Yes yes yes

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Nobody walks away 👀

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Mysqif.com search Facebook

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Deathblow inbound 😲

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If Zuck is really truly sorry and regrets what he did, he ought to be speaking up on behalf of Pavel in France because Pavel is being persecuted for refusing to do what Zuck has done by allowing gov to spy on citizens.

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Excellent point!

Let's see if he garners enough courage to do just that.

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I think that he is as sorry as all the "mistakes were made we just didn't know" people. Until Zuck puts some skin in the game, we have no reason to believe that he's doing anything beyond protecting himself with his statement.

How about he puts some statements in the NYT and WaPo, for example. He could even name names and provide documentation of the communications.

People died because of his censorship.

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🎯 🙌

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Like the assassination attempt, let's watch this story unfold. We haven't been told much yet. See what Trump has to say, and if it's opposite of what he has already said about Zuckerburg. Their stories change all the time, and they bring forth new headlines which divert attention off previously unresolved headlines, such as the assassination attempt, LaHaina, Hawaii, Fauci, Epstein, 911, Tom Hanks, Palestine, Ukraine, Schwab ...

These stories are coming faster and faster. Is this by design? Until we see true progress on any of these issues, opposed to unsupported statements of lock-ups and military tribunals and executions, then all we have is loose words and speculation. So far, none of the bad actors are in prison or otherwise, nor show any indication that they will be. I'll begin believing in their words when I see proof positive evidence that the perpetrators of all these crimes are being held accountable.

Have you ever heard of a Rothschild or a Rockefeller being arrested or executed? No? Why not? They've only been committing most heinous crimes against God's people for over a couple hundred years. And they are relatively just the new actors on the block. The papacy, its Jesuits, and Black Nobility appear to remain in control of their orchestrated chaos with little mention of them. Best we watch before accepting proposed conclusions.

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We have fallen for so many lies and deceptions that we aren't going to keep doing that over and over again.

I don't think we will ever know just how truly evil these people are, nor how many of them there are - but one day, we will have to choose God or the anti-Christ.

This is why I fast every day, to get my mind and body in a most spiritual place. We don't know what's ahead, but together we can keep our eyes on the heavens!

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"Protected" is a mafia term if ever there was one. Of course, the U.S. corporation is the largest cartel in the world and while it's in the process of self-destructing in order to usher in the NWO and those with titles that would seem to indicate they're "leaders", pseudo "selected" to "represent" the populations they are meant to serve are vying to have their long-term place "at the table" with the turf war that is soon to settle their "territories" and enable the wet dream of all globalists who are slathering at the mouth about getting to swing their axe at the root of our once great constitutional republic (RIP), those among us still caught in the sleight of hand of the divide-and-conquer strategies fully deployed and realized to prevent any kind of unified resistance to what they've decided is the inevitable are given the infantile task of "guessing" what "favors" we might "beg" from our slavemasters -- the present ones, those still held in high esteem for their carnivorous roles in the occult pedophilia in which they're all engaged, and those who will be "selected" to reign while the empires burn and the populations reduced to only a fraction of their present magnitude...and what "party" affiliation gets to play god for the remaining time before the death and burial of all we know transpires. They have fully surrendered their agency and allegiance to the dark one -- who has, from the beginning, sought followers to rally and submit themselves to the creation of a shadow duplicate - a negative expression of the divine kingdom, inverted, perverted and devouring everything in its path that is light and good and right. We must choose to see beyond the "lesser of two evils" choices and the personality charades -- power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, There is one exception and He has graciously stooped low, gave Himself for us, and demonstrated beyond any "gesture" that He who designed us for His purposes, has also called us to Himself -- to flee this world and to instead reclaim our citizenship in heaven -- as we are not of this world, but of one that is eternal, dynamic, and certain, while the temporal circumstances that seem to be a victory for evil are indeed only a signpost on a journey that is almost complete -- one that will evidence the real ruler and the real purpose and rationale for our existence and our destiny. Jesus alone. Let go of the illusion that has captivated and commanded our time, attention, and our resources and even our hearts for far too long.

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You are absolutely right! And I think that the spiritual war requires us to be BOLDER than them, and shout that people need to REPENT! The time is near!

Pick your battle ~ good vs evil, God vs Satan!

And while Satan KNOWS he has lost, he is frantically roaming the earth, searching whom he may devour.

In contrast, God's eyes roam the earth to search for someone who He can make Himself known to ~ 🙌

There is no one higher than God, and His Son Jesus Christ who shed His blood for us!

There will come a time when we are asked to bow down to the anti-Christ. We cannot accept that Mark of the Beast! We only belong to God and we don't need a king on earth ~

... and this leads one to ask if we should vote or not. We know that Mary and Joseph traveled to Jerusalem to register for the census. They participated in the government system and did not seek to get out of it.

Some people vote. Others don't. I don't hear anyone talking about striking against voting as a group. We know that the pedo left will push their agenda on the immigrants and have millions of new votes. There's no other way to combat that but to pray (of course) and vote.

Will they try to kill Trump and/or Kennedy? Probably. Is this country going to look like the UK? Probably. Are things going to get worse? Yes.

Despite all the evil, God chose us to be here for a time such as this. Everything we've been through has prepared us for what is ahead. So keep sharpening my sword and I'll do the same for you.

As we live, God tells us not to be afraid! We are going to live forever in the presence of God! And NO ONE CAN TAKE IT AWAY FROM US! 🙌

That means that WE have already won the best gift in the world! WHAT JOY!

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Are you doing this as to antagonize me lol

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Fuckerberg is a piece of shit that came from entitled jews he is a money machine zionist and needs to offer up his family a riches to satan! He needs to fry

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People at our level get zero mercy for tiny, often victimless, infractions. Demociding, genociding and medically debilitating billions of earth's inhabitants and destroying the political and social structure of the United States is, in my opinion, not something that a judge--or President--should go "parking-ticket lenient" on. If a future President Trump wants to maintain motivational, "on-our-team," control over Facebook, then he should employ the "easy-way or the hard-way" option for Zuck. But the easy way cannot be the luxury option. It needs to be bad. The question for President Trump (and presumably future courts more formally) to ask is, "Mr. Zuckerberg, how bad do you want "bad" to be?" Further, the dodgie DOJ has broken up companies which were acting monopolistically where utility nature is approached or reached. Social Media at the scale of Facebook is long past that stage. I do not use FB, but it is very difficult--as friends also complain to me--of acting even locally regarding practical information without FB. We miss a lot of opportunities. Those of us who refuse to yield our information, time, options and dignity by joining FB do suffer real disadvantages. It is not clear that Mr. Zuckerberg shows evidence of caring for the consequences of FB's destructive power when used for ill---or even neutrally. Mr. Zuckerberg seems to me to have no deep remorse, but only offers typical organizational non-apologies. Real penance would be evidenced by a radical, systemic, organizational and whole-hearted change of course for FB and, personally, for Mr. Zuckerberg. In addition to point evils like ruininga presidental election, FB even at its best has helped erode the culture and its essential functions by encouraging the base activity of users. This cannot be corrected with enumerated rules of civility or so-called "community standards," a term of mockery regarding the meaning of 'community'.

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Try the democrats.

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Thank you, Margaret, for your words of encouragement/exhortation & the call to actively stand firm against Lucifer/Satan, who seeks to devour us. We who have received God’s divine power (literally “partakers of the divine nature” – 2 Peter 1:4) have been granted everything pertaining to life & Godliness, through Jesus. We know that our fight is “not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). We are equipped with weapons of righteousness (2 Corinthians 6:4-7) due to Christ’s righteousness, not our own (Philippians 3:9). “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21) To enter a battle without God’s righteousness assures defeat (Numbers 14:42). “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world... We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:3–5). In fact, we are attired for battle having put on the LORD Jesus Christ. He IS the “whole armor of God.” We who are so clothed are called to “stand firm” (gr: 'antistēnai': to withstand, stand against, oppose, resist) against the evil one and his devices. As you have pointed out many times, prayer is one of the most effective of our weapons, as we wield the sword of the Spirit (God’s word) which divides between soul and spirit. We must encourage one another all the more as we see the final day(s) approaching. If the body of Christ universal could truly apprehend what Jesus has done, if they could truly believe and trust and rest in His completed perfect work on their behalf, if we could see that our lives are precious to Him and that our physical deaths do not change our destiny (forever in His presence) what kind of witness would that be to a world starved for truth and answers to their deepest needs and as the antidote to their inherent fear?

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