Addendum March 12, 2025 at 8:30 pm PST: If you haven’t heard of Dr. Urso, he has been through a lot and is recovering from a stroke. Thank you for keeping him in your prayers! Note that I have researched this a bit more and added more text to the section, “WHAT I REALLY THINK”.
We all love and appreciate Dr. Richard Urso! Look how far ahead he was in March of 2023!
The deadliest form of lung cancer is called lung adenocarcinoma, or LUAD. Tobacco chemicals often cause the disease by damaging the genetic information of lung cells. The damage leads to harmful changes in the DNA sequence which prompt the cells to form tumors. For instance, the most common of these changes takes place in a gene called KRAS. However, it is still unclear exactly which type of lung cells are more likely to develop into a tumor.
Dr. Richard Urso: It says here, “Malaria drug chloroquine does not inhibit SARS-CoV-2.” So this study came out this week. And this is in tissue culture.
So I looked at this study, and I thought, “This is interesting, I don’t know what happened there. But let me look at it. So then I saw klub-3 lung cells. So they said,
‘Hey, it may work in kidney cells, but it doesn’t work in lung cells.’”
“So in our evidence, yeah, it can work in vitro and in kidney cells, but not in lung cells.”
Right? So I thought, “That’s interesting.”
I worked at MD Anderson. I was an ocular oncologist, and I thought about it. I’ve heard of that cell line before, the klub-2 lung cell line.
It’s an adenocarcinoma. It’s a lung cancer cell.
So I corresponded with the author, and I said,
“I am so happy for your study! You’ve just showed one of the most amazing things that I’ve ever seen! I never thought I would see something so clear!”
You just proved that when viruses are around, and chloroquine is around, chloroquine will let the virus attack a cancer cell. Think about that!
So it will protect a normal cell but chloroquine will not protect a cancer cell. Because they’re different.
They differentiate, their receptors are different, I mean, think about that.
So I called him back. I said, “Thank you! You completely misinterpreted the data… and you hid the fact… they hid it! They put it all the way down …
As you know, you have to look for the data set.
So I found it. In the Appendix. In little letters. KLUB-3 Lung Cells!
This is the ‘Disinformation Campaign’ that we are faced with! They put out a big thing, and they said, “Awe. It doesn’t work. They put it on Medical Express, you know, that’s it for chloroquine.
“It’s unlikely to work against SARS—CoV-2. We just proved it.”
No! You proved chloroquine is one of the smartest drugs in history! It will let viruses attack cancer cells, but not normal cells!
~ Dr. Richard Urso
They purposefully used lung adenocarcinoma cancer cells to prove, in a lab, that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective against the virus. But actually, they inadvertantly proved that hydroxychloroquine works perfectly — it protects your healthy cells from cancer, and allows the virus to attack cancerous cells!
NOTE: You cannot say that hydroxychloroquine kills cancer cells — it allows viruses to kill cancer cells. The word, “viruses” has to be in the sentence;)
On the morning of Friday, December 15, 2017, Barry Sherman, multi-billionaire founder of Canadian pharmaceutical company Apotex and well-known philanthropist, was discovered in the basement of his 12,000-square-foot home in Toronto, in a seated position, legs outstretched, the right leg crossed neatly over the left, his back to the lap pool. He was wearing his glasses, perched undisturbed on his nose. His bomber-style jacket was pulled slightly off his shoulders and down, which held his arms at his sides. Beside him, Honey, his wife of forty-seven years, known as the “queen” of Toronto’s Jewish community, was in a similar position, the light coat she wore also pulled off her shoulders, holding her hands at her sides. They were both VSA, paramedic and police code for “vital signs absent.” A quick estimate by the paramedics suggested the couple had been dead for at least a day if not more. Rigor mortis, the condition where the muscles stiffen after death, had passed, and the limbs were relaxed and limp.
The reason they were still in a sitting position and had not slumped over or tipped back into the pool was that each of the Shermans had a man’s leather belt around their neck that was tied above their head to the three-foot-high stainless steel railing around the end of the lap pool. Both were fully dressed, their coats over top of clothes they had worn that day. Barry’s face was untouched; Honey’s was damaged, but by what was unclear. Barry was seventy-five when he died; Honey was seventy.
Like a dark cloud, the news travelled through the inner circles of the Sherman family and friends, but for a few hours it was kept from the public. Then, just before 4 p.m., the story broke in the Toronto media that two bodies had been found inside the home of Apotex founder Barry Sherman. A few minutes later, a tweet went out on social media from Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ontario’s health minister, who had dealt with the Shermans both professionally and as a friend. Television crews, reporters, and photographers rushed to Old Colony Road. News travelled across the country and internationally.
At the time of Sherman’s death, Forbes estimated his personal net worth at $3 billion. One highly placed insider with knowledge of Sherman’s family holding company told me that Sherman had numerous investments outside of Apotex and that his real net worth was closer to $10 billion.
Sherman had entered the tumult of the pharmaceutical world in 1967 as the twenty-five-year-old owner and head of product development of Empire Laboratories, a medium-sized generic company he had purchased from the trustees representing his late Uncle Lou’s estate. Biochemists and molecular chemists are typically the type of scientists involved in pharmaceuticals. Sherman was neither. His background was in math and physics, and aerospace. “At that time,” Sherman recalled in his unpublished memoir, “I knew little about pharmaceutical manufacturing, and virtually nothing about how to formulate a tablet or capsule.” By 2017, Apotex, the company he started after Empire, would be manufacturing twenty-five billion doses (pills and other formulations of drugs) a year.
Steelback founder Frank D'Angelo at the Grand Prix of Toronto, sponsored by the brewery, in March 2007.Vince Talotta/ Toronto Star/ Getty Images
Close friends and his entire family were well aware that away from Apotex, Sherman carried on a high-stakes game with a cast of characters strikingly different from the buttoned-down scientists and bureaucrats he spent most of his life with. They say Barry Sherman was a contrarian. Fellow philanthropist and businessman Ed Sonshine says that if the world seemed to be against someone, Sherman would back the man. “He loved helping financially guys who other people told him were bad guys,” Sonshine says. Many were larger-than-life individuals who, for one reason or another, had trouble finding more traditional backers.
Among these characters, no one was more different from Sherman than Frank D’Angelo. Sherman once described him as being similar to a worn version of a famous movie actor. It is difficult for many of Sherman’s friends to fathom what the billionaire scientist saw in D’Angelo, who was the first person with any real knowledge of key events who agreed to speak to me when I began investigating the deaths of the Shermans. He is a streetwise entrepreneur with Sicilian-Italian roots who purposefully puts on the air of a comic-book gangster but in reality is a singer, songwriter, talk-show host, actor, movie producer, restaurateur, former beer baron, hockey goalie, and apple juice maker, to name a few of his activities. Since he started out in the fruit and vegetable business with his father out of high school, D’Angelo has ridden a financial rollercoaster for his entire life. While he may not have the Midas touch, he has made a great deal of luck over the years simply by working hard and being in the right place at the right time. The movies D’Angelo makes, which Sherman bankrolled and executive produced, all feature different but equally rumpled versions of D’Angelo, who, of course, stars in each movie. He’s the everyman, the tough guy, the guy with the whole world against him who comes through in the end. There were many business outsiders who gained Sherman’s attention over the years, but none with D’Angelo’s charm, which may have been one of the reasons he and Sherman were friends for more than fifteen years.
Barry’s son Jonathon, however, was not a fan. In a 2015 email exchange between father and son, Jonathon expressed dismay that Barry was continuing to fund D’Angelo, and makes the claim (which D’Angelo vigorously disputes) that over the years $250 million had been advanced to D’Angelo with little return. Jonathon writes, “In the past I have been accused of petulance for asking tough questions, and there has been much frustration for both of us. Years ago I did stop asking about Frank because of the strain it caused on our relationship, and left it alone. I am only asking again now because for the past couple of years ‘cash is tight.’ I have been turning down great investment opportunities, and Frank continues to burn cash at the same rate.” Barry responded by defending D’Angelo, pointing out that “major actors in Hollywood take him seriously” and that D’Angelo was producing films with “value in excess of cost.” Barry included a link to a trailer for Sicilian Vampire, one of D’Angelo’s movies.
His relationship with D’Angelo began in 2001, when D’Angelo’s company, D’Angelo Brands, which produced and packaged apple juice and other products, was unable to get a steady supply of the crushed and filtered apple juice necessary to build market share. It occurred to D’Angelo that maybe he needed his own processing plant. A friend told D’Angelo that a very wealthy man named Dr. Barry Sherman owned a bankrupt plant in Tiverton, a community in Bruce County, Ontario. Due to its proximity to the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station and a special deal provided by the power facility, the processing plant was powered by free electricity. In one of his earlier gambles, Sherman had financially propped up a former friend who had a plan to make juice and beer at the factory. The businessman (who Sherman eventually sued successfully) also had a scheme to make a product that could be fed to cows to reduce bovine belching and flatulence, major contributors to global warming. Those plans had come crashing down, and now Sherman’s money managers were planning to break up the state-of-the-art machinery and sell it off. D’Angelo got an audience with Sherman and his money managers and presented his plan. He would purchase the processing plant for $5 million (which he did not have) and pay Sherman by selling the beer-brewing equipment, which was brand new and had barely been used. D’Angelo says Sherman was so impressed, he suggested instead that they be partners.
The processing plant solved D’Angelo’s apple juice problem, and when he took a closer look at the entire production facility he wound up convincing Sherman that they should also become beer barons. The first order of business was traveling to Europe to find the perfect beer recipe, which D’Angelo, a wine drinker, says he did by stopping at the first place he saw on a highway in Belgium. Sherman paid off D’Angelo’s $50,000 credit card bill so that Ontario’s latest beer maker could afford his plane ticket. Out of the Tiverton plant eventually came Steelback beer and some innovative products: plastic beer bottles, lemon-infused beer, and the first “tall boy” cans. But Steelback struggled to find a foothold in the competitive Ontario beer market.
Sherman and his financial managers at the family holding company noticed that debts were piling up at the brewery and other D’Angelo businesses that Sherman was backing. One problem was that sales revenue was not keeping up with the ever-growing number of events that D’Angelo, with Sherman’s support, was sponsoring around the province.
In 2007, two things happened that would unsettle D’Angelo’s world for a short time. Sherman called him in and told him that he was sorry, but his twenty-five-year-old son, Jonathon, a recent engineering graduate of Columbia University, in New York, was taking over Steelback Brewery after a short stint at Apotex. Not long after, the Shermans put Steelback and some of the other D’Angelo initiatives into creditor protection with a plan to restructure. According to the financial papers filed in court during this time, D’Angelo’s companies were $100 million in debt to Sherman, plus $20 million in interest. While D’Angelo maintains to this day that the restructuring papers paint an unnecessarily bleak picture of his finances, he agreed to take a step back. Sherman provided him with a monthly allowance (D’Angelo will not say how much) to keep him afloat.
“I left there destroyed,” D’Angelo says of this period of his life. “But the man was so good to me, I trusted him, and he looked after me.”
Today, D’Angelo Brands produces a number of products, including AriZona iced tea and related beverages. At D’Angelo’s annual company Christmas lunch at his Mamma D’s restaurant (with dishes made according to recipes D’Angelo created), adjacent to the soft drink and juice plant he has in Mississauga, Sherman was always seated beside D’Angelo. Sherman would miss the 2017 lunch, held the day before the Wednesday when the Shermans were most likely killed, because he had a scheduled meeting he could not miss. D’Angelo was not at the Sherman funeral, at the request of the Sherman children.
In the weeks immediately after Barry and Honey died, family openly floated the idea that D’Angelo was either the killer, or that some financial deal he and Barry were involved in led to the attack. D’Angelo scoffs at this idea. “First, Barry was like a brother to me. I loved him. Second, why would I kill the person who has supported me and given so much?”
There was only one Frank D’Angelo in Sherman’s life, but he backed many others on short-term ventures as diverse as a dating app and a condominium tower. As Jack Kay, one of Sherman’s closest friends and longtime second-in-command, explains, when one is a billionaire, people will drop by the office with a pitch, a scheme, an idea. Quite often, those people ended up in court being sued by Sherman. And these actions—often involving relatively small sums of money—contributed to the belief that Sherman was overly litigious. “You hit Barry Sherman with a fly swatter, he’s coming after you with a fucking sledgehammer,” D’Angelo says.
Sometimes Sherman ended up on top; sometimes he lost millions. But he always kept fighting. “Barry’s not a quitter,” says D’Angelo. “Barry’s not a type of guy who would swim halfway across Lake Ontario, get tired, and swim back. He’s going to fucking make it all the way.”
How Barry Sherman spent his money prompted son Jonathon, who had been asking for $250 million from his father, to raise the issue of his father’s competence in 2015. Jonathon wrote an email to his three sisters, according to three people who saw the email at the time and discussed its contents with Barry Sherman. The subject line of the email referred to his sisters as fellow shareholders. In the email, Jonathon suggested that their father’s actions were jeopardizing their inheritance. He referred to Barry as the founder, a reference to his founding of generic drug giant Apotex, and argued that there was precedence for removing or overturning a founder. Jonathon, say people who saw the email, was looking for support from his sisters, but the sisters either did not acknowledge the email or refused to go along with the plan. One of them shared the email with their father, who in turn discussed or shared its contents with others. Sherman laughed it off. One person with knowledge of the situation recalled Sherman’s remark. “There goes Jonathon, attempting a palace coup.” Nothing seems to have come of Jonathon’s suggestion to his sisters.
Is there a clue to the murders somewhere in Barry Sherman’s business deals? “Follow the money” is something that many people with an interest in the Sherman case have said. The concept—follow financial transactions to solve a case—is a good one. But without the search warrant powers of the police, it is difficult to do. Sherman’s financial history, holdings, and the estate he left behind are kept secret by court order. Further complicating things is that Sherman’s dealings were intensely private and sometimes sealed with a handshake and little or no paperwork.
I have never believed this was a case of international intrigue, spies, or a business deal gone bad. Big Pharma and some government regulators did not like Barry Sherman, that is true. But they sue; they do not kill. This story has always seemed to follow the same pattern as most murders: a pattern that suggests it involved someone they knew.
As part of my investigation into this case, I have had the opportunity on three occasions to cross examine one of the homicide detectives in an attempt to unseal police investigative documents. The detective, under oath, has said that police have a “theory” of the case, and “an idea of what happened.” The detective also said as recently as October 2019, that his squad is “cautiously optimistic” that they are moving towards a resolution.
The Shermans were buried in a Jewish cemetery in the north end of Toronto. In early 2019, the family had asked for and obtained permission to demolish the house due to the “bad memories and a stigma attached due to the incident that took place.” The Toronto police were aware of this development but took no position on the plan, as they had returned the home to the family long before. Construction hoarding went up around the home and in May 2019, excavators tore the house down, filling in the outdoor pool and the basement lap pool where their bodies were found. The property was graded flat and the family plans to sell it as a building lot. Whatever clues to the murder the home might hold are now buried forever.
Isn’t Dr. Urso brilliant? He was far ahead of the game of post-Covid life. I see him on Twitter/X and have asked him for the link to the research paper he referenced;). I will share it as soon as I can.
In the meantime, many people do recommend hydroxychloroquine for cancer, and Ed has added it to his regiment. It only comes in 200 mg, which is for those who weigh over 135 lb.
ADDENDUM: I don't remember Dr. Urso in 2020; I was solo and too busy to be on social media! It was a crazy time. The revelations from Dr. Urso’s video study make me feel that:
1. Everyone who took HCQ and was vaccinated may have a lower incidence of cancer than those who only took the vax and no HCQ. That would make a very good study.
It seems that the best application would be to provide HCQ to those who have cancer, and then get sick with Covid or a flu... to have HCQ on hand and if sick, start it right away with zinc.
Since they didn't study the effect of HCQ on lung adenocarcinoma cancer and no virus, that would be another study. There's no reason to think that it won't work, which is exactly why they have used HCQ in the treatment of cancer.
I see that taking HCQ together with chemo makes it work better, but it may be hard to get it to where it needs to be in the tissue. My husband Ed is on it for 30 days for bladder cancer, and then we will re-evaluate.
Always think about what is true. Think about what is noble, right and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect. If anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about those kinds of things. - Philippians 4:8
Father God,
I love You, Lord. On this day, I again give my life to worship You.
Forgive me of my sins and shortcomings, Lord.
Thank you for healing our bodies and minds. Let us think on those things that are pleasing to You. No matter how we feel, let us sing praises to Your Holy Name! Let us then surround ourselves with Your presence, and let our song rise to You as a sweet sound in Your ear, and a sweet aroma.
I love You, Lord!!!!!
In the Name of Jesus.
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🙏Health Freedom finding the Light of Day thru the Information Warfare…Amen!
I remember that story.