This is news from 2022, but very still relevant today, so that we keep shining the light on the darkness.
When this story first broke in 2022, many states defunded Planned Parenthood, shut down trafficking companies selling baby-parts, and a serious FBI investigation was initiated.
David Daleiden of the CMP, Center for Medical Progress had taken undercover videos of interviews of Planned Parenthood officials. They showed Planned Parenthood leaders negotiating the sale of tiny baby brains, hearts, lungs, and other body parts.
Daleiden became a permanent target. The then-California Attorney General was Kamala Harris, and she put together a felony criminal case against him. In 2016, Daleiden was also sued in San Francisco federal court by the National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood.
At the time, the well-known San Francisco Judge William Orrick was the federal judge on that case. Despite that he founded a Planned Parenthood Abortion Referral Clinic, he refused to recuse himself. Judge Orrick’s referral clinic led pregnant women to the exact same fetal harvesting centers that Daleiden's videos exposed.
According to Daleiden, Harris' AG's office had used its powers to initiate a search warrant that helped Planned Parenthood, the NAF, and Judge Orrick. Daleiden lost the case with a $16 million judgment against him, and the censoring of hundreds of hours of unreleased undercover footage.
His subsequent investigations revealed that government-sponsored fetal experimentation was occurring at the University of Pittsburgh.
Washington, D.C.: Ever since Dr. Anthony Fauci’s animal experimentation came to light, animal watchdog groups have been hot on his tail. A new report from the White Coat Waste Project has uncovered something far more disturbing than Fauci’s shooting up Beagle dogs with cocaine. This year, tens of millions in NIH funding is expected to be used to mix the body parts of aborted babies with lab animals for so-called “research.”
“The details of this report are sickening,” Phyllis Schlafly Eagles President Ed Martin said. “It describes putting aborted baby’s lungs and livers into mice and the list goes on — if you can stand to read it. Not only are the details of the human-animal hybridizing disgusting, but the plain fact is that Dr. Fauci is tied to most of the U.S. market for aborted baby body parts.”
The WCWP report reveals that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is responsible for $27 million in taxpayer funding for research that involves aborted baby parts. A whopping 80% of that figure comes from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Fauci.
“Americans are clearly united against such disgusting forms of research. It’s not partisan issue,” Martin concluded. “The Center for Medical Progress first uncovered the Planned Parenthood baby chop shop scandal, and it seems that their business was booming at least 80% because of Dr. Fauci and his health-bureaucrat colleagues.
“Shame on the National Institutes of Health! Shame on Dr. Fauci. It’s time for Congress to pull the plug on Fauci the health care tyrant and his team of mad scientists.”
Ms. Boerbert asks Questions of Mr. Goodman
Congressional interest in the videos and what they meant to Planned Parenthood financing.
MS. BOEBERT: “… implant aborted baby parts into lab animals? Have you heard of that sort of research?”
MR. GOODMAN: "Yeah. We did an analysis a few years ago showing that over 90% of experiments using human fetal tissue and putting them .. involved… in animals were funded by Fauci's NIAID."
MS. BOEBERT: "Do you know where they are getting the aborted fetal tissue?”
MR. GOODMAN: "A lot of it is happening in colleges and universities that have affiliated hospitals that perform that procedure."
The Video
The fetal tissue is coming from medical schools. THOSE are the only “universities” affiliated with a hospital.
Someone is taking the aborted babies to a laboratory and then cutting them up into pieces used for research — and those labs are located on the university grounds. They receive their funding from NIAID grants that pay for salaries, lab space, and equipment.
Once the baby’s body parts are procured and ready to insert into an animal, there are three choices:
They are used for animal research in the same lab.
They are transported across the university, to another lab that does animal research.
They are transported across the country or around the world, to animal labs doing research.
And the lab that procured the baby parts — for FREE — gets paid by all other labs for those same body parts.
This is a truly Satanic mission that implicates not only Fauci, but the person walking the baby parts to the lab, every individual in the lab, the researchers using them, and those transporting the baby’s body parts.
I suspect that tens of thousands of people are involved, if not hundreds of thousands.
All research using baby parts should be rendered UNETHICAL. And all women aborting their babies should be made aware that the baby’s body parts are subject to this type of destination.
If you’re old enough to have sex, you’re old enough to watch this video showing just how “human” a baby in the womb it. WARNING: graphic.
Let Us Pray
Forgive us our sins, Father God.
Have mercy upon our land. Expose the criminals, shine the light on the darkness, and let us turn away from it!
We know that You are all-powerful, all Mighty and all Knowing! In You and With You, All Things are Possible.
Help us to STOP abortions, care for little ones, and be Your light on the earth! In the Name of Jesus!
That was a hard read. I do appreciate the important information. Somehow, this additional exposure of Fauci’s immorality and greed shall motivate other countries, where his presidential pardon is meaningless, to go after him for his crimes against humanity. And there shall be global Schadenfreude when he faces his sins.
Fauci is a demon masquerading around as a celebrity doctor. More info on abortion:
Generals At Satan's Table Have Mankind in a Deathgrip: Baal, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Lilith, Baphomet: [4:11mins]
It all boils down to lust immorality, pride in the face of that immorality, and ultimately, child sacrifice on the alter of "empowerment". Morality could not be perverted more fully than by first, engaging in sinful lust, then torturing and then murdering your innocent child, and then feeling proud about it. Satan has you fully at that point which is the whole point.
Pride is a force multiplier of every deadly sin.
On November 16th, 2023 Cosmopolitan Magazine posted the following guidelines for satanic abortion rituals on their instagram page. Here is their introduction along with four steps geared toward empowering yourself by murdering your child for satan:
First, find a quite place, bring a mirror is you can. Just before taking the medication, gaze at your reflection and focus on your personhood. Home in on your intent, your responsibility to you.
Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. When you're ready, read the following tenet aloud: One's body inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. Take the medication and immediately afterward, recite: Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
Later, once the procedure is complete, return to your reflection. Focus again on your personhood, your power in making this decision. Complete the ritual by reciting a personal affirmation: By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done.
Excerpt from: