The same applies with the elderly and infirmed! They do secret “capacity assessments” & like magic, they’re no longer allowed to go home, but sent to nursing homes for no good reason!

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Its probably about charging Medicare for it, its about the $$ & power.

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It's always about $$$$$.

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Absolutely!!! 💯 %! 🎯

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Hospitals were put under or as a part of law enforcement, Im not sure of the technicalities of it. When I saw videos of cops showing up to ERs during covid & doing crazy things no one had ever seen happen, I then found out about the whole law enforcement jurisdiction thing. This is weaponized "healthcare" with terms llike "non-compliant" they use like a threat. This has been going on well before covid. People on Medicare are under the boot. Its horrifying.

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Exactly why I will NEVER be on Medicare! 👌

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Me either. Funny tho, they sign you up for it automatically at 65, start deducting a considerable chunk of $ from your SS, then, when you call to say you opt out, they give you the third degree about your health coverage & try to intimidate you. If that doesnt work they tell you that you missed the opt out date during that particular month & at least they get another chunk of $ from you. UGH!

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I'm curious about this. When a neighbor tried to opt out, all of the companies he approached said they had no policies to cover anyone eligible for Medicare due to age or disability.

I was left with the impression you'd have to self-insure if you opted out of Medicare. (Something to do with the law due to Obamacare.)

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I dont use the western allopathic system so that wasnt a problem for me, but Im not surprised by that.

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I need to watch out for that month! It's upon turning age 64, yes?

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Its 65.

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This sort of behaviour by medical people happens more often than reported. I have seen it first hand in a major hospital where doctors were trying to convince ( harass) an 84 year old man in the bed next to me to consent to a do not resuscitate order and sign off without any consultation with family members present. When the family did intervene and have a serious discussion with the young doctors, it was agreed there was no merit and there was no further talk of an DNRO. It seems there are some, perhaps more these days, doctors that have an ego or arrogance problem that causes them to treat their patients as objects they have power over rather than fellow individual humans.

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I think they wanted the DNR so they could initiate euthanasia by protocol: sedation, intubation, ventilation for “Covid”, which reimburses for the billing codes and death certificate Cause of Death.


Never leave family alone! Stay with them:)! 🙌 ❤️

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This was beyond the C2 hoax, but perhaps euthanasia by proxy. I think they did not want to continue with required treatments and wanted to free up the hospital bed. Fortunately the patient believed he still had a few good years left.

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Its disgusting.

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Just when you think the insanity cannot get any worse there’s a new bottom!

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Whew, what a post! An absolute page turner. The stuff of nightmares. Bravo on your reporting, Dr. Aranda!

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This is one of the most important issues of our time. Medical tyranny tried to run roughshod over the entire world via the phony pandemic (fake PCR cases), and in many cases, they were successful. Due to the courageous pushback of the few, we aren’t slaves to the system yet. Stand your ground now, or be at their mercy forever. Advocate for your children and your elderly family.

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It’s ALL about the money.

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