I'd forgotten about that insane/creepy performance at the 2012 olympics (lowercase intentional). I won't watch a minute of it, now or in the future. If anyone watches that mess, it would be great to know who the major sponsors are, so I know where NOT to spend my money.
Their version of a pale horse is not THE Pale Horse. They’re just tossing crap out there, trying to offend people because they think it’s funny. Don’t be triggered.
They didn't think that perhaps the conversation would segway to that of The Book of Revelations and the need for repentance and forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ! 🕊️
May the power of the Holy Spirit grab more souls from Satan, that they may surrender to the One and Only God who loves us so much that He sacrificed His Only Begotten Son for us 🙌! Amen! 🙏
They do NOT understand the impact of Behold a Pale Horse... it is culturally everywhere in the bible and Western Civ. It MEANS DEATH RIDES... and if that's what they wanted to say, well, they said it. What they DO NOT understand is along with that comes this: Be Not Afraid for I am With YOU. They fear the Lord who is not THEIR lord. Their Lord is the underworld, is the fallen one. How can that compare to the Christos who is the Risen Lord, who is one in Being with the Father, begotten and NOT made? It cannot.
It's not being triggered, it's recognizing mockery and or prophesy. Often the deviants don't realize thet're fulfilling prophesy. They think they're "artists" being creative when their puppet masters tell them the theme they're looking for which is generally perverse in nature. It's exactly what they were tryng to do.
I understand all of that. The more you complain, the more amused they get. In a public space. Discussing it with individuals when the perverts don’t see it is better, IMO. Just a philosophical disagreement, IMO.
I understand and appreciate your position as well. I believe we are here to spread God's light and truth. I look for and pray for the truth in EVERYTHING. So while I do it in private and in public and outof earshot of the deviants, I also use the internet to spread truth. I feel I reach far more people that way, and I care not what any of them think of me, my God or the amusement they may get from it. God will laugh last, and if I'm still alive when He decides to end it all, so will I.
people need to wake up and start looking at "prophecies" as the global elite publishing their plan for humanity 1000 + years in advance. The freedom to choose a different future is only possible if people start thinking outside of prophecy as a future written in stone by freemasons, and think instead that prophecies is a warning of what to avoid.
From your article, thank you for the introspection: "For anyone who is a “Grand Master Planner” who wants people just to accept their fate without exercising their freedom to create a better future, there would be great incentive to make people believe that a “Prophecy” must come true because “God Said So”."
The only thing that is missing is God. We don't need "a better future". We only need to be in God's presence for all eternity. Nothing else matters. You are completely missing the spiritual battle.
Is "free will" ever going to change the Bible? No. Because Satan is in charge of the evil. And his minions, helpers, and followers carry out his powerful deeds.
Satan knows the future, too. That's why he's working his timeline extra fast, extra visible, EXTRA SOULS - so he can garner as many souls as possible, and take them away from God's presence. In the process, he is after MEN and their families.
If you had a near-death experience like me, and you had the opportunity to FEEL the love of God because you were washed clean by the blood of Christ, you would also know that nothing else matters on earth but being in the presence of God for all eternity.
The limitation of putting all the blame externally on "Satan" and all redemption externally is that it misses 1/2 of reality. And that is the internal choice between good and evil.
I've observed in conversations I've had on a group chat with very devout Christian doctors, that the degree of blindness to their own contributions to the great monsters of society today are proportionate to their "Faith".
Those that are able to see Jewish Perspectives, Islamic ones and Philosophical ones can see most clearly that choosing not to tell Vaccine "nazi" ish parents the dangers of childhood vaccines out of fear of retribution, is itself a sin that they chose to make.
Multiply small sins like that across all the doctors in a country and you get giant monsters like you have today.
Without the internal "evil" within those who choose to do wrong, or hide the truth out of fear, the external "satan" cannot exist.
Same applies for the blessing of forgiveness. By placing that gift externally in the life of one who died over 2000 years ago, the ability within to earn one's own forgiveness of the conscience by correcting one's own sins with the gift of each new day is ignored.
And yes, this too I observed on a Christian Dr's group chat where the most devout also made the most excuses for wrongdoings citing the forgiveness of Jesus.
His blood should only be spilt for those wrongs that men and women could not amend during their life.
Not for forgiveness of choices to do evil, e.g. I need my medical license, I need the $$$, I need to pay my mortgage... therefore "Jesus" forgives my sin of not telling the parents about vaccine side effects. (the sin being that the money for oneself is more important than the life of another's child)
It isn't honest to sin just because you have forgiveness. I pity the doctors who say and believe that- it's an abomination.
Don't rely on this type of behavior as a standard for those who call themselves Christians. They are exactly the type that will meet Christ and He will say,
"I never knew you."
Matthew 7:21-23
I Never Knew You
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
It is those souls torn that are the battle... those who have Choosen, freely for the side of God? They are saved. And it doesn't MATTER how, it only matters they have chosen. The why? Not as important as the choosing. To choose between one good, one evil thing when you ARE INFORMED and knowing 'something is wrong' that is the mark of courage. It is also why God doesn't force things. I think very few choose knowingly. Some choose not knowing but suspecting... and others are completely deluded for they cannot will not admit to mistakes...
But souls DO have the FREEDOM to CHOOSE. This is the central battle, who will choose for Freedom, for Faith for God? Who will not? And why? Are they deluded YES. Are they LOST yes! Do they wander? YES. For them, perhaps a scant hope. For the others who CHOOSE KNOWINGLY to love God and follow, there is only FREEDOM at the end. Fear not, I am WITH YOU. NOT with them. There's that.
It would be interesting to know who wrote the “plays”? Who signed off on these performances? From whom do they get their marching orders? Seriously, who is in charge of this garbage all the time?
Remember that the anti-Christ will be able to perform miracles. Best to keep our eyes open and punch holes into their fakery. And you are right ~ that performance had no place.
People need to band together. Yes, there are people out there trying their best to wreck havoc. These people are trying their best to hatch their diabolical schemes. Yes, Agenda 2030 and their depopulation plans are wrong. It is time for families and communities to grow strong. It is time to grow in faith. It is time to work together to achieve common goals.
I see what is happening Canada. I want to cringe 😬. I have been seeing the intentionality of the actions. The public actions of occultism is to deteriorate faith, family and community.
AMERICA SHALL BE MADE ABSOLUTELY DESOLATE resulting from our national sin and iniquity. As an example we depose rulers and replace them with our puppets, and steal resources, all without conscience. We wage war justifying it by claiming communism (for half of the last century), or terrorism (the new excuse) as a pretext. See Daniel 2:20-22. We export smut, “medicine”, banking systems, western culture, corruption, and on, ad nauseam.
First ask the Lord to show you, then read about Mystery Babylon first hand:
Please consider America in the Bible:
•Isaiah 18
•Jeremiah 50 & 51
•Nahum 3
•Ezekiel 14:12-23
•Revelation 17 & 18
Lots of people will receive the wake-up-call too late. Don’t be like the foolish virgins (Matthew 25) who were unprepared for the bridegroom’s return. Don’t be like all of the people outside the ark of Noah who had 120 years to repent, but didn’t. In both cases you can read that the door was shut.
This is exactly why I will not stop telling people to repent and accept Christ! The battle is spiritual and we cannot accept anything less than the truth!
The turbo cancers are bound to take more of a toll, too. God will not be mocked, and perhaps throwing the city into a power outage was enough to wake some of them up!
The turbo cancers in young people is very troubling!! I used to sell chemotherapy, I’m sure the oncologist and hematologist are being swamped and must know
And it seems to me people that get thrust into crisis seek answers
And even God. I’m thinking These are God moments. I’m quite certain
The last book of the Bible, by John, speaking the words of Christ, is … the final rabbit hole of Catholicism/Christianity. Here the author, John, actually laid his head upon our Savior’s chest. Imagine ? I add humbly, Pope John Paul II declared in the early 1980’s Christians/Mankind is in a much later chapter of the Book of Apocalypse. If needed, I will pull up the Holy Father’s Quote. Finally, keep a keen eye on France and her relations with the 🐻 (ru.) Dominus vobiscum.
Extremely powerful post, thank you.
I so much appreciate you. Thank you!
Isn't it amazing that the leftovers were more than what they started with! Praise God!
Thank you for this truth this morning and powerful prayer against darkness and fear. We have many signs that speak to us and you do that so well.
Awe. I am humbled. Thank you!
I'd forgotten about that insane/creepy performance at the 2012 olympics (lowercase intentional). I won't watch a minute of it, now or in the future. If anyone watches that mess, it would be great to know who the major sponsors are, so I know where NOT to spend my money.
PS Found this on Twitter: https://x.com/SCoherent/status/1817308807619309897
I will add an article on the sponsors, and I love that you took out the capital "O" 👌
Good one! Just like I won't call Twitter that W_YZ name.
Their version of a pale horse is not THE Pale Horse. They’re just tossing crap out there, trying to offend people because they think it’s funny. Don’t be triggered.
They didn't think that perhaps the conversation would segway to that of The Book of Revelations and the need for repentance and forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ! 🕊️
May the power of the Holy Spirit grab more souls from Satan, that they may surrender to the One and Only God who loves us so much that He sacrificed His Only Begotten Son for us 🙌! Amen! 🙏
They do NOT understand the impact of Behold a Pale Horse... it is culturally everywhere in the bible and Western Civ. It MEANS DEATH RIDES... and if that's what they wanted to say, well, they said it. What they DO NOT understand is along with that comes this: Be Not Afraid for I am With YOU. They fear the Lord who is not THEIR lord. Their Lord is the underworld, is the fallen one. How can that compare to the Christos who is the Risen Lord, who is one in Being with the Father, begotten and NOT made? It cannot.
It's not being triggered, it's recognizing mockery and or prophesy. Often the deviants don't realize thet're fulfilling prophesy. They think they're "artists" being creative when their puppet masters tell them the theme they're looking for which is generally perverse in nature. It's exactly what they were tryng to do.
I understand all of that. The more you complain, the more amused they get. In a public space. Discussing it with individuals when the perverts don’t see it is better, IMO. Just a philosophical disagreement, IMO.
I understand and appreciate your position as well. I believe we are here to spread God's light and truth. I look for and pray for the truth in EVERYTHING. So while I do it in private and in public and outof earshot of the deviants, I also use the internet to spread truth. I feel I reach far more people that way, and I care not what any of them think of me, my God or the amusement they may get from it. God will laugh last, and if I'm still alive when He decides to end it all, so will I.
God Bless!
I love that we can talk and think together. We have one another, and we shouldn't let them affect us.
Some can shout it from the rooftops, others can write it into a song. Some preach it to the masses, and others read nightly to their grandchildren.
Also, everyone has a gift. The best course of action is to love one another ❤️, as you are doing. Thank you.
You are correct. They want people angry and distracted to move along agenda.
Be not Afraid, for I AM with YOU. Says God. Many many many times...
people need to wake up and start looking at "prophecies" as the global elite publishing their plan for humanity 1000 + years in advance. The freedom to choose a different future is only possible if people start thinking outside of prophecy as a future written in stone by freemasons, and think instead that prophecies is a warning of what to avoid.
From your article, thank you for the introspection: "For anyone who is a “Grand Master Planner” who wants people just to accept their fate without exercising their freedom to create a better future, there would be great incentive to make people believe that a “Prophecy” must come true because “God Said So”."
The only thing that is missing is God. We don't need "a better future". We only need to be in God's presence for all eternity. Nothing else matters. You are completely missing the spiritual battle.
Is "free will" ever going to change the Bible? No. Because Satan is in charge of the evil. And his minions, helpers, and followers carry out his powerful deeds.
Satan knows the future, too. That's why he's working his timeline extra fast, extra visible, EXTRA SOULS - so he can garner as many souls as possible, and take them away from God's presence. In the process, he is after MEN and their families.
If you had a near-death experience like me, and you had the opportunity to FEEL the love of God because you were washed clean by the blood of Christ, you would also know that nothing else matters on earth but being in the presence of God for all eternity.
The battle is 100% spiritual. The battle is for souls.
Satan knows his days are numbered, and as evil and perverse as the world is becoming, we know in the end, we win and so does God. It is written.
Absolutely. This is our faith.
The limitation of putting all the blame externally on "Satan" and all redemption externally is that it misses 1/2 of reality. And that is the internal choice between good and evil.
I've observed in conversations I've had on a group chat with very devout Christian doctors, that the degree of blindness to their own contributions to the great monsters of society today are proportionate to their "Faith".
Those that are able to see Jewish Perspectives, Islamic ones and Philosophical ones can see most clearly that choosing not to tell Vaccine "nazi" ish parents the dangers of childhood vaccines out of fear of retribution, is itself a sin that they chose to make.
Multiply small sins like that across all the doctors in a country and you get giant monsters like you have today.
Without the internal "evil" within those who choose to do wrong, or hide the truth out of fear, the external "satan" cannot exist.
Same applies for the blessing of forgiveness. By placing that gift externally in the life of one who died over 2000 years ago, the ability within to earn one's own forgiveness of the conscience by correcting one's own sins with the gift of each new day is ignored.
And yes, this too I observed on a Christian Dr's group chat where the most devout also made the most excuses for wrongdoings citing the forgiveness of Jesus.
His blood should only be spilt for those wrongs that men and women could not amend during their life.
Not for forgiveness of choices to do evil, e.g. I need my medical license, I need the $$$, I need to pay my mortgage... therefore "Jesus" forgives my sin of not telling the parents about vaccine side effects. (the sin being that the money for oneself is more important than the life of another's child)
It isn't honest to sin just because you have forgiveness. I pity the doctors who say and believe that- it's an abomination.
Don't rely on this type of behavior as a standard for those who call themselves Christians. They are exactly the type that will meet Christ and He will say,
"I never knew you."
Matthew 7:21-23
I Never Knew You
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
It is those souls torn that are the battle... those who have Choosen, freely for the side of God? They are saved. And it doesn't MATTER how, it only matters they have chosen. The why? Not as important as the choosing. To choose between one good, one evil thing when you ARE INFORMED and knowing 'something is wrong' that is the mark of courage. It is also why God doesn't force things. I think very few choose knowingly. Some choose not knowing but suspecting... and others are completely deluded for they cannot will not admit to mistakes...
But souls DO have the FREEDOM to CHOOSE. This is the central battle, who will choose for Freedom, for Faith for God? Who will not? And why? Are they deluded YES. Are they LOST yes! Do they wander? YES. For them, perhaps a scant hope. For the others who CHOOSE KNOWINGLY to love God and follow, there is only FREEDOM at the end. Fear not, I am WITH YOU. NOT with them. There's that.
It would be interesting to know who wrote the “plays”? Who signed off on these performances? From whom do they get their marching orders? Seriously, who is in charge of this garbage all the time?
I will keep my eyes open. Maybe they're stupid enough to publish their names.
Amen 🙏. That video was very disturbing 😳
Remember that the anti-Christ will be able to perform miracles. Best to keep our eyes open and punch holes into their fakery. And you are right ~ that performance had no place.
People need to band together. Yes, there are people out there trying their best to wreck havoc. These people are trying their best to hatch their diabolical schemes. Yes, Agenda 2030 and their depopulation plans are wrong. It is time for families and communities to grow strong. It is time to grow in faith. It is time to work together to achieve common goals.
Exactly. We should be organized into securing food, water, farming, medicine, law, construction, engineering, and more. Security.
I see what is happening Canada. I want to cringe 😬. I have been seeing the intentionality of the actions. The public actions of occultism is to deteriorate faith, family and community.
We continue to pray for souks! Once you accept Christ, that should increase spirituality in person, family, and community, too!!!
Our church has monthly meetings on working together ..
🙌 ❤️
AMERICA SHALL BE MADE ABSOLUTELY DESOLATE resulting from our national sin and iniquity. As an example we depose rulers and replace them with our puppets, and steal resources, all without conscience. We wage war justifying it by claiming communism (for half of the last century), or terrorism (the new excuse) as a pretext. See Daniel 2:20-22. We export smut, “medicine”, banking systems, western culture, corruption, and on, ad nauseam.
First ask the Lord to show you, then read about Mystery Babylon first hand:
Please consider America in the Bible:
•Isaiah 18
•Jeremiah 50 & 51
•Nahum 3
•Ezekiel 14:12-23
•Revelation 17 & 18
Lots of people will receive the wake-up-call too late. Don’t be like the foolish virgins (Matthew 25) who were unprepared for the bridegroom’s return. Don’t be like all of the people outside the ark of Noah who had 120 years to repent, but didn’t. In both cases you can read that the door was shut.
This is exactly why I will not stop telling people to repent and accept Christ! The battle is spiritual and we cannot accept anything less than the truth!
Thank You 🙏
John, The disciple that Jesus loved, and the youngest of the 12 was a fisherman
Got it, thank you.
God bless humanity!
Amen 🙌
Considering the Pale Horse prophecy of death:
17 million directly dead from shots
13 million dead from effects of lockdowns
500, 000 dead Ukrainians
40,000 dead Gazans
I’d say they have a good start!! Realizing 8 billion
Would mean about 2 billion dead. Considering that
Something like 5 billion got the shots.
We seem to be in the middle of the killing fields.
May God protect us and guide us!!
And fear is their primary currency. Fear Not !!!!
Satan must obey your demands.
The the satanic worshippers blatantly mock us on
An international screen and remain perfectly content to do so.
The turbo cancers are bound to take more of a toll, too. God will not be mocked, and perhaps throwing the city into a power outage was enough to wake some of them up!
The turbo cancers in young people is very troubling!! I used to sell chemotherapy, I’m sure the oncologist and hematologist are being swamped and must know
And it seems to me people that get thrust into crisis seek answers
And even God. I’m thinking These are God moments. I’m quite certain
God calls everyone some will change.
They know, and yet they are silent.
Thank you God, for showing us how widespread evil is, how liars hide their lies, and for OPENING OUR EYES SO WE CAN SHINE THE LIGHT ON THE DARKNESS!
God bless our land, God bless the people!!!
Amen !!!!
Their silence screams
To keep their jobs.
Silence and you remain part of the problem.
Very certain the tumor boards
Are opening eyes…
They have never seen anything like this!!!
God Bless all of US!!!
If someone in a position of influence, like a doctor, has not LOST SOMETHING, then you know that they are NOT on the right side!
I would think they were evil or robotic or hearts so hard that they are not living.
I’ve met countless oncologists
Hematologist and for the most part very kind hearted
It has come time to pick a side
Me actually thinks that the
Covid con just forced a
To chose God or No God
Have a great day!!!
Thanks 🙏
Thank you! 🙏
Dr. Aranda,
The last book of the Bible, by John, speaking the words of Christ, is … the final rabbit hole of Catholicism/Christianity. Here the author, John, actually laid his head upon our Savior’s chest. Imagine ? I add humbly, Pope John Paul II declared in the early 1980’s Christians/Mankind is in a much later chapter of the Book of Apocalypse. If needed, I will pull up the Holy Father’s Quote. Finally, keep a keen eye on France and her relations with the 🐻 (ru.) Dominus vobiscum.
Absolutely give us the Scripture with the quote so that we can better understand.