly and disabled people who were solemnly promised they would be paid those promises pensions, if they default?

Liars in politics are clueless how to deliver what they promise. They're not in medical practice and cannot work for free to treat the poor. They don't farm or make clothing. They don't build or maintain housing. Their sole skills are 1) finding gullible people and 2) lying to them.

The US alone owes $110 trillion dollars it borrowed from the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, that Congress refuses to discuss, plus $30 trillion of bonds it does acknowledge as debt. Let's suppose a future Congress votes to default on all the bonds, then try to provide food, clothing, housing and medical care priced at $110 trillion. That's a 73% cut in benefits from what Congress promised. How many of our elderly will survive, on 73% less than they were promised?

We can readily see the reason for suicide promotion. Dead people stop using medical care and stop eating, wearing clothes, and occupying housing. If surgery could be made so painful that the news one needs an operation would lead most folks to buy a gun and shoot themselves in the head, Medicare would pay no benefits at all.

All of these schemes attacking human rights serve the common goal of impoverishing the world enough that we don't blame politicians and central bankers for ripping us off, and instead view our forced poverty and compulsory euthanasia on something unrelated to its actual cause.

What's highly disturbing to learn from my nurse friend, is that she still sincerely believes that digital currency can wash away all debts, without any harm done to the people who were promised the benefits. She believes it so much so, that she considers it her patriotic duty to conceal the details she knows. because she cannot imagine Congress lying.

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WoW. Seems like the best thing is to stay away from bonds! Grow your own food, have water reservoirs, know your local farmers, go to your farmer's market. Stay healthy, NEVER go to the hospital!

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

It's the main factor in all the speculation over cryptocurrency. Do we get a single global money, for which we must bear a biometric mark to buy or sell? Or will there be competing providers of value-storage, who operate alongside the barter system that has always existed?

If competition exists, dishonesty is limited by everyone's personal capacity to question and to learn. If all economic decisions however tiny, are ruled over, by a power elite, the ignorance of that elite will make them dependent upon one lie after another, and they will all have surrendered their liberty and lives to Satan. As I've pointed out before, Beel Z'vuv, The Evil Angel, lost all his heavenly powers when God confined him to the Earth. The only powers Satan gets are the ones we give him.

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There's a lot of discussion on the origins of war and the great chess game of subsequent funding by bankers who put both sides in debt with a much higher agenda.

I suspect that the bankers will continue to control everything possible, and we will be bartering until they take everything away, quarantine us in a prison, and send us to the guillotine. May we be strong to the end!

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