Seems like this is facts today. It seems like mkultra got to amerika with this one.

Why wasn’t there ever a speech, “if I were God”, but we can’t play GOD. We can’t even play the devil.

We can only be human with a belief system that is so corrupt, we can’t think for ourselves, we can’t stand up for ourselves.

We live for ourselves and our true beliefs, why?

I grew up with God, and I believe in helping each other, believing each other…oh, this disgusts me.

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I grew up with God, too, and am ever grateful for the spirituality that is coming out in all of us! When I first started talking about God, almost no one answered or offered much feedback. NOW I SEE THAT PEOPLE ARE BOLDER! I LOVE IT!

Keep fighting the spiritual battle - keep my sword sharp, and I will help you do the same:)!

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Amen! I love Our Lord! I would not be here if it wasn’t for Him and His unconditional love and support! I can’t think of my life without Him! Thank you! I will keep my sword sharp and always help you do the same! Never wavier! ✝️☦️❤️🙏🏻🕊️

Nice to meet you Dr. Margaret Aranda, I am Lisa! 😍

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Super nice to meet you, too, Lisa!!! Thank you for being part of the Army of God!

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I’ve seen this in the past it’s spot on, there is way to much evidence now, these people aren’t laughing in our faces they are spitting in our faces and murdering our kids or cutting there balls off and watching them kill them selves. We need to stand together in our faith, hang on to each other and walk away, i personally want nothing to do with it anymore. The truth is that they don’t any of the land they claim, they don’t own anything they claim to own. I think it’s literally as simple as walking away back to nature with Jesus in our corner. They know our beliefs, they know the truth, and so do we!!!

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Amen. I was watching Greg Reese Report, he went to Russia, recently. He was interviewing young people, there is no tolerance for transgenderism. There is no tolerance for the way we live. The people are pro Christian, I was think of moving there in 2013, when Snowden left, I have been thinking about it really bad now. If the Middle East and Europe and Canada and amerika keep going, I don’t care if I have to row across the pacific to get there, I will. My friend is from Thailand, she invited me there…God is trying to tell me something, let’s go!

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America vs Russia leaves many thoughts to explore.

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We are definitely getting stronger and bolder - and we need to keep it that way!

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Not so much prophetic as reporting - this was already well underway in 1965.

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I was born in ‘68. I am a Christian. I went to Christian schools. One teacher played this for us. I had nightmares for years.

But as you say, “not so much prophetic”, sure it was. I have been reading about targeted individuals, this was a subproject of mkultra, but of course, every time I mention it, someone has to say something about it. There were 149 different subprojects…and they are still going on.

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Oh, I am sorry for your nightmares; seems the class was too young for this message! I bet it impressed upon you all the lies, and gave you a new set of eyes that has helped you ever since then!

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Yes, also listening to records backwards, reading animal farm at the age of 10, yes, it did something to all of us for sure! But God is stronger Han all of this! Amen!🙏🏻

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This 1965 broadcast hit the nail on the head and is still applicable today.

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Putin is giving farmland to Americans with any kind of agricultural knowledge. My wife and I have been talking about this as well. Unfortunately I think the problem we are facing is much much larger then we think it is. I’ll explain, but first I I’ll talk about hero’s like Snowden. I think people like Snowden are hand picked for there smarts, there honesty and unfortunately there ignorance completely against there knowledge. It was no accident that information was leaked in front of Snowden. They were watching him while he was a student analyzing his character. They knew he would do the right thing with the information he “overheard” it’s the reason they hired him. Here is how dark they actually are, they called him a traitor for telling the truth, they want him tried for treason for going above and beyond to protect the American people, which is what they are supposed to be doing ironically protecting the American people. So now it’s treason to keep Americans safe. Even more ironically they were keeping us safe from terrorism, which is exactly there surveillance of Americans is terrorism. So our government who we pay to keep us safe are lying, hypocritical, terrorists I.e. Lucifarians or theosophist’s ( same thing ). They used snowden to tell us all about the evil they were committing against us, we didn’t do anything about it so that is us agreeing that it’s ok for them to surveil us. They tell us exactly what they are going to do to us, they tell us exactly how little they care for our lives by the way they treated snowden for being a good honest person! These people are evil on a level that is beyond comprehension, and we give them consent to commit every evil act they commit. If putan was a threat to there plans in any way he would not be alive. I think we have to start completely over.

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I do agree. This is our country, that was taken by all the evil in this world. It seems amerika is Babylon and we all need to change. We all need to change these generational curses that divide us so deeply! (Btw, if you want to get agricultural land over there, I will come and help run farm!) But that is what we need to do here.

As far as Snowden and Assange, yes I agree, it only tells us we have been surveilled for years, I personally think it was before the formation of the cia. Dulles and Bush, Sr. were such dirty birds…

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America IS the new Babylon... with its pharmacopeia, witchcraft. THANK GOD we have opened our eyes! May we open more to the Truth!

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I would love that too! I think a podcast would be cool!

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You mean for me to d oa podcast? I have a Rumble channel and should get up and do more.... https://rumble.com/c/DrMargaretAranda

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Good points. Christian Russia abandoned Marx and Engels and paedophile economist John Maynard Keynes. Snowden is not the only refugee they've taken in. A Palm Beach County Sheriff's Deputy, a detective, was handed copies of a case file by a colleague, who told him, "If anything happens to me, keep these safe. The file was of the Jeffrey Epstein case. When the other officer was murdered, he took the Epstein files with him to Russia, sought asylum, and took

a job as a digital forensics expert at a software company. He frequently goes hunting and fishing with some Russian cops and Afghan War vets, who've nicknamed him "Bad Wolf". He's a refugee in Russia for arresting the wrong US pervert.

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The wrong pervert? Epstein was definitely the right piece of shit to hold accountable, but getting Clinton would make this world a much safer place for kids. Is that what you mean by wrong pervert?

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I think I’ve heard mention of bad wolf, but I had no idea who he is or how important, thank you for dropping that on me

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The hole gets deeper and deeper. Crazy!

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Thank God that there is a country that seems more beholden to Christian values than us! I saw that Russia has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, secondary to alcohol. I was very disappointed, because I wanted God and Christianity to make a difference.

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That is a good point. 🧐

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I don't believe Russia has returned to Christianity. I saw a presentation once that explained how the KGB had infiltrated the church and it was essentially an arm of the elite power of the original communist party, which is still in charge - the KGB were the elites. What was Putin. KGB. As the Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of their own corruption and anti-human communist policies, the globalist communists, the bankers and their crew, passed the baton to China, which the CCP had spent decades getting their people in line for the next phase, which was to use their cheap labor to strip the wealth from the rest of the world, and Russia had to rebuild itself, which is what Putin has been doing, and that involved pretending to give the people freedom and a better life - and remember all of the major Russian industries are funded in partnership with the global financiers. The elite communists are still in charge.

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At least Putin publicly denounced the mockery. Whereas Biden and Harris praised it...

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Sorry I fell asleep writing that so if I strayed off that’s why, I have a lot to say!!

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You're good!!!

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Such truth! He was a very smart man!

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Absolutely! He saw right through the lies and manipulation!

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Prophecy come true my love

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Amen! ❤️

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Amen my love

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Amen my love

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This has always been one of my favorite outlines of the plan.

Satan is the satanic fallen angel we become when we seek to become and to compete with the creator

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Yes, we can never hope to be God. The most we can do is hope to honor and adore Him through word, action, and deed. May He keep shining His light and love on the world, and may we keep interceding so that He waits for more souls to be saved!

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If I were Saint Michael I would send legions of Ángeles to cast into the deepest pit in Hell SATAN and all the demons tormenting Humans since the beginning of time. RR

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I think God has even better plans! Let's hang on to His Will!

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Amazing Grace 🎼 🌬https://youtu.be/NG0vH4WYChQ?feature=shared

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This is really profound and accurate. I’ve heard this several times. Reading it is even more alarming.

I was born with n the 50s so I have seen all of this slowly take place where the demoralizing and normalizing has taken root in our culture, families,

Congress, churches. Where enlightenment of psychology replaces surrender to thy will.

We bear witness to our Olympic opening ceremony,

Our athletic idols, our corrupt leaders who have become flamboyant, arrogant and indifferent.

If I was the devil …. I would convince people I don’t exist. There is no Hell.

Judging by 7/10 Americans taking the mRNA savior

Vaxxine demonstrates that people did not place God in the equation.

What Paul Harvey said in 1965 is truer today than then.

Satan is working very hard bc he knows he’s on borrowed time.

I’ve gone through many things and have been led astray from our Lord, but returned to bear witness to Satan and the worlds dead ends that never bring peace.

If I was Christ I would continue calling to the sheep who are lost to the devils “just do as you please”

All tongues shall confess

All souls to their knees

For God will Bless

Those who have ears to hear.

I get that we are being programmed by 24/7 demonic waves of disinformation, Chem trails,

The press, fear porn, mass hypnosis, and still

We are Spirits filled with Light, and pursue Truth

To the Glory of God.

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Amen! Stay with the faith! And I am glad you came back:)!

Thank you for posting your thoughts, and I hope you come back again. It's good to have others echo the sentiments you feel. Appreciate you!

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Likewise I appreciate you!! My time is limited to write research so I’m glad I have others who do those. Your fire is seen and felt, which gives me space to stretch my courage. Helps to have

Others it’s encouraging.

I just read Corinthians 1:12/14-26

You are very Appreciated too!!

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1 Corinthians 12:14-26

New International Reader's Version

14 So the body is not made up of just one part. It has many parts.

15 Suppose the foot says, “I am not a hand. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body. 16 And suppose the ear says, “I am not an eye. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell? 18 God has placed each part in the body just as he wanted it to be. 19 If all the parts were the same, how could there be a body? 20 As it is, there are many parts. But there is only one body.

21 The eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 In fact, it is just the opposite. The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are the ones we can’t do without. 23 The parts that we think are less important we treat with special honor. The private parts aren’t shown. But they are treated with special care. 24 The parts that can be shown don’t need special care. But God has put together all the parts of the body. And he has given more honor to the parts that didn’t have any. 25 In that way, the parts of the body will not take sides. All of them will take care of one another. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy.

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You are 🩷🙏

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This is a well-written and well-delivered speech. Most its brilliance derives from a previous attempt at the same goal, in two warring nations.


The link I give to some lectures about the work of Professor Clive Staples Lewis of Cambridge University, best focuses on Professor Larry Arnn's take on a pamphlet, "The Abolition of Man". Rushed to print in late 1939 before the skies over London were choked with planes dropping bombs, he got this delightful three-chapter pamphlet out whilst the Sittzkrieg was ongoing and the post got delivered regularly. Lewis takes up the role of emotion in personality, challenging a prevailing view that emotions are irrational, defy explanation, and should be regimented out of people by vicious discipline.

Lewis makes the point that our emotive reactions are what make us unique among other humans. No two people respond in the same way.

Take for example the Harvey speech. Several commenters felt physically ill listening to it. Others got angry. I started writing a critique. We all get different feelings from a challenging idea. The feelings themselves are neither right nor wrong, but they are ours. To relate with a person in a position of trust, we must accept how they feel even if we feel differently.

So Harvey argues, reasonably, that inviting people to act our their emotions with no discipline at all, invites fear in everyone else who watches the act. We have an obligation as civilized humans not to let our emotional reactions mislead us to do harm to others. But inviting emotional outbursts then not staying to listen to what the person shares, is simply rude. It's a put-down saying "Your dumb ideas do not matter to me"

Lewis drilled down to the core issue in The Abolition of Man. There cannot be respect for human life where there is no respect for individuality Some years earlier Lewis penned a piece about the Three Anthill Societies of Europe. Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Soviet Russia each boasted of their wonderful levels of sociall organization, how every worker ant in the anthill did his duties. Lewis' answer was to predict all three social experiments would end badly, because humans are not ants.

The temptation offered the citizens of Italy, Germany, and the USSR, was that by accepting Party doctrine on pure faith, one became a Comrade and acquired the privilege to bully and abuse one's neighbors, with no risk of punishment for exercising the privilege.

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"We have an obligation as civilized humans not to let our emotional reactions mislead us to do harm to others." Absolutely, we need to respect others and double, triple check our own motives and actions. "Respond, don't react" is a piece of advice a counselor offered our entire first-year medical school class in 1985. It has helped me in many areas. We can only hope that people don't follow the crowd and keep their faith in God.

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2 Corinthians 4:4 for the god of this world has blinded the eyes of believers

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This was not a WARNING - this was an instruction to the agents of the EMPIRE OF EVIL in the USA. There is NO REASON for a decent person to do this – a decent person would tell you how to resist it. That is not what he did. And what's worse almost EVERY SINGLE POINT is made in both the Communist Manifesto and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - with the latter boasting that they run Freemasonry. I have little doubt that Paul Harvey was a Freemason, and was using his platform to telegraph to their army of agents what the plan to destroy America, and mankind was. That is the way the hidden Zion Imperial Empire works. Predictions and "prophecies" are PLANS OF ACTION for the useful idiots of the Evil that rules humanity.

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I can see that.

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