The Matrix Revealed: An Urgent Warning to Believers!
GOD WARNED US! And Stay Strong! Perhaps You Were Prepared for A Time Such as This ~ Esther 4:14
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This is from Scott’s article today. It reminds us of the spiritual battle, the need to repent and seek God, and our fervent impetus and admonition from Christ: to save souls!
Scott reviews the Hegelian dialectic, a diabolical manipulation that deceives us into accepting “less evil”.
By Grace’s dad
July 8, 2024
Our family entered this fight as a result of Grace’s hospital murder. As God keeps showing us more, I see my specific call ‘for a time such as this’, like Esther, and Ezekiel’s call to be a watchman as the backdrop to our family’s Genesis 50:20 calling to save lives. I’ve been on hundreds of platforms talking about the evil in the medical industrial complex in order to wake people up to survive physically by changing their programmed beliefs. Today, I am writing about programming on the spiritual side of saving lives.
There’s an urgency today like no time in history; a convergence of evil that’s hard to miss.
Satan knows his days are numbered and he has implemented an all-court press to steal souls. What started as eugenics in the early 1900s, has become ‘your next’ today, literally.
God Warned us of Satan’s Role in Revelation 12:9:
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.”
Do we believe Satan is the prince of this world?
While most of the country has been lulled asleep, believing “Covid” is over and distracted by politics, Satan does not sleep. What is he really up to?
In July of 2022, I learned of the Hegelian Dialectic method to control us. Shortly thereafter, God showed me that Grace’s story could be used either for His glory, or to help Satan. How would Satan use her story? Satan needs evil exposed in the esoteric Hegelian Dialectic he is orchestrating.
What do I mean? The Council on Foreign Relations, WEF and WHO are front organizations for the occults’ secret societies doing Satan’s bidding. I’ve seen enough of their agenda/depopulation documents to label this entire situation as the anti-Christ system. The Great Reset is the stated goal of this evil half of Satan, setting up the less evil ‘angel of light’ false prophet system to close the gate on Satan’s control grid for souls.
God showed me that Grace’s story could be used either for His glory, or to help Satan.
Satan has two sides?
As evil is exposed, we historically clammer for security and comfort. Think through this pattern in recent history – 911 results in the Patriot Act and the plandemic results in a bioweapon “vaccine.” As you zoom out from these familiar traps, you see the anti-Christ and false prophet beast systems of Revelation 13 repeating the pattern, setting up the final act in Satan’s worldwide deception.
As examples, take a step back and you’ll see WWI setting up the League of Nations and WWII setting up the United Nations.
Satan’s esoteric long game is coming to a close and he is using the Hegelian Dialectic as the method to deceive.
What am I talking about? The Great Reset = anti-Christ system = evil = problem; which creates the goal of chaos = reaction; which creates the prepared solution = angel of light = false prophet system = order out of chaos = Great Awakening.
Both the Great Reset and the Great Awakening are after the same thing:
The New World Order. Exposing evil is Satan’s goal! Then, by creating a belief that we are going to get justice for the perpetrators of the Great Reset, while preying on our desire for security, safety and comfort, he snaps the final side of the control grid into place with the inversion of the Great Awakening. I believe the people in the control grid will have a short period where it appears they made the right choice, because of perceived security and prosperity, but they followed the wrong messenger. Remember, this is a battle for souls, and Satan’s “solutions” always lack repentance.
Exposing evil is Satan’s goal!
Why do we fall trap to Satan’s deceptions?
God will not override our will. 1 Samuel 8 documents our sinful desire for a king to save us:
So, all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so, he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day, I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.” But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.” When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the Lord. The Lord answered, “Listen to them and give them a king.”
The Old Testament is full of examples of our sinful nature taking over, even after God does the unbelievable, like parting the Red Sea. Our laziness and pride give Satan some fertile ground to work with.
The world offers us kings; anything but God. How has it worked out? God offers us The King.
God sends a delusion for Christians?
2 Thes 2:10-12: They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
The matrix is a powerful delusion. The Great Reset represents the blue pill, and the Great Awakening represents the red pill of the world matrix - both beasts of Revelation 13; in real time! Both halves have the same goal - total control of the world. There’s been an orchestrated unification, giving an illusion of choice, but instead trapping its slaves to depend on the government, and men, for everything. News flash – Satan controls both sides! Satan is against Christ and has created evil versus less evil dialectics which presents mirage attempting to trap us. Less evil is still evil. God’s way is always outside of these deceptions.
How do we prepare?
Repent. I believe God is judging America and Covid was a call to repentance. He does not want us to be deceived and our eyes can only be opened to Satan’s deception through knowing Him. Once you understand Satan’s game, you see the world events unfolding through a different set of glasses.
You no longer become an unwitting participant.
Finally, repentance allows you to clearly hear the role He has for you in the battle we are in. I believe we are in the days of Noah and the hour is late. Please don’t wait.
To learn more…
For a 5-minute overview of The Matrix Revealed series:
Links to the entire series are listed below:
Part 1: ‘The Plan to Take Down the Satanic Cabal Was Written By the Satanic Cabal’:
Part 2a: ‘Peeling Back the Layers – Exoteric Deceptions’:
Part 2b: ‘Pealing Back the Layers – Deception Focused on Christians’:
Part 3: ‘Escaping the Matrix’:
We appreciate your prayers and support.
Grace’s Dad
Scott Schara, President
Our Amazing Grace ™
1 Sam 17:47
Our Amazing Grace is a trademark of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc.
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Our Amazing Grace's Light Shines On, Inc.
N4833 Misty Meadow Rd, Seymour, WI 54165
I have been feeling the pressure to tell people to go beyond the prescribed right/left dichotomy and get away with God, to go to the Throne of Christ in honest humility and in respectful repentance, since my being un-brainwashed beginning in about 2010. It’s definitely been a journey. I’m afraid most of us have no idea how many little gods we worship. The god of political leaders, the god of medicine, the god of comfort… etc. Little household gods, while we give lip service to the Holy One. That doesn’t work, BTW. God won’t play games with you. In or out—there is no halvsieswith God.
We keep looking for political solutions to spiritual problems and getting frustrated when they fail. We want a significant life but not a difficult one.
I’m so blessed by the faith of so many while others have fallen away. We live in incredible times.
Compelling. A recent short clip I watched showed Keanu Reeves talking with a young girl, explaining to her that the 'matrix' was just a simulated world, not real. And she said, 'It doesn't matter, does it? If people believe it's real.' Keanu shook his head.
People will say the same thing about the Great Awakening because we'll want to believe it's real. Satan is the Architect in the movie, who holds the matrix 'residents' in contempt. So after we choose the Great Awakening ruse, the fake redemption, he rip back the veil.
Wait for God's real Redemption.