I tried to restack this article but I had to sign in. Thanks for giving us such clarity about SOC - Standard Of Care - and how it is used to kill patients.

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Substack has been quite frustrating, requiring me (and others) to sign in EVERY HOUR!!! So much appreciate your feedback, thank you. One day, the very same "standards" will be used against the very people who created them!

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Let's hope so multiplied by many times! The sooner the better. Some of my posts are getting blocked.

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Amen! I noticed also that when I am on my phone, not all of my Comments get saved. I come back to my laptop and POOF! They are GONE!

Makes you wonder if Substack is losing it.

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Dr Aranda I believe they are compromised. Maybe AI interference?

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Maybe they want to track our IP address EVERY HOUR, or make us frustrated so that we write or communicate less. IT's very annoying.

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I remember when standards of care became more emphasized. When the hospitals started using HMOs as their financial partners. Suddenly the docs lost all autonomy and were dictated to as to what care would be paid for or not. The rouges who didnt care to lose their freedom eventually gave up, aged out or capitulated.

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Indeed! And now look what they have: virtually all the docs are in on the killing game, euthanasia.

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I still have to log in often but not as bad as before. You?

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Hi Dr. Margaret - thank you for featuring this heartbreaking story. As Grace's dad said she was 'murdered by a hospital.'

I saw this following in an article today and thought of you - you might be able to use it.

The key point is "it's in the preamble to the (1986) Vaccine Act."

If vaccine injuries are mentioned in this Act that is extremely important in helping the public to understand the dangers.

Childhood Vaccine Schedule

#7 - Childhood vaccines have “unavoidable” harms.

The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act even admits this.

Robert Kennedy Jr. explained, “Reagan actually said to the companies, ‘Why don’t you just make the vaccines safe?’ And Wyeth said, ‘Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,’ and that phrase, ‘unavoidably unsafe,’ is in the preamble to the Vaccine Act.”

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Unfortunately, Grace's story happened in Wisconsin, cheddar cheese capital of the USA. And it was replicated in Nassau county, New York with Special Needs young lady Rebecca Charles... and millions of others.

Yes, the Vaccine Act should be expanded to the Hospital Act, because it seems like hospitals, like Big Pharma, have a license to kill.

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It's insane that we've come to this.

Our doctors and hospitals are guilty of doing great evils - and what's worse is so many doctors are unknowingly participating in this because they assume everything they've been told and assumed is right is scientifically correct and truth. Ah!!!!

And then you have all the bought and paid for shills in the media who just without any ethical consideration at all repeat the slogans and attack those calling for real science to be discussed.

It mind boggling.

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Honestly , I don't think any doctor who trained in the last thirty years would accept common euthanasia among the people.

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Dr. Margaret - I watched your video and am in awe at your experience, and understand your faith, and the strength of your commitment to all you do in your life. You're an incredibly strong woman to have come back to where you are today. Amazing.

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p.s. Thanks for being my mate.

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Ha! A rebellious mate, at that!

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🫢 AwE! 🥺 Thank you for reading my testimony! I forget how much I suffered! I don't really think about almost being dead... just every so often, I can use my story to help people understand how GREAT IS OUR GOD 🙌 🙏!!!

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Isn't it funny how we do forget our suffering. Perhaps we are hard wired to do that. I had 5 years of chronic back pain and was popping endless pills every day to cope with it, and then finally discovered yoga, by volunteering on a yoga retreat in the Bahamas for 3 months in 2002, and with the help of a chiropractor put myself straight again, and through yoga, learned to stay straight and pain free - and I forgot all that pain as well!

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