May 26Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Their reward shall be high.

I went to Oral Roberts University and over by the Praying Hands statue is a Memorial to all their graduates killed on missionary trips. It is quite sombering, indeed.

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May 26Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

This profession has its hazards.

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Yes, quite sad😔

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May 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Being a missionary is not for the weak of heart. Especially in a foreign country. Being with a spouse makes it easier, but I wouldn't say that in death. Their faith in God sustained them I am sure.

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They knew what could happen and they did it anyway 🙌 I am sure they will be very missed.

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May 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Reminds me of the movie, The Edge of the Spear. Do not know if you have seen that movie or not. I do recommend it.

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May 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

... Of whom the world was not worthy.. Hebrews 11

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Amen! Such angels! 👼 😇 👼

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May 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I rejoice with these brave and loving martyrs. They will have their eternal reward. There is no greater love than to give one’s life for one’s friends.

I mourn for the people they served in Haiti. These people needed the services these missionaries so generously provided at the risk of their lives. Who will serve them now.

The gangs are deliberately attacking hospitals, police stations, and now orphanages. If any Kenyan police officer faces a risk a death from a gang member, lethal force is warranted. It is worth killing 1,000 gang members to save the life of 1 officer. All of the gang members are complicit in these murders. They are all part of a group that is deliberately attacking hospitals and police stations and orphanages. God will determine their eternal reward. I am sure for many Haitians it was a cold calculus, be a killer and have a better chance to live or resist the violence and have a greater chance of dying. Nevertheless, once they join a group of killers and take up arms in service of that group, they are accessories to murder at the very least.

Also because the gangs have been attacking prisons and freeing prisoners, the death penalty makes perfect sense, but first and foremost the Kenyan police should be encouraged to kill gang members in self defense, avoiding the complexities of trials. This is war.

I do worry about gang members killing a Kenyan police and using their uniforms. When police are killed, assault drones and explosives may be needed to prevent the gangs from using the uniforms of the fallen Kenyan police.

Those Kenyan police deserve at least three times normal salary or double combat pay. Fighting gangs is harder than fighting armies.

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Thank you for the insight. Yes, the Kenyan police have an extremely difficult job! We pray for them to have protection and gain some real help combatting this huge problem. 🙏 ❤️

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May 27Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

May God continue to bless you. Thanks for your post and your spirituality.

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Awe... I'm just here to help. God knows that we still need to bring souls to Him, instead of leaving them for Satan. And that's exactly the best part... all the children survivors will always know God and have eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.

And I believe that some of them will become missionaries, too.

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