Dr Aranda, Dr Buttar says he was poisoned with 200 times the amount found in a vaccine after a CNN interview. How did the poison enter his body? Was it injected?

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He said it was given to him in a glass of water someone gave him during a CNN interview.

I don't know how he knew that it was 200 times the vax dose, or what tests he performed to acquire this conclusion. But I am glad that he told us.

After this, I don't think anyone else wanted to do any more interviews with MSN. Poor doctor. He thought he beat it.

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Okay, thanks. I remember him being very assertive and vocal of his convictions that the vaccines were designed to kill and not cure, and the release of the virus was so they could administer the vaccine to fulfil their depopulation agenda.

We are to be sober, be vigilant; because our adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by our brotherhood in the world. (I Peter 5:8-9 NKJV‬)

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Yes, Amen! He was ahead of the curve, and very vocal. He also very much believed in God and used a special concoction (not mushrooms) to have an "experience" with Him.

I am glad he is in a place with no more tears, and I believe he left a wife and kids here with us. We pray they are very well taken care of 🙏

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I started watching him right as the plandemic started. I was wondering how he was poisoned, but when I found out it was during a CNN interview, it came as no surprise. That spike protein is trouble! And if he had been given the amount he said he did, I’m amazed he didn’t die instantly. Poor guy thought he beat it, but didn’t.

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May 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you for opening this up for people.

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Of course! I could just open everything up but it would take a long time and I don't have help. Let me know, and I will open up more 🙌

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May 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I was following his videos when the corona started. In the 1980's the goal was to have a vaccine for the common cold. 2020 it went into " live exercise" mode by the US general.

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I wish I had been following him from the beginning, and only heard of him after his murder.

Funny that fully 40 years later and hundreds of thousands of scientists to boot, no one yet has a vax for the common cold. And now no one would trust it.

Dr. Buttar did a whole lot of good, and I wanted people to remember him ❤️ and his words for humanity to keep its free will.

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May 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Very kind of you. 💜

History is replete with doctors advocating alternatives to Big Pharma being found dead in suspicious circumstances.

These people are thugs - just witness the assassination attempt on Slovakia's Prime Minister.

The WHO and Big Pharma are a criminal mafia.

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Yes, they are gangsters in suits. And like pure evil, they only seek to lie/deceive, kill, and destroy.

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The common cold is just the body detoxing. Why do we want to suppress every symptom? Symptoms are a gift. How else do toxins get out of our bodies?

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There's always a balance. Optimizing hydration with fever, for example, allows the kidneys to stay perfused. We want to alleviate the worst symptoms in the most beneficial way. For example, optize vitamins D and C to maximize immune function and antioxidant activity, respectively.

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No vax for the common cold because it is part of our body’s cleansing system. Why would anyone want or think they can improve on our Creator’s design by injecting poison and toxins? It has never made sense to me. Carry in! No poisons or toxins, no more!

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May 20Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

“Vengeance is mine,” saith the LORD.

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Amen 🙏

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May 23Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You have free will, exercise it. This. Do what you know is the right thing, the HARD choice, because it is the RIGHT choice. How many caved to weakness: to travel, to be with 'friends' to go on a cruise, to a restaurant to be 'social'??? There is the weakness ... the easy choice. We all knew the risks or should have, and those awake and aware knew that there was somthing 'wrong' with the picture. How? We listened to our inner voices - God if you want. Saying NO is NEVER easy, and thus, when you face a choice the hard path is USUALLY the CORRECT path...

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Amen! And don't be afraid to talk about God because that's exactly what they also want- to take away our spirituality! And if we keep in mind that our biggest goal is to spend all of eternity in God's presence, then NOTHING on earth can lure us from the right decisions.

You are right ~ many times, the hardest decisions are the best ones, the right ones. And if we FIRST make up our minds as to what is right, we keep our souls.

And if we KNOW that we chose the wrong things, we need to simply repent and go back to God with full forgiveness.

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A moment of silence and remembrance for a warrior. First for the enemy by deception, then for God and mankind in the end.

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