NIH Website on "Covid-19 Treatment Guidelines" Will be Scraped on August 16, 2024
HELP ME BY WRITING AN ARTICLE that is Primarily Screenshots! Please pick a Section and Copy and Paste 50 pages.
There’s no time.
Volunteers Needed
If you want to help, please pick a section, commit to it, and then send me your link. I will link to your page and publish the whole thing. You can do it, too. Feel free to share far and wide.
Pages 1-20 are HERE.
Pages 21-100: I will do in this article.
Requesting Volunteers
Pages 101-150:
Pages 151-200:
Pages 201-250:
Pages 251-300:
Pages 301=359:
Thank You!
Dr Margaret I do not fully understand your post, can you explain what do you need to be done and what is the goal please, but bear in mind that at the moment my post do not appear in my website, thanks
Hello, Dr. Margaret Aranda;
I am not sure what you are asking. Where do you want me to email you this whole file ‘covid19treatmentguidelines-10-19-2021.pdf’ (3,935KB).