9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers plus the undamaged Deutsche Bank “needed” to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!



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🎯 💯 %

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This is quite an involved story, Fred, and the airline stock shorting did not move trillions of dollars. It wasn't until Bush bankrupted the country and the Communists took over in 2009 that anything was worth over a trillion dollars.

I find it best to begin at the beginning, continue through to the end, then stop. Here's what I know or discerned.

Prof Diogenes Angelakos lost a hand and nearly bled to death, when an anonymous donor mailed him an elaborately hand-carved wooden box that exploded when he lifted the lid. My late father knew Angelakos...he peer-reviewed Dad's lpublication on the Diplex Doppler Algorithm that is the operating principle of 1980's Cruise Missiles and 2010s consumer GPS navigation products. The algo allows interpolation of radar signals over distances shorter than a single pulse. So destructor robots

that fly down chimneys and blow up, and constructor robots that dig ditches to precise survey coordinates, without days of setting stakes in the ground and pulling red strings to mark what the operating engineer must do, all derive from that one algorithm.

Prof Angelakos' attempted assassin was also a brilliant mathematical physicist named Theodore Kaczinski. Mr Kaczinski, a Michigan grad, invented a stealthy means of preparing buildings for later controlled demolition, while they were being constructed, in rather an ingenious means of extorting money or favors from their owners. Kaczinski had invented in about 1970, an active coupling device that used a diode and a very small battery, to load an electrical choke asymmetrically with ambient electromagnetic fields, leveraging substantially greater amounts of energy than the battery could deliver, by stealing electricity from power lines. While one could power almost anything on stolen electricity with his invention, Kaczinski opted to power a few microchips...a TI 555 Timer (found nowadays in computer keyboards and kitchen appliances) and some gate array logic, along with a small analog radio receiver...and the firing circuit of a bomb.

Kaczinski sold his invention to the Soviet KGB in exchange for participation in a scheme to get revenge upon the US and our allies. My crude estimate, not having seen classified intelligence about the investigation, is that one site in Kobe, Japan and at least 30 sites in the US had Kaczinski bombs installed in them. 5 of the structures were damaged by explosions, four were totally destroyed and a fifth demolished by engineers after it was deemed too dangerous to complete removal of the remaining bombs, because of structural damage done by the initial explosions. A sixth structure was permanently disabled because the most dangerously-placed of its bombs could not be reached.

For their part, the Soviets wanted a means of blowing up by radio signals from a satellite, 30-odd targets deep inside the US, in case of war. Oklahoma Was the center of Kerr-McGee's weapons-grade plutonium recovery plant, which was not officially admitted to exist until activist Karen Silkwood's corpse was found to be contaminated with plutonium. FBI and other agency offices that dealt with nuclear espionage around the classified nuclear lab, were in the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building. A complete radio-controlled demolition of the building while fully staffed would have gotten the National Security Council's undivided attention . Also a major issue would have been the loss of AT&T's digital telecom backbone, which utilized digital switchgear and point-to-point microwave relay towers in five major financial hubs, those being the Transamerica Building in San Francisco, the stock exchange in Vancouver, Canada, both the Sears Tower and John Hancock Building in Chicago, the CN Tower in Toronto, and in NYC, WTC Tower 2. (It is noteworthy that the WTC had its own telephone area code, distinct from Manhattan's 212). Losing a midrise building in Oklahoma populated by federal employees would have been disturbing news. News that two highrises in NYC had gone down and had disabled half our long distance phone circuits would draw the public's fears. Collapse of a bridge in Minneapolis would haVe added to the panic. And in the final stages, at least 20 nuclear power plants shutting down after a radio-controlled demolition collapse their containment walls Would both have put the public into sheer panic while also knocking out a sizable share of our electric power grid. Had anyone in the White House gotten the idea that starting a war would be simple, they'd have had a very rude awakening from all these controlled demolitions killng people around the country, no one claiming responsibility, no one making any demands on us at all. They'd simply have wrecked the supply chain for everything and left the US in search of a scapegoat.

The Soviets Studiously popavoided claiming responsibility. Instead, a secretive “environmental group, perhaps consisting only of Kaczinski and his Soviet handlerS, plus construction workers brought to each of these sites to mount the bombs in wet, just-poured concrete, played a necessary role and numbered in the scores or even hundreds, but many were probably unaware that they were installing explosives. They may have assumed they were part of a secret DEA operation looking for money laundering secrets.

Because of the difficulty tying this attack to any nation, we would suffer damage equivalent to a small nuclear war but without anyone against whom to retaliate.

So how did this story almost see the light of day? When Jimmy Carter was sworn in as POTUS, word of the plot had apparently leaked. Kaczinski kept up his lone wolf attacks, mailing fancy boxes if he wanted a disabled survivor and pipe bombs when he wanted his victim dead. FBI psyops personnel realized this bomber was driven by vanity, wanting to be famous, so when the Murrah Building blew up the FBI categorically claimed “This wasn't the Unabomber”. It was like removing Michelangelo's name from the statue of David. The crowning achievement of a life of crime and sedition against the US, was not credited to the bomb designer for his work? It set the guy in a tailspin that led him to write a Manifesto, since adopted by the WEF, that poverty is good because all the suffering makes death seem like a reward. His long-lost family put the pieces together and found him.

Some hints of his possible motives link back to MK-Ultra and possibly some falling-out he had with the CIA. Those answers may take a major declassification of secrets.

Less obscure was the link to the 1994 Waco Fire. The ATF had been tracking a truckload of explosives in New York but were called off that case to fly to Texas and raid the Branch Davidian Church. FBI agents took over surveillance of the truck. Agents assumed they were going to witness a buy of stolen explosives in the WTC Garage. Instead they barely survived a massive explosion that damaged WTC 7 and collapsed part of the parking deck. What had likely happened is that during the 1992 collapse of the Soviet Communist Party and the rise of Boris Yeltsin and the Oligarchs, someone stole documents from KGB HQ describing the Kaczin0”ski bomb plot and offered them for sale to a Mideast terror group, likely asking for too much money. Someone ignorant of adiabatic shock waves in explosives probably assumed that the detonation of a truckload of dynamite in the garage adjacent to WTC7 would cause sympathetic detonation and bring down all three buildings. When that did not happen, the 9/11 plot began, bringing more money into play to buy stolen Russian secrets. (Soviet SEMTEKS and US C4 require a compressive shock wave through them, to begin exploding. Shooting bullets into them or setting them afire will not cause the necessary shock wave for an explosion. The London-raised son of a Nigerian banker who had joined the ISIS cult learned this the hard way when trying to murder his fellow passengers on a Delta flight from London to Detroit. He put a sizable quantity of C4 in his underpants and lit a match to it in the lavatory. He was arraigned by television from his hospital bed on air piracy and attempt-to-murder charges, where he was recovering from third-degree burns to his groin and scrotum. Set C4 afire and it will not explode.) Yes, I concur. The choice of the attack date, Monday, september 11th, was meant to coincide with UN General Assembly opening ceremonies, frequently attended by a large media contingent from around the world. The purpose of one of the four airline hijackings was to create impressive televisied images of that second plane flying into WTC-1 and expellng w fireball of spraying fuel out the opposite windowa. The other three planes had a clear target: The first crash near the top of WTC2 was meant to murder a floor full of bond traders who circulated Europeah Union Carbon Credits. The firm CEO was in tears on the sidewalk, having arrived a few minutes late for work and missing the fireball that killed everyone in the office. British carbonophobe Jeremy Blood and US carbonophobe Al Gore immediately bought the rights to trade the carbon bonds. Something is odd about a

downsize-the-population company called Blood & Gore. The second aircraft, targeting the White House, got distracted by the launch of a Hawk surface to air missile and the hijackers could not see the White House after making clearing turns to see the missile. They aimed at one of the inner rings of the Pentagon. Security video from a nearby gas station showed the Hawk missile, barely 4 feet above the pa vement, fly through the parking lot into the outer wall. The airplane it waa tracking smashed one of the inner rings, but the missile punched a hole in thw outer wall clearly not caused by an airliner...there was no damage where wings would have atruck the wall.

All in all quite the squandering of time, talent, money, and very much blood.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you Margaret. Land of the free???

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It's an illusion. The "American Dream" also locks a lot of people into living beyond their means and becoming slaves to material possessions.

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Worse yet we become slaves to Vanity. Slow learners demand a job with a grandiose title and matching salary, with zero deliverables to show for their efforts. In hospitals today, board certified specialists with 8 years of undergraduate education leading to an MD or DO, followed by five years of graduate education in their specialty (and perhaps a PhD degree as well), have an average of 30 supervisors, most of whom are functional alcoholics who drank their way through two years of college then started working on a business degree. The function of the 30 supervisors is to raise the cost of medical care, reduce its qualify, interfere in every patient-care decision the doctor makes, and hold a grandiose job title. In short, we'd be better off as a society if these ignorant supervisors were issued razor blades, brushes, and paint cans and ordered to repaint the hospital frequently. The cost of all these vain pretenses of self importance is enormous. The meek see a task that needs doing and pick up the razor blade or the brush or the paint can. The haughty demand an unearned title.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

All three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition. Planes had nothing to do with it. You could see the bombs exploding all the way down the buildings, floor by floor. Bill Cooper was an incredible man. He tried his best to help humanity but most are too stupid to be helped.

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I wish I had known more of him then. He was light years ahead of me.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Much is still available. His close associates keep his work alive. His assassination was not the first or second attempt on his life. Back in the 70s, shortly after he left his post in Naval Intelligence and began to speak out about things he became privy to, such as US files on JFK assassination and first-hand flying saucer encounters out at sea, the CIA, after a couple attempts, successfully ran him in his car off a steep embankment and left him for dead. He lived, to their dismay, but lost his leg.

He stayed quiet until 1991, when all he learned was being played out, and he couldn't keep quiet any longer. He released his book, "Behold the Pale Horse", and began a live shortwave exposition radio show, I believe called "The Hour of the Time" (??), that aired until his death. Clinton privately called him his number one threat to his administration, a.k.a. National Security.

Cooper was and is a heroes' hero. He not only voiced accurate intel on 911, but his own death and the outing of lying shills, like Alex Jones, who, on the surface, appears to be a threat, but lives on and richly.

There is much more to Bill Cooper that all should look into. His "Mystery Babylon" series is precious, as well as all his efforts in truth exposure this pirate government of murderers, thieves, and liars hides.

There are other key martyrs in our truth movement. F. Tupper Saussy , Tom Schauf, and Antony Sutton come first to mind. Coopers assassination was blatant, just like the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents, where no one was charged or convicted for their murders, and fake stories of the accounts were publicly disseminated immediately. Just like 911. Saussy and Sutton's deaths were sudden and mysterious. Schauf just faded away or disappeared. I don't know what happened to him, but his books and works live. Each of these men were healthy and exposing facets of the true cabal in Freemasonry, Jesuits, Skull and Bones, and their mask corporation called USA and Vatican. And most of their works were pre-internet.

Other substantial researchers in truth to review are the team called 'The Informer" or Big Al, and his associate James Montgomery. They died within a month of each other in 2014. But they left behind most valuable research on the US true history and their diabolical works couched within their own US/UK /Vatican writings.

It behooves everyone to look into why martyrs are martyred. Not only our recent heroes, but those in the past, especially during and since the Reformation period. The Anabaptists are one, as well as Tyndale, John Rogers of Mathews Bible fame ..., and the other real Protestants Queen "Bloody" Mary burned at the stake in Public, and the Vatican and top Protestant leaders hunted down and killed.

Anyway, you brought forward a real man of God and interest in reminding people of Bill Cooper. He should never be forgotten. The actual account and filming of his murder was scrubbed off you tube shortly after it was posted, however, his closest associate posted a detailed account of the event. I believe it is still available on you tube and other video outlets.

In short, he was ambushed and gunned down like a rabid dog in his front yard in Arizona by approximately 20 CIA type killers disguised as law enforcement. The same people he fought to protect in all his years of distinguished and decorated valor military service, including his tours in Viet Nam. He was assassinated within two months of 911; Freemason/Jesuit style.

My memory of the event shows it was in broad daylight (I would have to verify this), and, yes, they left his dead body where it fell on his front porch, and protected the area from outside viewers, for over 15 hours before allowing the body to be dealt with. They did not want him to live at any cost. This was and remains unconscionable and despicable., as no one was arrested or brought to trial. Sound familiar?

They also concocted a false story how Cooper shot and killed one of their men in the head who was sitting in a car at a substantial distance from Cooper, who merely had a pistol, and shot warning shots down in the dirt as he hobbled from his truck to his house. It was not possible for Cooper to have killed this man. Evidence showed the direction of the killer's bullet through the windshield came from a direction opposite where Cooper was.

This other guy was sacrificed by his own fellows, just like the Trump accused assassin. The same players and their outfit don't vary far from their typical playbook. And they are cocky about it. Why? Because they always get away with what they do. How? They hide behind orders from their shill offices of President, DOD.... This MO continues to this day and obvious to those paying attention.

On behalf of the memory of Bill Cooper and others who fell truly serving us, the people, unlike those who say they serve us and don't, thank you for keeping his memory alive, especially for those who may never have heard of him or his works, but need to.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Oh Dear God!

May he be vindicated in eternity

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Amen 🙌 🙏 ❤️!!!

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Thank you for this valuable information! I know more about Bill, and it is all my pleasure to make him more known to others!

His memory shall live on! He died a martyr, but not until after his legacy was enshrined in his book!

In the near future after reading it l, I will feature his book. Feel free to message me on any links you find:) 🙌

God rest his soul! 🙏

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

You ROCK! Thank you 🙏 so very much!

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Also note, that Cooper was assassinated on November 5th, Guy Fawkes day. This is the Gun Powder Plot Jesuit guy who, with 7 known others, tried to blow up the British Parliament, and Hegelian dialectically tried to stop the KJV from being published.

Their true goal, was not only to get it published and lasting, but to kill the Geneva Bible. They succeeded marvelously, and are proof to what diabolical lengths the Jesuits will go to accomplish their "ends justify the means" motto. They will and did die for this goal.

Another key fallout is that they are celebrated as heroes on this day across the world. The people are celebrating their very own demise of losing the key to God's kingdom. It's incredible once one realizes this.

What's coming up on this November 5th? Voting day? Be watchful. Another assassination attempt? I don't know.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I concur

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It's such a shame that they killed him 😞.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They can't handle the truth

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And they think that by killing one person, we won't figure them out.

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So you saying I'm next

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Just incredible, speechless

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Right? I saw this and thought that it was an incredible share.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Thank you Margaret, your efforts are greatly appreciated

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All my pleasure! Keep your feedback coming;)

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Interesting. More of the same from the same.

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Yes. They kill the people who figure it out. 😞 Sad.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I read his book, behold a pale horse. I highly recommend it

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Oh! I definitely want to read it, thank you for the input.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Try to find the earliest version, because one of the chapters has been omitted

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Oh WoW, good to know. What was the missing chapter about?

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This from amazon: "Revised edition excludes the hateful forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Had Mr. Cooper known it was a forgery, he would never have included it in his book."

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The hateful forgery against God's Chosen People may have been included as allegory. What did Orthodox Christian Russian peasants find believable enough about "The Protocols" that they rioted against Jews for no discernible reason? What did Roman Catholic ATF agents and FBI agents find believable in Clinton Administration hate speech against the Branch Davidian Church in Waco? They're comparable ideas. If too many Catholics misread anti-religious bigotry and think, "Yeah, get those crazy buggers and their goofed up religion" never once thinking that Communist hate for religion will be aimed at Catholics too, once they are powerful. Poland understands this well. The Nazis hated the Polish race. The Communists hated Poland's religion. Some Poles changed their names to sound German, Russian or Slovak to win a little less persecution during the Soviet occupation.

So in that sense, I can see why the author might intentionally introduce a proven forgery and its horrific effects on Jews in Russia, to illustrate the danger of new anti-Christian propaganda in the US. If it raises the emotions but reverses cognitive function, it should be questioned, not believed.

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I don't know anything about it Bob, otyher than what you wrote. I was just trying to fill in a tiny piece of the puzzle. i.e., what was taken out.

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…what indicates it to be a forgery ?

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Read “Fruit from a poisonous tree” by Melvin Stamper. It’s a real eye opener

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It had quite a bit of declassified documents, some were redacted, but there was enough information to connect the dots. I wish I would have kept my original copy. I lent it to a friend who somehow lost it

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Wow, amazing!

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