As a devout practicing Catholic I can certainly say that this is pure fiction comparable to the outlandish “DaVinci Code” novel.

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With loving sincerity, please watch “An Inconvenient Religion” https://youtu.be/hTYqrlUMsBg?si=jlxjPanv1ItVnFEq

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I too am a practicing Catholic, However a podcast called The Exorcist Files has covered this as a ritual that requires exorcisms as well as prayers to remove any such curses from a person OR its decedents. I know someone who is in it, not catholic but I’m sure he is unaware of the satanic ties to it. The prayers listed here are exactly what this head exorcist said they use.

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I very much believe in the demonic and exorcism. But this so called secret “Jesuit “ order with demonic rituals could never be approved by the Jesuit Order or the Catholic Church.

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If you can't see with the naked eye that the pope doesn't have a bit of light in him and he is a person even Jesus couldn't save it is not going to go for you. You are indoctrinated. Unfortunately because of all the secrets it is hard to know what a cannibal looks like.

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I for one do not worship the pope, it is God and Jesus Christ I worship. Jesus had his judas too. Sins of men within the church IS NOT THE CHURCH. The church and its sacraments are as old as the church itself, given by Jesus. There is infighting within, just like our institutions unfortunately. We have had bad popes before, they have come and gone. Jesus said nothing will prevail against His church. I believe that! No matter how bad it looks at times.

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Peter, i hesitate to watch alot of these videos that anti-catholics offer to watch simply because I find them to come from a false historical understanding or a twisting of the truth. I have heard it all probably. I married into a protestant family and have heard all the so called atrocities we seem to commit. Although the people within the church can be disappointing, again I say Christ’s founding of His church is not!

I have yet heard of a valid explanation of why there are over 40,000 denominations of the Church Christ founded, all different from one another from the same book! Yet- Christ taught ONE!

I will add, if you want to know what the catholic church preaches and believes in, get a $6 catechism of the church, everything is in there. THEN, if you have an issue with what is written in there, begin your questioning there. I believe in going to the actual sources. Too many books written with twisted understandings exist out there.

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I am a practicing Roman Catholic, graduated from Jesuit high school, served in the US military along with four of my brothers, and received my MBA from a Jesuit university. Not once in the years I was around the Jesuits did I see, hear or sense them doing evil. They were hard working and very intelligent men. The nuns who taught me 1-8 grades were Sisters of Mercy and also hardworking, intelligent, compassionate Catholics.

So, I am from Philly, not naive, well educated and worked globally for a Fortune 50 company through my career; and I say this essay about the Jesuits is just a bunch of lies.

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Great testimony! Thank you for sharing:) 🙏❤️

I’m originally from Philly also:)❤️

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I have a dear friend who's in the women's group of freemasonry, The Eastern Star. Her husband, a true, blue, narcassict, is a 32 or 33rd degree participant. Scares the bejesus out of me.

I've asked a few questions, nothing deep, and she's told me minor things. Nothing of substance, of course.

I can't wrap my mind around how they don't know how bad it is, or, do the women not know neay as much as the men.

As narcassictic as he is, I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing.

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As a reader thanks for this sincere and intelligent comment based on simple real life.

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You are choosing to believe the false narrative. The article is not factual.

Your friend won’t divulge everything because she promised not to. The promise was to the members not to tell. It is respect for fellow members.

If you joined a school sorority or fraternity similar pledged are made to maintain secrecy. It bonds the members together. They are not secret societies, they are societies with secrets kept to the sworn members. No one is recruited, no one is ever asked to join. It has to come from the person of their own free will.

All the information is on the Internet, albeit woven with a lot of conspiracy theorist bull as well. But to think freemasonry and women’s auxiliary support groups are evil, you are just plain wrong.

You are selling your friend and her husband short. That sadly is your loss, it’s not on them.

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I’m very sorry for your friend

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1) Subterranean Rome is a novel and political fiction not a historical document.

2) The Black Nobility is an “historical term for certain aristocratic families in Italy. “ It is a very secretive organization and is aligned with Freemasonry.

3) The Society of Jesus or Jesuits is a Roman Catholic religious order responsible for providing a superb education globally for the lower and middle classes particularly in the US where Catholics were initially a despised minority. (i.e Know Nothing political party and KKK ) For this reason, a Catholic should refrain from receiving the Eucharist if they become a Mason.

4) Freemasonry began in 1717 with its first lodge in London and despises Catholicism.

You have inadvertently conflated incompatible things but I believe you are like Lincoln and will gladly change your position if shown to be in error.

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Freemasonry started with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. It's ancient. It's so big you can't possibly know everything about it.

The Catholic Church is supposed to be at war with Freemasonry. I don't know how much of that is true but I've heard this. Mostly because of the knights Templar when they burned Jacques Demolay at the stake it was basically a declaration of war.

Do you know what the letter G means in the middle of the compass and square? I showed Freemasons this and they have no idea, when they should. It has two different meanings the letter G. And when I show it to you, there is no way you can unsee it. It's the ultimate G.

I have all those books. William Cooper used to talk about Freemasons all the time. Then I delved and dug into it for the last 30 years. Most of your famous actors are Freemasons. Most of your Presidents and politicians are Freemasons. If you look at the picture of the man standing there in due guard, he has his feet shaped like a square, which means the heel on his one foot is on his InStep of the other foot forming a square. Did you notice how Napoleon always had his hand inside his shirt? That tells you right there.

They are so huge and powerful there's really nothing you can do about it. What keeps the cohesion together is the fact they've taken a blood oath, that you will be killed if you break the oath. Freemasonry is the contract with the Jews

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You are correct. The Catholic Church does not recognize Freemasonry. It perceives it as competition for their bank accounts. Much like they ostracized and killed Martin Luther for sharing the Bible with the common folk, he was taking people away from the Catholic Church and their hold on their congregants money.

While Catholics absolve their sins with confession, freemasonry is just a men’s fraternity that encourages good men to be better. Therefore conduct yourself as a man and a Mason and you will avoid sins that need to be confessed. Freemasonry is not a religion or ideology. One must be monotheistic, Christian’s and Muslims are welcome. All that believe in a higher power or good are welcome. Even Catholics. See, Freemasons don’t exclude Catholics, the reverse is certainly not true.

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Where does the "error" lay or lie? https://youtu.be/Aj9_fcBmi68?t=2264

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Friends pretending to be foes are a great way to make you think people are not devils and that they don't work together.

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That’s nonsense in this case. Catholic doctrine excludes Freemasons.

Freemasons however do not exclude Catholics.

No one is asked to join freemasonry. One must seek it on their own.

Catholics on the other hand are always pandering to fill chairs.

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You are largely correct on the Freemasons as to the origin and date. The hate of Catholics is incorrect. The Catholic Church excludes freemasonry, not the other way around.

Much like the Catholic Church vilified Martin Luther for making the Bible accessible to the common man, hence allowing them to be free of having a priest tell them what is in the book. Luther created a competing venue for attendees.

Freemasonry, neither religion or ideology, also was perceived as competition for buts in pews.

Freemasons are monotheistic. We have Christian’s (Protestant and Catholic) as well as Muslims. It requires a belief in a higher power, that there is something bigger than all of us to serve as a community.

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Masonry undermining both the Catholic Church and the state is too well documented to dispute. And to be precise Masonry welcomes former Catholics because if Catholics really know their faith then they would really love their faith and enjoy a fuller Truth, Way, and Life; and have no need for Masonry.

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I’m not a Catholic, can’t speak for them.

I am a Mason and speak with first hand knowledge for that.

You may mistake someone being a Mason involved in something, versus masonry itself having the hand.

I’ll not speak for you either, but your perceived knowledge cannot speak to mine either.

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As one of the great intellectual converts to the Catholic faith, GK Chesterton wrote, there are 10,000 reasons to become Catholic but they all amount to one, it’s true.

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Are you Catholic Dr.Aranda?

You have beautiful prayers after your articles. I was just curious. I am Catholic. And I shared a novena with you, because I thought maybe you were. But not so sure now. I believe evil is infiltrated everywhere and the devil is a liar, loves confusion and would like nothing more than people to leave the True Church, The Catholic Church. Hence (from my understanding) why the Freemasons were put in the Vatican and church….to tear it down. But it won’t happen:) Because we will persevere to the end, and the truth will be shown. Thanks be to God.🙏❤️

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Im very sorry to be the one to inform you that this is not true Christianity.

Youth has been led astray by feel-good antics. I left the roman catholic church by God’s urging at age 13, and began my personal life-long devotion to God.

Many denominations later, reading, studying, praying in deep gratitude daily. I can tell you that the Christ is deep within. Jesus instructed us to pray to God, The Father, directly. OUR FATHER, who art in heaven. HALLOWED be His name. Go into Thy closet to pray; alone. As Jesus did. Leave the masses. Retreat alone. Desire to know The Father, yearning deeply. All of His guidance is in His inspired word between the pages from Genesis to Revelation. Old and New Testament’s. Keep all TEN COMMANDMENTS. GOD is your doctor. Keep the Sabbath holy.

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All glory to YHWH, Almighty God, for your testimony. I was praying for authenticity. It is a burden on my heart for the veil to be torn from the “devout” so as to see Pope False Prophet for who he is and who he really worships.



I do not aim to kill hope, but rather to kill lies, for lies kill, and I hate the Liar. The Truth is hated yet only the Truth can set you free. His name is Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the Holy One, Messiah, King of kings, Lord of lords! Praise Him!

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Just as a try because I can never get a listen I thought I'd post some of my belief here because you believe in the commandments and likely genesis.

Be godly eat vegan and use the seed bearing plants to move towards a genesis of man where we can have a last supper quit eating together and transcend the original sin of having the apple in the garden of Eden and taking from the environment creating the environmental mess we have today. Thou shall not kill includes eating of dead animals.

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WE keep our eyes, ears, mind, speech, above the frey. WE manage ourselves, wisely. WE bring to the page, what praises God, Almighty. WE speak humbly, yet with loving authority, as Jesus taught. WE come to each morning with our open and forgiving heart filled up full with gratitude. WE examine ourselves and our intentions, thoroughly. WE judge ourselves and others, equally. WE love one another by telling the truth without fear.

WE take responsibility for our own actions. WE kneel on both (all) knees; Not one. (WE do not genuflect).

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I recently saw a picture of Mel Gibson holding his hand over the one eye, I guess we can't trust anyone in that business.

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Trump is a Freemason, throwing out the symbolism regularly - see video:


Also, for the full 5 part article:


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Jesuits are Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholic Church has always denounced Freemasonry.

Therefore the Jesuits ARE NOT in cahoots with Freemasonry.

There is no conspiracy with Freemasons. Anything you want to know is on the internet. The truth is interspersed with a shit load of tin foil hat bullshit.

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This is a small part of what I know about the masons and other occult groups. At the core, they are luciferians. If not, then why are albert pike, prince hall and others revered ?

The “33” is emblazoned on them for a reason. It involves a complete antichrist ritual that goes back to the It is finished moment of Christ dying on the cross for our sins is for another discussion.

What is among that dark group is a willingness to carry whatever is necessary in their generation to ultimately lead to a new world order with the antichrist apollo/apollyon figure at the helm.

Time to convict…. The first Grand Lodge of scottish rite masonry was born 5/31/1801 in Charleston, SC which is on the 33rd parallel.

Exactly 3333 weeks later Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on the future tax “deadline” day 4/15/1865.

Exactly 3333 weeks 3 days later bohemian grove member, herbert hoover, was inaugurated as president of the US on 3/4/1929. 666 weeks day inclusive later Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese on 12/7/1941. Now add 47 years which is their god of war Mars cycle (Mars returns to its same place in the sky every 47 years) - look up 47th problem of Euclid. It is 12/7/1988. Now add 666 weeks again. Day inclusive it is 9/11/2001.

At the core of the Masonic crap is a babylonian, roman, saturnian worship system. The hexagram - supposed Star of David is the saturn chiyyun remphan star forbidden by God Almighty. The seed sorcery date for many of their diabolically planned dates is the birth of rome which was 4/21/753BC.

In a nonleap year 4/21 is the 111th day of the year. It is the sol magic square base root. 111x2=222x2=444x2=888x2=1776. The bavarian illuminati was born that year on high human sacrifice day 5/1 May first which is the only day on the luciferian Gregorian calendar to = 666 in English gematria. It = 716 in Jewish gematria which is equally important to them. Simple gematria is the 111 value. Add 4 months and 21 days to 4/21. It is always 9/11. There is a 111 day mirror on the other side to the end of the year. The reason 9/11 is also important to them is at Judges 9:11 the fig tree which is the tree of knowledge speaks. The higher ups who have ascended up the 33 vertebrae embrace the original sin as truth and fancy themselves as gods with a title as most worshipful master.

The upper room event and initiation with an oath to nimrod the first babylonian is a road to the spirit of the antichrist.

God Almighty told Noah his spirit would prevail with flesh 120 years. The flood was in 1656AM. Now add 120 years. It is 1776AM. In that year sargon/nimrod the first Babylonian king, was falsely deified as a sungod. The coming 8.0 apollo/apollyon figure is the antichrist.

The AD age is a reflection of the years from creation to the birth of Abraham into babylonian captivity 1948AM. rothschild Israel was formed under UN luciferian ritual on the 5/14/1948AD which is a mirror of the 1948AM seed event.

The julian and roman year counts are important to them. The UN resolution 181 was adopted on 11/29/1947. In a nonleap year 11/29 is the ritual 333rd day of the year. The false start of the julian calendar was 1/1/4713BC. 4713BC + 1947AD = julian year 6660. The roman year is from the birth year 753BC + 1947AD = ab urbe condita 2700AUC. 27 is a code for the fallen angels. 2700 is 300 x 3 x 3. The suicide club is the “27” club for that reason. bohemian grove has a 2700 acre campus for that reason.

The whole world is laid out with a babylonian/masonic concept. The 90th degree of Egyptian masonry is the rite of memphis. It is the sum of all previous degrees. 90 Wlon runs through Memphis, TN. 33 degrees west of that at is 123Wlon which runs through the middle of bohemian grove. The campus is in sonoma county. Sonoma is a hacked word for Son of Man. Sonoma means valley of the moon. The pronunciation of “moon” in Akkadian/babylonian is sin. 666 miles away runs through Death Valley to Sun Valley in Arizona. Ari means high and zona is a Hebrew word for qedesha which means prostitute. prostitution is sacred in the babylonian religion. The Sonora desert is for Son of Ra.

James Garfield was ritually assassinated on 9/19/1881. 3333 weeks later Hiroshima was Abombed on 8/6/1945 and 3 days later for the 3333 weeks and 3 days count Nagasaki ( the most Christian city in Japan) was Abombed 8/9/1945. This was sanctioned by guess who??? The 33rd president who was a 33rd degree mason.

JFK was on the same type timeline. From 1/1/1900 to the eve of his assassination to the eve of his assassination on 11/21/1963 is 3333 weeks and 3 days.

Look at trump. The first Abomb was detonated on 7/16/1945 at the Trinity Site. There are 2 states that equal 666 in English gematria. New Mexico where the satanic ritual took place is 666 and the other is New York.

The word Mexico comes from the ancient word “mexhitli “ which means god of war. New Mexico means new god of war. Mars has a 47 year problem of euclid cycle and is the 47th state for that reason.

The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima is 333 months and 3 days to 7/16/1945. The visions of Mary at Fatima are real and there is a lot of mathematical precision around the visitations.

From the first Abomb blast 7/16/1945 go 333 days forward. It is 6/14/1946 birth of the trumpster. 700 more days is to the birth of rothschild Israel 5/14/1948. The total is 1033 days which is a code of Saturn that has a day 10hours and 33 minutes. There is a lot more. Once you see then you cannot unsee. The Bible guarantees everything will come to light at Luke 8:17. We Christians are in the parousia. It is the great awakening and all the crimes of the luciferian/satanists will be revealed and judgment comes.

If someone wants to debate me it won’t work. There is heaps of evidence. This is only a small portion.

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Get some help buddy. There are reasons your family doesn’t invite you to parties anymore.

Maybe some hobbies would help.

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Your article is incorrect on freemasonry in ALL aspects. I won’t speak to the rest of the drivel.

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Yup! And Trump and Billy Graham seem to be one of them !

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When males / females believe they control the earth is when they always get smashed to pieces.

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Secrecy is a way Satan manipulates and keeps people in a darkness which just keeps perpetuating itself. That's why they have threats associated with the exposing of the secrecy--so a person stays stuck and can't get out once they commit. It's like a spiritual prison. Sacredness creates space for each of us to commune with God in our own private way. There's a difference. One is darkness and degradation, while the other promotes enlightenment and truth. If there really is a matrix, secret societies seem like a great way to keep people from claiming their sovereignty and reaching escape velocity from this crazy place.

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Took my breath away but I want to add something: not one of the satanic humans that you showed are smart, vibrant, beautiful or useful to earth. Or to me. Not one is to be admired for anything. Until they can walk on water, raise someone from death or video their crucifixion and climb down I’m confident they loose. Big. Finally no matter what they plan Jesus will be the final say-step aside fools the seven seals will be opened.

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For a thoroughly investigated history of the occult infiltrators of Freemasonry into the Catholic Church please look at the work by US independent scholar, revisionist historian, and ex investigative journalist , Michael Hoffman.

His essays/books on secret societies and psychological warfare are well known to those who take a serious look into such topics.

His 720 page book, “The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome,” took him 20 years to research/‘ and write, and is an outstanding resource on the subject.

Hoffman is a highly intelligent but humble and deeply committed christian.

He has a substack, website (www.revisionisthistory.org).

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I've always felt the theories about Jesuits and Masons just came from salty French Catholics.

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