Freemasonry: The Jesuits Rule, and The Black Nobility Jesuit Order
Understanding The Enemy and The Evil that Surrounds Them
Do you know the relationship between Freemasons and Jesuits? Have you ever read the oath of the Jesuit Order?
Jesuits are sworn to secrecy. Then they talk about killing their enemies with poison, no matter their age or sex. They crush and sacrifice infants. Read this:
CAUTION: Brutal and disgusting descriptions of how Jesuits may kill.
The Jesuit Oath is taken from the book, Subterranean Rome by Carlos Didier. In 1843, it was translated from French and published in New York.
In 1967, Dr. Alberto Rivera was able to escape from the Jesuit Order. He described the Jesuit oath exactly as it appears in this book.
“Semper idem”: Means “Always the same”.
The Jesuit Oath of Induction is recorded in the Congressional Record of the U.S. Reference: House Bill 1523, contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, v. Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-3216.
The Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction
This helps us to understand our enemy.
The Tweet
The Black Nobility Jesuit Order are the Founders of Freemasonry, Facism, Illuminati, the Vatican, and Zionism.
The Thread
The Video
Altijan Juric (born June 10, 1975) best known by his stage name Altiyan Childs, is an Australian singer-songwriter. He was the winner of the second season of The X Factor Australia in 2010, and subsequently signed with Sony Music Australia. Seemingly, in this 5-hour video Altjan claims that in order to make it in the music business you basically have to sell your soul to this cult religion. Altiyan has abandoned his Freemasonic oath and is now a targeted Christian. He exposes Freemasonic symbolism and occult practices in depth in the following video. Click on it and it takes you to the article; click on the video below.
He says Jesus Christ is the one that they hate, the One who Saved him.
If you have time to listen, let me know what you think. It is serious.
He says he should be dead, when an angel whispered to him during a dream and the told him some words as a warning. It’s a 1 hour, 22 minute video. He says not to pay attention to the video quality, the sound, etc. He says God is calling YOU and He is looking for the last ones before the storm, and that the most important part of this video is at the end.
He says he is pointing people to the life raft, and he doesn’t care if people mock him. He just wants people to listen, even though it puts his well-being in danger.
Who do you think runs the world? Are they Christians? No, Buddhists? No. Muslims, or athiests? No. Is it a mixture of different types of people? No.
From every single country, all over the world, THEY ALL BELONG TO THE SAME WORLDWIDE RELIGION that has plans to do things to you. He says this affects all of us.
He is renouncing this religion, his OATH, and he knows this carries the penalty of death.
The name of the international fraternity cloaking the secret religion: Freemasons.
He says “The Great Work” is coming:
“We are on the verge of a great transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept The New World Order.” ~ David Rockefeller at a UN Business Conference, 1994
A giant pyramid in Australia is designed to be hidden. A Masonic pyramid, complete with a missing capstone.
At the base, here it is, hidden:
Altijan Juric, or more popularly, Altiyan Childs continues to explain how these people lose their souls, and he continues to explain the symbols. The compass conceals something that he explains. To those who said their grandfather was a Freemason and they were “a good person”, he says the oath comes first. They were sworn to secrecy.
This is from a publication not intended for the public:
He reads the oath, showing he is a vile and wicked wretch for breaking the oath. He was sworn to keep the secret. He shows another book,
This is how people look when they are initiated: All jewelry is removed, including wedding ring, crucifixes.
Complete alliegance is required. Blindfolding is part of the ceremony. When the blindfold comes off, this is what you are surrounded by:
After the Oath is taken, the handshakes start. While facing the Grand Master, this is the sign an apprentice makes upon entering and exiting the ritual room:
It represents a slit of the throat, serving as a reminder of what awaits you if you are “a rebellious spirit”.
Here is the handshake; note that the thumb hovers over the knuckles:
The Sign of the Second Veil
From Richardson’s Monitor of Free-Masonry, also is “a finger over the lips.”
The signs have slightly morphed over time.
Page 21:
… all to protect the secret religion of the powerful and famous…
The video is 5 hours and 17 minutes long, a LOT for anyone to take in one sitting.
Ruining One’s Reputation
It’s easier than killing someone:
How many people do you think they have threatened or ruined?
They must obey.
They have a “right” to kill:
Freemasonic Symbols Below:
The All-Seeing Eye Floating Atop A Pyramid (The Illuminati Symbol) - In Latin "Novus Ordo Seclorum" and in English "A new order for the ages" (top center)
The Masonic Square & Compass - Symbol of The Masonic Order (bottom center)
Freemasonic Gestures Below:
The Hidden Hand Sign (top left)
The Hidden Eye Sign / One-Eye Sign (top right)
Freemasonic Secret Handshakes (middle left)
Illuminati Vow of Silence (bottom left)
666 "OK" Hand Sign (bottom right)
We will not be deceived.
I will show you a video tomorrow, that shows a demon-possessed woman who reveals the evil plans of the devil - plans we already know about, but nevertheless are worth listening to.
Remember that the evil one comes only to lie, steal, and destroy.
We will not be deceived.
Jesus is coming back soon.
Satan wants to have as many souls go to him, and not Jesus!
Holy God,
Keeper of my soul, You are my salvation and my fortress! Let my eyes continue to seek Your face, and let my will succumb only to You!
I SURRENDER MY ALL TO YOU ONCE AGAIN, HOLY GOD OF ALL CREATION! I die to myself and become alive to You and and ONLY YOU!
Should the mountains fall, should the sea arise, I am HERE FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU! I get down on my knees and SURRENDER ALL TO YOU!
In the Name of Jesus!
I have a dear friend who's in the women's group of freemasonry, The Eastern Star. Her husband, a true, blue, narcassict, is a 32 or 33rd degree participant. Scares the bejesus out of me.
I've asked a few questions, nothing deep, and she's told me minor things. Nothing of substance, of course.
I can't wrap my mind around how they don't know how bad it is, or, do the women not know neay as much as the men.
As narcassictic as he is, I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing.
Im very sorry to be the one to inform you that this is not true Christianity.
Youth has been led astray by feel-good antics. I left the roman catholic church by God’s urging at age 13, and began my personal life-long devotion to God.
Many denominations later, reading, studying, praying in deep gratitude daily. I can tell you that the Christ is deep within. Jesus instructed us to pray to God, The Father, directly. OUR FATHER, who art in heaven. HALLOWED be His name. Go into Thy closet to pray; alone. As Jesus did. Leave the masses. Retreat alone. Desire to know The Father, yearning deeply. All of His guidance is in His inspired word between the pages from Genesis to Revelation. Old and New Testament’s. Keep all TEN COMMANDMENTS. GOD is your doctor. Keep the Sabbath holy.