Revelations 6:8 and The Pale Horse at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics 2024
A Medical and Spiritual Analysis
To understand the significance of the pale horse, we see that he is Death. And Death was given evil power over one quarter of the world population.
Revelations 6:8
First the wave of death was by sword, or intentional murder. Then came famine and plague, as well as death by wild animals.
Video: The Pale Horse at the Olympics 2024
⬆️ A lone roder on a pale horse at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics 2024. The pale horse is clearly mentioned in the Bible, in the Book of Revelations, Chapter 6, Verse 8.
The Meaning of the Pale Horse and Rider
The Book of Revelations was written by the apostle John. He was possibly the cousin of Christ, only six months younger.
If you have never read the Bible, most recommend that you start with the Book of John.
John describes seven riders, and the fourth rider was named Death. Let's pause to investigate and examine the horse on which Death rode, noteably, its color.
This horse has a clearly eerie description, as John uses the word, “pale”. Many English translations use “pale" or "ashen.”
In the original Greek language, the word for the horse’s color is chlōros.
This is literally a yellow-tinged green, used elsewhere in the Bible. It is the same word used to describe the color of grass in:
Mark 6:39: The color of the grass on which a crowd of 5,000 men sat to listen to Jesus teach. When they became hungry, Jesus performed the miracle with fish and bread brought by a little boy.
The men came with women and children, so perhaps 10,000 to 15,000 were fed.
One day, there will be no more grass.
and Revelations 9:4.
There's no such thing as a green horse. When we apply the color chlōros to that of a horse, it clearly implies that this color suggests bruised, dead, or decaying flesh.
The Color of Decaying Things
Here's a color palate of decaying things like rotten tomatoes or apples:
Rotten Flesh
You can see that the color “pale” isn't ghostly or clear, signifying invisibility; it's more like rotten flesh. And you can see that a meadow of grass can be this same color as that of the “pale” horse:
Not to belabor the point, but as skin is injured or bruised, blood vessels leak red blood cells and hemoglobin. From a forensic standpoint, one can estimate the time of injury based on the color of a bruise. A greenish bruise color occurs at 10-14 days.
And we know how ugly a green-skinned horse would be… and my point is that they got it wrong. The Book of Revelations horse was an brown-greenish, not pale.
I hope that takes away some of the effect they wanted. Maybe a green-brown, flaky-skinned horse would have looked much scarier.
They got it wrong.
The Damage Inflicted by The Fourth Rider
In the unseen world of Death, Hades follows the fourth rider, claiming its dead.
The damage and death this rider causes is quite staggering: a full one fourth of the world's population.
The sword represents intentional and offensive murder, civil war and infighting, as well as starvation, and other consequences of war: suffering, pestilence, and savage animals.
Based on the estimated current world population, the death toll predicted by Revelations 6:8 would be nearly two billion people.
According to, here are some world population statistics:
How many have died from Covid?
It's nearly impossible to know how many have died or been killed in hospitals under the guise of “Covid”.
We know they targeted the unvaxxed for hospital killing protocols. And they lie about PCR tests, creating a diagnosis when it doesn't exist.
One would need to take into consideration all the vax injured with things like blood clots and myocarditis, untreated cancers, delayed diagnoses, turbo cancers, and suicides.
I mention suicides because of all professions, doctors have the highest rate of suicide. In the beginning of the plandemic, our youth were increasingly committing suicide due to isolation and school closures. No one talked about it and some said Trump tried to hide it, avoiding the discussion.
Each year, about 800,000 people die by suicide. This is more than the number of people killed by malaria, breast cancer, war, or homicide, according to the WHO.
They can't help themselves. They tell us what they're going to do.
The 2012 Olympics
When we look at the 2012 Olympics, we can see that they made an absolute spectacle out of all the deaths that would occur in hospital beds.
Covid Deaths Foretold: 2012 Olympics Ceremony
⬆️ A grim reaper waves a wand over a child, as “Covid goblins” cause a multitude of hospital bed deaths! One frame highlights a Chinese woman, signifying Wuhan.
The Tribulation
The Tribulation is a dreadful time of judgment that falls upon the wicked and unsaved.
For Christians, many believe God will spare us from this wrath to come, as foretold in 1 Thessalonians 1:10.
Be Encouraged!
No matter what lies ahead, God has not given us a spirit of fear.
He has provided a way out. studied how much God doesn't want us to fear, and it's quite astonishing!
Fear not (appears 302 times in 129 verses)
Do not be afraid (33 X in 7 vss)
Be anxious for nothing (1 vs)
Do not fear (66 X 20 vss)
Do not worry (24 X 7 vss)
I will not fear (3X 3 vss)
Whom shall I fear? (1 vs)
I will not be afraid (2 X 2 vss)
Do not be dismayed (99 X 16 vss)
There is a lot of overlap, but I haven't even covered all the ways we are told to not be afraid. Be of good courage, be brave, etc etc.
It is the most repeated command in all of the Bible and perhaps the easiest to fail
I think they want us to have fear.
If we listen to God and keep His light and love in our minds and hearts, then it casts out the darkness!
Holy Father God, Lord of All the Ages and Times, Most Revered And Magnificent Master,
Thank you that our eyes are open to the Truth of evil and good, which is Satan versus You.
We lean to You more than ever! We rest only under Your Mighty Wings! We Speak Life into our lives and into the lives of every person reading this right now - that they have Your Peace, Shine Your Light, and be guided by Your Holy Spirit!
May we continue to oppose the darkness together, keep one another's swords sharpened, and wrap our arms around those who still need to know You!
Lead and guide us in all of Your Ways! Strengthen our minds to withstand the fiery darts of the devil! Make us bolder than them!
And thank You for preparing us for this time! You are making everything work together for good! Thank You for giving us the strength to carry on! Bless the work of our hands and the steps of our feet!
We ask all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Amen! 🙏
If you know God and have decided to be His soldier:
If you don't yet know Christ, He is knocking at the door now:
I'd forgotten about that insane/creepy performance at the 2012 olympics (lowercase intentional). I won't watch a minute of it, now or in the future. If anyone watches that mess, it would be great to know who the major sponsors are, so I know where NOT to spend my money.
PS Found this on Twitter:
Thank you for this truth this morning and powerful prayer against darkness and fear. We have many signs that speak to us and you do that so well.