EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Ron Johnson Issues Preliminary Findings on the July 13, 2024 Assassination Attempt on Former President Donald Trump
The 13-page Document is Here.
That Was Then
During the plandemic, I really liked it when Sen. Ron Johnson held a round table discussion and elicited “medical freedom” views of the Covid vax.
Here is when I learned that Sen. Ron Johnson portrayed himself as a ‘We the People’ kind of person. I sat there LIVE and transcribed it as fast as I could, here:
And although since then, we can see that many of the characters were not really on our side, I mostly appreciated this BLAST of a BLANK PACKAGE INSERT showing that NO DOCTOR IN AMERICA GAVE THEIR PATIENT INFORMED CONSENT for the Covid jab - because the package insert was BLANK:
This Is Now
Here is the document that Wisconsin’s Sen. Ron Johnson has prepared and posted:
PAGE 1: SEN. RON JOHNSON demanded preservation of information, texts, and communications. No one has provided anything - or confirmed they will preserve them.
1. Secret Service did not even attend a Security Briefing that morning.
PAGE 2: During the briefing, no images of the American Glass Research building were provided to local law enforcement.
Crooks flew a drone just before the President spoke. No one at the briefing had discussed drones.
2. Local law enforcement told Sen. Johnson’s office that communications between different entities were “siloed” - they were NOT in regular communication with the Secret Service (SS).
3. Before the shooting, local law enforcement told SS about Crooks - and SS confirmed they already knew about him.
At 5:14 pm, it looks like Crooks was on his phone talking to someone.
PAGE 3: American Glass Research (AGR) building and saw Crooks, deceased.Crooks was holding a range finder, an assist device for shooters to get their shot. 20 minutes before the shots, he wonders why Trump was allowed on stage. Two Beaver County, PA law enforcement agents accessed the roof to find Crooks dead. They found the remote detonator device and sent pictures to the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Allegheny County Bomb Squad requested pictures be sent to him at area code 215 - Philadelphia; they assumed he was SS - he wanted to run facial recognition.
PAGE 4: Sen. Johnson’t staff were told not to directly talk to this ATF member. No one knows why ATF was in charge of facial recognition. No one knows when SS arrived to the roof, how they finally got there, of whether they ever performed the facial recognition. Days before the rally, SS notified local police that they would not provide snipers, and then they did.
Sen. Johnson’s office is soliciting whistleblowers to this email address: Whistleblower_PSIJohnson@hsgac.senate.gov.
PAGE 5: Cooperation with law enforcement is encouraged by Sen. Johnson. Anyone with videos, etc., should back it up, secure it, keep their proof of rally attendance, and write down or otherwise document their eye-witness testimony. Congress and law enforcement must investigate; the public deserves it!
PAGE 6: Please see bullet points below:
Who handled the call from Crooks’ parents, that he went missing that day and they were worried about it?
Where were all SS or local snipers located?
What locations did the gunshots come from?
How many bullets/guns/shooters were identified?
Why was the white van parked 10 miles away?
What about the shooter from the water tower?
What about the snipers from inside the building?
What connection is there between the owners of the building and Blackrock or Pfizer?
Once he was shot, why didn’t all SS attend to Pres. Trump? (one is seen crouching down in one spot after ducking down and removing other photographers from in front of Trump)
Why was Doug Mills, a veteran New York Times photographer, only a few feet away from Trump? And why did Mr. Mills keept his finger on the shutter button, taking fast-speed shots as the bullet went by?
… and so many more questions.
If I were planning on assassinating the most influential--and most beloved--man on Earth, I would feign gross incompetence. I would provide insufficent manpower and make confusing last-minute changes. I would weaken the security by bringing in other agencies. I would place conspirators in charge of communications for the local police. I would instruct local police that they couldn't do anything without the approval of the Secret Service. I would ensure that the building used by my MK-Ultra assassin was secured by a conspirator in the local police.
What a 'sh..T show. These were 'morons'. Something is rotten here and demands answers not just to the Trump Organziation but to the U.S> public. We pay for much better. All these Letter organiztions are or have failed us.