What a 'sh..T show. These were 'morons'. Something is rotten here and demands answers not just to the Trump Organziation but to the U.S> public. We pay for much better. All these Letter organiztions are or have failed us.
If I were planning on assassinating the most influential--and most beloved--man on Earth, I would feign gross incompetence. I would provide insufficent manpower and make confusing last-minute changes. I would weaken the security by bringing in other agencies. I would place conspirators in charge of communications for the local police. I would instruct local police that they couldn't do anything without the approval of the Secret Service. I would ensure that the building used by my MK-Ultra assassin was secured by a conspirator in the local police.
It is so obvious that gov't elements instigated this assassination attempt that it is too obvious. Why, if the gov't really wanted to evade blame for this, did they display such a series of nakedly incompetent, Keystone-Cops personnel and judgments that would make a 10-year-old laugh?; and why the transparent bullshitting and middle finger to us by the SS Director, FBI, and HHS? The apparent answer is that they want us to know our gov't did this. Then, if they had succeeded in killing Trump, they could have used our ensuing rage and the likely riots and threats (whether false -flagged or real) to clamp down on us hard, the way they've been itching to do, with martial law, lockdowns, anti-2A laws, FEMA camps, and the rest. So this is a psy-op within a psy-op.
What a 'sh..T show. These were 'morons'. Something is rotten here and demands answers not just to the Trump Organziation but to the U.S> public. We pay for much better. All these Letter organiztions are or have failed us.
The ABC entities have proven, once again, that they are not for We the People. A definite display of idiocy.
Yes my love
If I were planning on assassinating the most influential--and most beloved--man on Earth, I would feign gross incompetence. I would provide insufficent manpower and make confusing last-minute changes. I would weaken the security by bringing in other agencies. I would place conspirators in charge of communications for the local police. I would instruct local police that they couldn't do anything without the approval of the Secret Service. I would ensure that the building used by my MK-Ultra assassin was secured by a conspirator in the local police.
All the pieces that it took, and it's so obvious.
Yes my love
Tucker Carlson interviewed Joe Posobiec and this was brought up.
It is so obvious that gov't elements instigated this assassination attempt that it is too obvious. Why, if the gov't really wanted to evade blame for this, did they display such a series of nakedly incompetent, Keystone-Cops personnel and judgments that would make a 10-year-old laugh?; and why the transparent bullshitting and middle finger to us by the SS Director, FBI, and HHS? The apparent answer is that they want us to know our gov't did this. Then, if they had succeeded in killing Trump, they could have used our ensuing rage and the likely riots and threats (whether false -flagged or real) to clamp down on us hard, the way they've been itching to do, with martial law, lockdowns, anti-2A laws, FEMA camps, and the rest. So this is a psy-op within a psy-op.