I don't understand. Now viruses are good for us even though they have never been isolated. Now hydroxychloroquine (quinine). Quinine (bark of a tree) was taken by the British in Africa to help prevent malaria. Hydroxychloroquine is a synthetic version made by pharma. I'll stick with chlorine dioxide which is safe, effective, cheap and I can make myself and not supplied by pharma.
I used to be part of a group on facebook who just ate fruit, berries and melons and herbs. It was an amazing group that greatly affected how I view health. Once you see, you can't unsee. When you go on an alkaline diet such as above amazing things happen. People's body was no longer as acidic and they cured their cancer, ms. Moles just fell off their arm in the shower. They believe they got rid of parasites etc. I miss that group today and am so grateful I could be a part of it back then.
Also I wanted to say God gave us herbs and we really haven't begun to understand the potential to heal people with herbs. There seems to be an herb or twenty herbs for every illment. Rockerfeller medicine suppressed this knowledge but if you dig deep, the knowledge is is still there. Just waiting for us to discover it again.
I followed this young lady for quite some time. She started out with eating non-processed food, then I think non-cooked, non-processed food. Eventually she worked her way to fruit, berries and melons. They say fruit is alive. You can see it being alive under a microscope, and if you eat dead, you become dead.
🙏Health Freedom finding the Light of Day thru the Information Warfare…Amen!
I love Dr. Urso! He's a one-of-a-kind!
I don't understand. Now viruses are good for us even though they have never been isolated. Now hydroxychloroquine (quinine). Quinine (bark of a tree) was taken by the British in Africa to help prevent malaria. Hydroxychloroquine is a synthetic version made by pharma. I'll stick with chlorine dioxide which is safe, effective, cheap and I can make myself and not supplied by pharma.
I used to be part of a group on facebook who just ate fruit, berries and melons and herbs. It was an amazing group that greatly affected how I view health. Once you see, you can't unsee. When you go on an alkaline diet such as above amazing things happen. People's body was no longer as acidic and they cured their cancer, ms. Moles just fell off their arm in the shower. They believe they got rid of parasites etc. I miss that group today and am so grateful I could be a part of it back then.
Also I wanted to say God gave us herbs and we really haven't begun to understand the potential to heal people with herbs. There seems to be an herb or twenty herbs for every illment. Rockerfeller medicine suppressed this knowledge but if you dig deep, the knowledge is is still there. Just waiting for us to discover it again.
I followed this young lady for quite some time. She started out with eating non-processed food, then I think non-cooked, non-processed food. Eventually she worked her way to fruit, berries and melons. They say fruit is alive. You can see it being alive under a microscope, and if you eat dead, you become dead.
You are spot on!
I remember that story.
I wish I had followed Dr. Urso from the beginning!