God is Able: When Life Hands You A Fallen Tree, God Carefully Lays it Down
Angels, Blessings, And A Way Out
It happened last Thursday, at about 5:30 in the morning.
I awakened to the sound of splitting wood. I could hear the rain falling and the wind blowing, and before I knew it, a gigantic THUMP! split my head! It was as if the house jumped! The first thought I had was,
“A tree fell down and hit the house!”
I went outside in the darkness to find that outside our balcony was our 300-year old white oak tree, fallen to the ground. Leaves were almost in my face, and I could touch the leaves on the top branches of the tree from the patio.
After the sun came up, we were able to see that upon inspection, this 16-FOOT diameter tree had missed the house as it thumped down!
As it fell, the tree longitudinally split in half, the back half apparently flying up in the air, and over the chain link fence. MANY MIRACLES HAPPENED HERE, and I wanted to share them with you!
MIRACLE #1: You can see below that the trunk is partially held up by the chain link fence, which it smashed. Under the tree and just above my @TheRebelPatient seen below is my personal garden that no one tends but me. You can see a row of strawberries, a grapevine, a fig tree, flowers, and plants (see the image below, between the two arrows). Everything was untouched, but for one pot of several strawberry plants, which cracked.
MIRACLE #2: NOTE: that the tree extends past the house, and it missed it completely. The tree could have fallen into the kitchen and mud room.
And then there are the vegetable planter beds.
MIRACLE #3: We have six planter beds growing squash, zuccini, tomatoes, onions, peppermint, cilantro, bell peppers, and more. Only the very corner of one bed was affected, with the tree trunk completely missing it by one inch. The branches smashed a few squash, and I am working on bringing some of them back.
That’s our dog Buddha, and don’t be mad at me for naming him an “unChristian” name. He was named for his disposition, as when we went to pick him out of the litter, he was sitting quietly in the back, oblivious to our presence. The other puppies were crazy jumping and yelping, eventually walking on top of him to get to the water.
Shortly after bringing him home, Buddha got Parvo and shed his entire gut lining through vomit and diarrhea. After taking him to the vet withing 30 minutes and getting his first dose of antibiotics, my daughter and I nursed him back to life with IV hydration and homemade chicken, rice, and pumpkin. In untreated dogs, the death rate is up to 90%. He survived, yet another miracle!
Note how the tree trunk missed the barrel of flowers, which was on the ground next to my garden by the chain link fence, not one crack in it!
MIRACLE #4: The tree missed the garage and Ed’s truck. Had it fallen behind this pic, it could have taken out both (see the last picture).
What Happened?
Apparently the tree had a huge “vein” on the outer bark, and the tree man said this was because it had been hit by lightning in the past. You can see in the above image that the hollow is rotted, and that’s why the wind simply blew it down.
But it’s weird the way it blew, because it went backwards, up, and then over the fence, and then laid down in the only spot where it could do no damage.
Thank You, God!
Three days later, it was all taken away or cut up into wood. By that time, the grass underneath was dead. There were potholes where branches went straight perpendicularly into the ground, requiring a shovel to dig them out (see below)!
And now we have wood. About four cords. What is your first thought on having all this wood? I’ll tell you mine:
Perhaps God is preparing us for an extended power outage? One where we could share wood with our neighbors?

Thank God that this gust of wind did not happen while I was in my garden! Thank Him and Praise His Name that no one was hurt!
Happy Day! God is Good! He is Able! Rejoice in All Things!
1 Corinthians 10:13
No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it.
Thank you for your patience as I try to catch up on a little rest. I so much appreciate your support, sharing, and most of all, your caring! Please keep us in your prayers!
What a mighty miracle, praise God who so powerfully protects and watches over His beloved ones 🙏♥️✝️🙌🏼
What a wonderful testimony of God’s constant protection & providence in our lives!
What a blessing for my soul today! 🙌
Thank you for sharing ❤️