RemovedJun 18
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There's definitely a way to handle such matters so that a 68-yo woman isn't injured.

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RemovedJun 18
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You didn't even read the article.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 18
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If you read the article, you would know that she verified insurance coverage. I am blocking you for insisting on having no empathy or compassion.

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You should have let us pulverize him a little, ;), but God will find him and teach him a lesson. :).

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Funny you should say that. There were 3 black prostitutes in the holding cell with me who were trying to give me advice to not say, "I have rights. My lawyer is going to ask why there is no film in the video cameras", which I had asked about earlier. The 3 black prostitutes were very nice to the cops and got let go after about a half-hour with everybody all smiles. We all know what their bail was.

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Sickening. I am sorry you had to witness that!

I worked Jail Watd at LAC-USC Medical Center, the place where Rodney King was taken. The sheriffs were our protection but when our shift was over, we certainly ran like stink to get as far away as possible, as fast as possible. I could write another book just on this!

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Puh-lease, you are part of the problem. No empathy begets no empathy. What a cruel world we have become. I remember when officers, which they deserved to be called then, had discretion and empathy towards the citizens. I remember when cops used to give warnings after talking to citizens, not ruining people's lives. What about when you get a "fix-it" ticket for a taillight out that you didn't even know was out? Using your logic, a full impoundment and arrest would be necessary to protect the city from any legal consequences. Fix-it tickets have always been given out, unless you're dealing with a sadist. All citizens became potential terrorists after 9/11/2001 and are treated as such now. Osama Bin Laden won. I remember such great conversations with police officers before 9/11/2001. NEVER had a bad interaction before. I remember in high school an officer caught us passing around a joint underneath the bleachers. He took our weed, threw it on the ground, scared the hell out of us and then said for all of us to "go on, get outta here". THAT's the way policing used to be done. No one's life ruined. As long as the officer had good relations with the community and was well liked, all was well, and the city was happy. These days cops are judged by how many arrests/busts/tickets/money they make for the city, and the people be damned.

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RemovedJun 18
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May your Karmic God find you and teach you the lesson you seek.

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Thank you for shining the light on evil, and for defending our sister Victoria. All blessings to you!

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

That is exactly what she fought for and protected. Now it’s coming back to bite her. She’ll be able to sue...and most likely win but the process is the punishment.

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No one should have to go through such an ordeal. You are right ~ even if you win, it takes a toll.

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Why do I think this happened? Because they can, and they want everyone to know it. They are not your friends.

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That's what I think... And because that's what they do. But every so often, they meet someone that they shouldn't mess with... because we know our Constitutional rights!

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I agree. Thanks for sharing this situation for all to see. I hope she posts the video.

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I definitely wanted to spread the word. And someone else I know had a hospital hostage situation last night, also.

It almost seemed like it was a full moon, which it wasn't.

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This very thing has happened numerous times to me, a woman. I've even been left in cells for a long weekend. This is the far West Coast of Canada. It's the "blue" areas that are going full throttle.

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I am SO SORRY! I wish that I could have gotten you OUT!

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The joke goes, when the cops have you in handcuffs in a small room with no cameras, your Constitutional rights are "their right fist followed by their left fist." Public Defenders? They do not care. They work for the same City Hall that is protecting the bad cops. You are nothing but an hourly wage to these people. No skin off their back. And they JUSTIFY it, because, "You're lucky, you might be dead if you were black", as if you've won the lottery beating of a lifetime. All I can figure is I must have looked like the cop's ex-wife.

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That's sO SAD. I am so sorry.

There is no excuse for that. God bless you!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Dox the cops since you have them on film. Someone knows them, and where they live.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

When people do stuff like this, their name and badge numbers should be posted. For goodness' sake, same as the killing doctors in white coats - they all need to be identified.

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Their addresses too. They have cars, family members. They deserve to be as uncomfortable as the citizens they are making uncomfortable. Esp since their taxes pays their salaries. We saw how they turned their backs on good people protesting peacefully while they allowrd antifa and blm to burn loot and murder.

Romans 12 17-21

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[b]

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

But I'm human...

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I always think of heaping burning coals on the heads of those who are evil. Thank you so very much for these Scriptures.

And like Scott Schara and Rebecca Charles, publicizing the evil helps others learn how to respond- and gives hope and inspiration for defending one's self.

Scary stuff.

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I know you're a believer and as brothers and sisters in Christ, that's how we help one another. We can help share God's word. Sometimes we read scripture and we don't understand then all of a sudden we get it. It's in His time. Everything is in His time.

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Amen!!! 🙏 🙌

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

If there was any justice left in this country - and we know there is not - these police officers would be placed on probation at worst, and at best, fired. But the police department will investigate itself and find it did nothing wrong. This is a case she could win in a court, if she has the time and the money. But that is the big “if.” Regardless, this a typical of the sad state of law enforcement in this country, the incompetence of the administrative state, and the decay of the justice system. We are watching and experiencing the fall of a once great empire.

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Yes, this is frustrating, infuriating, and eye-opening.

I thought perhaps a lawyer could take this on a contingency...

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

There is hope because her son took a video. That should be her saving grace! 🙏

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What a disgraceful show of how law enforcement is being used to single out and punish dissenting people.

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I get that no one is supposed to drive an unregistered car, or one that's uninsured. Neither was a factor ~ it was that the right hand wasn't talking to the left hand.

Officers should know how to talk to people and avoid these situations.

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Only illegal aliens are allowed to drive unregistered, unlicensed vehicles, dontcha' know?

We're now living in an upside-down clown world aka banana republic!

I pray she gets a good attorney! 🙏

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Good point.

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Seriously, I can't intervene b/c I live in Asia, but something like this just makes my blood boil. Those 2 cops should be suspended, after being disciplined, after being physically assaulted long & hard by supremely pissed off citizens. Don't the globalist power-mad scum realize how ready ordinary people are to just quietly, privately (no big fuss) hunt down cops like this & just let loose.

B/c after the Covid scam & people dying & tens of thousands of people having their health & lives & savings destroyed, after being ignored then mocked then surveilled they're really 100% ready to start kicking back. We know they want civil war, but if so, then many innocent victims will make it their life purpose to hunt down those who do this sort of thing. People will have nothing to lose & supreme satisfaction to gain by doing so.

So I urge cops & other officials basking in their sadistic power & profiting by abusing people: reconsider, look into your soul, for you won't escape unscathed.

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And people WILL fight back. I have encouraged Victoria to start a GiveSendGo, and I will be publishing resources for police brutality.

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

So we have gone from not being forced to have insurance, to being forced to have insurance, to now being tracked and assaulted for not having insurance. Welcome to the USSA where tax paying citizens are abused and non-citizens are rewarded.

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It's all a big circle, one hand washing the other without the left hand knowing what the right hand is doing!

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

The usual reason this happens is that the tow company pays the arresting officer a kickback out of the $600 towing charge.

Remember how St Peter wanted to hear Jesus talk, but was ashamed to admit he was just another crooked slimy tax collector who ripped off illiterate people and some of the money he took actually reached Augustus Caesar, so he hid in a tree? And ended up a convert who swore off crime?

Well, the crime is still happening. Don't know

If either of these NYS law officers will get to

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda


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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Here's an example of two people who kept doing it until they got caught in the act: https://youtu.be/HPF_Bw_zqtA?si=zDW4fh44vwGDtOPg

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CRAZY! For crying out loud!

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Jun 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Oh wow. Love that sheriff I’ve seen him before. It warms my heart 🥰 that his heart was warmed by arresting those two miscreants.

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Such a scam!

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Sounds like just what happened to me on 9/11/2002, one year after the "Terror attacks", I was truly terrorized by the cops themselves. I was just standing there, in San Francisco, the city of Love that I loved, next thing I know my face is smashed into the side of a cop car, with many more sadistic beatings and events to follow. Never been the same. Smashed my head against a wall and the floor, almost broke my arms, shoulders and back. I had never been hit by anyone in my life before the cops. Even in 2002, no one cared, said it would have been worse if you were black so just get over it, as if that justified it and should make me happy and restore my worldview. It takes a certain kind of sadist to be a cop is my new worldview. Then George Floyd happened, and once again, my beating, family and financial destruction, didn't matter, cause I was white, and "well, it would have been worse if I was black." As if whites getting badly beaten would improve the condition of blacks being beaten and killed, instead of improved conditions for all resulting in better conditions for blacks and whites during police encounters. The water lifts all boats as they say. I have come to accept that no one will give a shit, cause "it should be a good memory cause at least I wasn't black." What the hell does that even mean? Alas, took it to court and found out, you really can't sue City Hall, or cops. Especially if you're white, cause "at least you're not black." Insanity. Talk about racism. City Hall held Police Commissioner meetings to discuss police violence, while city attorneys protect the bad cops. One meeting I was at was filled with black parents whose school had just been surrounded by cops because two black kids were fighting. The Black parents were mad cause the cops wouldn't have been called they claimed, if it had been white kids fighting. Everybody cared about this, cause they were black. Trying to fix the system for Blacks when it doesn't even work for whites, is not going to fix the problem. As Elon Musk said about Fauci, we are all beagles to him. At any rate, I've just been watching and waiting for the world to catch up for 20 years. I am now watching white people be beat up and abused, which means it can't be any better for blacks, until it gets better for all. A rising tide lifts all boats. Btw, I was a successful software engineer in Silicon Valley before the event. In the police report, the police justified the beatings cause they said that I, a 5 ft, 103 lbs female software engineer with a degree in Math and Physics, took a swing at a 6 ft male cop with a gun. Illogical, Captain. But they said give up, the jury always believes the cop. And indeed, before this event, my worldview also never imagined that cops would so blatantly lie in a police report. It will be interesting to hear how the cops justify their actions against your friend VJC Bingham. We are raised to believe cops are there to help and are honest. What a beautiful worldview that was. 

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HARD to "like" this comment, but my hat goes off to you! SHOCKING! So you would not recommend that Victoria sues? ... I am SO SORRY that you did not win your case... not shocked, but truly saddened. No words.

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Jun 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

I’d like to believe that with the now required body cameras everywhere that there would be body cam evidence of this encounter. I’m not big on surveillance but believe 100% that body worn cameras on police officers protects not only the cop from false accusations but “the public” from shitty cops. There are good and bad people in every profession as we all should know by now. I’ve personally known good cops and have very thankfully never had bad interaction with one.

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I have never had a bad interaction with police, either. But I worked Jail Ward and I can tell you it's a different world. And we should also putvon our video cameras or voice record. And I suppose that one could get a car cam or a body cam, too. One that automatically imports to a cloud, so it's retrievable.

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Jun 19Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Yes an ARNP I know was the jail doc in my county about 20 years ago and she bought a 12 pack for an alcoholic detainee with instructions to give him one every hour or two (I don't remember exactly) as it was the weekend and she didn't have access to Librium for DT prevention. Well they didn't do it and the guy died in custody (as she knew he would ffs or she wouldn't have paid for beer with her own money). The county lost that lawsuit as they should have. She was madder than I've ever seen a provider about that completely unnecessary death. There is truth to the idea that they look for certain types of people for those sorts of jobs.

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Oh, it wasn't her fault but I get that she could see into the future and wanted to prevent a predictable death. It happens to all of us, because people don't always follow orders. We can't literally be everywhere and do everything ourselves.

Sad for that man. He didn't know that she tried. God bless his soul. 🙏

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This is barbarous..So much for free country. Honestly, what kind of freedom is that?

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Right? It's barbarous. That is the best word for it!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

Indeed it is.

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Margaret Aranda

They’ll keep doing it until there is a consequence.

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I think you are absolutely right. I hope Victoria sues and that she starts a GSG. I can see how awful it must be, just the thought of facing your aggressors in court. That alone would make me want to throw up. I pray she finds the strength!!! Let's keep encouraging and praying for her!

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I wonder what Randall (Tex) Cobb would say on this! ... https://youtu.be/VZ2HHcFlwAo?si=AnvAGDJrZwImME0A

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Because NY is a gestapo state.

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