I have been feeling the pressure to tell people to go beyond the prescribed right/left dichotomy and get away with God, to go to the Throne of Christ in honest humility and in respectful repentance, since my being un-brainwashed beginning in about 2010. It’s definitely been a journey. I’m afraid most of us have no idea how many little gods we worship. The god of political leaders, the god of medicine, the god of comfort… etc. Little household gods, while we give lip service to the Holy One. That doesn’t work, BTW. God won’t play games with you. In or out—there is no halvsieswith God.
We keep looking for political solutions to spiritual problems and getting frustrated when they fail. We want a significant life but not a difficult one.
I’m so blessed by the faith of so many while others have fallen away. We live in incredible times.
It seems like the same Holy Spirit is leading us to shout Salvation from the rooftop! I am glad you have been awake longer than most! We do live in incredible times, and we need to prepare for things that cannot be predicted, but are: quarantine in centers, forced to bow to the anti-Christ, forced to take the Mark of the Beast or get decapitated. That is what I am preparing for - nothing on earth matters.
The only thing that matters is salvation through repentance and accepting the blood of Christ, and being in the presence of God for all eternity. Hell is separation from Him.
We, the Indwelt Christian, can not die, we can only be upgraded and relocated.
There’s no need to even try to predict what the enemy will do; he’s a defeated foe. We should just know he despises us and will do his worst. Yet he trembles at the name of Christ.
I think it’s important to preach repentance and salvation. The soft grace of the mega churches is a stumbling block, I’m afraid. Many believers are unprepared and losing the fight.
Faith is a gift, and I’m blessed you have been given it, Dr. Aranda.
God RESCUED ME FROM THE LION's MOUTH, indeed! 🙌 You know that my daughter and I were in a tragic car collision that left me with a traumatic brain injury and dysautonomia/POTS. I was bedridden for twelve years.
I had a Near-Death Experience and He brought me back. So I learned how to pray.
Dr. Aranda, I watched the video of your near-death experience. It is a wonderful gift to be given, as you, who experienced it, and for me, who heard it. I think I told you that immunotherapy served up permanent disability (although I do not think of myself as disabled, lol) certainly it changed my life in many unpleasant ways. But because God is GOD and our GOD is like no other, my life was also changed in many better and amazing ways, because I was changed.
I had to nod in understanding with the ER doctors rolling their eyes. When I first went to the ER with these tremendous headaches I was given a scan (welp! no tumors!) and sent home with Tylenol-3, which I knew wouldn't help and I was correct. It didn't help. It wasn't just a headache, as most people experience headache, it was EXTREME pressure inside my head. On my third trip to the ER, I was projectile vomiting and became unable to open my eyes or speak, although I could think and understand perfectly well.
Long story not as long, the immunotherapy had affected my pituitary gland, which suppressed my adrenal function to the point where my body was not able to produce several hormones it needed to be alive.
Because I had been so healthy before, very strong, an athlete even at 58, and mostly by the grace of God, I survived that. A neurologist figured it out because he had seen several others to whom immunotherapy had done this (!!!) and he started a prednisone IV.
Then began years of nausea, weakness, vomiting, barely able to get out of a chair, insomnia, fatigue, and, as you did, watching life go on from a greater distance every day.
But I had God, and I had faith, and from somewhere, I don't know from where except to say it was a gift, a gratitude to God flowed over me like water. I never felt sorry for myself (although I sometimes have a minute or three of that now) but I just, as you said, surrendered to Him. But, oh, how alone I would sometimes feel. I couldn't sleep, I was too weak to move very much, and I stayed in a recliner for months on end.
Then one night, at about 3 am, I felt the presence of God. Jesus? An angel? I don't know. But I did know (in that way of knowing) that I was in the presence of the Spirit of God. And that Spirit stayed behind my chair, staying over my left shoulder. I somehow knew not to look, and didn't feel compelled to. It's hard to explain, but in the presence of God or His emissaries, it's clear who is in charge, and who is in control. (And it wasn't me, lol)
I said, "Oh! Hello!" Then I said, "I'm sorry, but I'm so sick."
And the Spirit spoke" and said, "I know. And I'm going to heal you now." And I felt a presence on my body, like a light and easy pressure on my head, and I heard, "You are healed. You are healed. You are healed."
Three times. And from that day, I began to improve. It has been a slow process that continues.
So many blessings have come from my experiences. I know that God doesn't waste our pain. My entire family are Jesus followers. I have been able to help people cope with devastating things because I am not intimidated by their fear, hopelessness, or confusion. I don't try to talk them out of it. I sit there in it with them, and when they are ready, we talk.
I am not afraid of death. I don't long for it, either, praise God, but I know that when I die, I will become fully alive. Hallelujah! But because of this brush with it, the sickness, and all the pain, I can relate to others with compassion and without phony platitudes. They say, "I'm so ANGRY at God!" and I say, "I don't blame you!" And they feel safe unburdening their hearts on my now strong and wide spiritual shoulders.
We must get to that place of surrender to God where His presence is the thing. The whole thing. So that in our darkest hour, our worst nightmare, with no horizon, no clue, no seeming hope, He is enough.
"And the Spirit spoke" and said, "I know. And I'm going to heal you now." And I felt a presence on my body, like a light and easy pressure on my head, and I heard, "You are healed. You are healed. You are healed."
💗 HOW BEAUTIFUL! God is so good! 🙌 And how lovely that you had an actual moment when the Spirit spoke! Hallelujah!!!
"We must get to that place of surrender to God where His presence is the thing. The whole thing. So that in our darkest hour, our worst nightmare, with no horizon, no clue, no seeming hope, He is enough.
Always. Ever. Enough."
💗 🙌 YOU GOT IT! THERE IS NO WHERE ELSE TO BE BUT IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD!!! And that's exactly why we want to be with God!!
👉It's NOT to avoid hell.
🙌It's NOT just to "go to heaven".
🙌 It is to be in the presence of God. 🙌
Being separated from God IS hell!
That’s it!! The Lord our God isn’t fire insurance. Or the Easter Bunny, or a genie in a bottle.
He’s everything everywhere all at once. He’s light and sunshine and every good thing I’ve ever known. He’s healing and yep, he’s sometimes trial. But only ever for our good.
Compelling. A recent short clip I watched showed Keanu Reeves talking with a young girl, explaining to her that the 'matrix' was just a simulated world, not real. And she said, 'It doesn't matter, does it? If people believe it's real.' Keanu shook his head.
People will say the same thing about the Great Awakening because we'll want to believe it's real. Satan is the Architect in the movie, who holds the matrix 'residents' in contempt. So after we choose the Great Awakening ruse, the fake redemption, he rip back the veil.
Are we talking the "Great Awakening" as in the Protestant revivals or the mantra of the conservative movement? There is a filmmaker Mikki Willis who has made some documentaries like the "Plandemic" movies and he also made one called "The Great Awakening" (Plandemic #3). Nothing with him sat right with me, his movies were off somehow and he is very New Age. Either way, it never sat right with me. There is so much deception going on right now, our discernment needs to be set on the highest setting.
Yes, the mantra, the "Q" tricking people into following a nonspiritual path when people need to REPENT and GO BACK TO GOD. There is no substitute, no greater good than to SAVE SOULS for eternity!!!
Satan, says the quoted scripture, is the Prince of the Air and of the Earth wrapped in that layer of air But Satan is also named in scripture as a King: He is the King of Lies.
Why that's important when we begin learning Epistemological Philosophy, which is the study of how we know if we actually know a thing to be true or not, is that Hegel's system of Dialectics proposed that Truth evolves. He explains it as a pressure between a Thesis that asserts something, and an Antithesis that opposes the Thesis. The metaphysical structure created by these opposed forces Hegel called a Paradigm. The Evolution of Truth, taught Hegel, takes place like a kind of metaphysical earthquake, called a Paradigm Shift. When the Shift happens, a new force called a Synthesis combines some elements of the previous Thesis and the previous Antithesis. Some of the debris from the shift then becomes an Antisynthesis, and the process of the Universe perfecting itself goes on forever.
Paradigm theory applied to Theology reduces an omnipotent and omniscient Adonai Elohim to just another natural force, leaving open a gateway from mainstream Christianity's Doctrine of the Holy Trinity over to a neo-Pagan universe having many gods, in which we humans are invited to lose our souls.
Karl Marx' major breakthrough was to assert that the metaphysical is composed of matter. Marxian "Science" is not the stuff of Newton and Locke, who humbly proposed theories quite prepared to retract them when contradicted. To Marx, Science is what changes when we discover improved explanations.
Marx' Dialectical Materialism denies not only the revealed truth God showed His prophets: It equally denies the physical truth that we see with our eyes, taste with our tongues, and weigh by the use of our muscles. To quote one of the deceived, a 1920s German physicist named Schröedinger, "The cat in the box is both alive and dead until we open the box".
That, ladies and gentleman, is a denial that there can be such a thing as Truth. What better preparation for the King of Lies to beget a son who is the False Christ, than a society of intellectuals who swear nothing ever stays true.
Einstein and Darwin were by contrast, refreshingly humble. They saw learning as a process by which theories were tested, most fail, and the few that prove true are as revelatory as a Divine vision. Seeing that human gardeners since at least the time of Adam and Cain, had selected for replanting, those seeds whose fruit tasted the best, Darwin saw in God's commandment to all the men, beasts of the field and fowls of the air that He created on the Sixth Day, that they must go forth, be fruitful, multiply and master the Earth, an unanswered question: If a kind of creature defied God's commandment to master the Earth, would not the result be that its offspring would never be born and it would die out? Farming relied on Human Selection to choose the crops we raised. Could God have caused Natural Selection to maintain only the creatures that thrived?
When Darwin was laid to rest, his atheist nephew twisted Uncle Charles' work into an attempt to explain a miraculous universe in which there was no miracle worker. Applying the puffery of Paradigm Theory and Dialectical Materialism, all lies were once true because there is no truth.
The Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard des Chardinp brought this worship of lies into the Roman Catholic Church, by claiming that God will keep improving Himself until He is ready for us to see Him.
An evolving Truth, an evolving Creator, and every imaginable error and falsehood somehow becoming Synthesis, with no confession of past error when learning newly found truths, makes God more man-like while destroying human ambition to learn from God.
Small wonder that corrupted religion has lost its relevance in daily life. Telling us God is only a trifle more perfect than all of us, leaves us no hope of Divine guidance. A god who is still learning might answer our questions falsely, so why bother asking?
The King of Lies' greatest trick, so far, was to convince us that we made him up.
problem -> reaction -> solution -> leads to: the "less evil" who settles for abortion and euthanasia "under special circumstances".
Very deep history, thank you. I also think that many left "religion". Churches are going under due to lack of attendance, people don't donate like they used to.
No matter our religion, the power of repentance and forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus Christ cannot be underestimated.
That is exactly why everything you said is so important: the ultimate battle is for souls, those that will be in the presence of God, and those who will suffer without Him in the fiery pit with gnashing of teeth.
I have been feeling the pressure to tell people to go beyond the prescribed right/left dichotomy and get away with God, to go to the Throne of Christ in honest humility and in respectful repentance, since my being un-brainwashed beginning in about 2010. It’s definitely been a journey. I’m afraid most of us have no idea how many little gods we worship. The god of political leaders, the god of medicine, the god of comfort… etc. Little household gods, while we give lip service to the Holy One. That doesn’t work, BTW. God won’t play games with you. In or out—there is no halvsieswith God.
We keep looking for political solutions to spiritual problems and getting frustrated when they fail. We want a significant life but not a difficult one.
I’m so blessed by the faith of so many while others have fallen away. We live in incredible times.
It seems like the same Holy Spirit is leading us to shout Salvation from the rooftop! I am glad you have been awake longer than most! We do live in incredible times, and we need to prepare for things that cannot be predicted, but are: quarantine in centers, forced to bow to the anti-Christ, forced to take the Mark of the Beast or get decapitated. That is what I am preparing for - nothing on earth matters.
The only thing that matters is salvation through repentance and accepting the blood of Christ, and being in the presence of God for all eternity. Hell is separation from Him.
We, the Indwelt Christian, can not die, we can only be upgraded and relocated.
There’s no need to even try to predict what the enemy will do; he’s a defeated foe. We should just know he despises us and will do his worst. Yet he trembles at the name of Christ.
I think it’s important to preach repentance and salvation. The soft grace of the mega churches is a stumbling block, I’m afraid. Many believers are unprepared and losing the fight.
Faith is a gift, and I’m blessed you have been given it, Dr. Aranda.
OH! Yes, Amen!
God RESCUED ME FROM THE LION's MOUTH, indeed! 🙌 You know that my daughter and I were in a tragic car collision that left me with a traumatic brain injury and dysautonomia/POTS. I was bedridden for twelve years.
I had a Near-Death Experience and He brought me back. So I learned how to pray.
Dr. Aranda, I watched the video of your near-death experience. It is a wonderful gift to be given, as you, who experienced it, and for me, who heard it. I think I told you that immunotherapy served up permanent disability (although I do not think of myself as disabled, lol) certainly it changed my life in many unpleasant ways. But because God is GOD and our GOD is like no other, my life was also changed in many better and amazing ways, because I was changed.
I had to nod in understanding with the ER doctors rolling their eyes. When I first went to the ER with these tremendous headaches I was given a scan (welp! no tumors!) and sent home with Tylenol-3, which I knew wouldn't help and I was correct. It didn't help. It wasn't just a headache, as most people experience headache, it was EXTREME pressure inside my head. On my third trip to the ER, I was projectile vomiting and became unable to open my eyes or speak, although I could think and understand perfectly well.
Long story not as long, the immunotherapy had affected my pituitary gland, which suppressed my adrenal function to the point where my body was not able to produce several hormones it needed to be alive.
Because I had been so healthy before, very strong, an athlete even at 58, and mostly by the grace of God, I survived that. A neurologist figured it out because he had seen several others to whom immunotherapy had done this (!!!) and he started a prednisone IV.
Then began years of nausea, weakness, vomiting, barely able to get out of a chair, insomnia, fatigue, and, as you did, watching life go on from a greater distance every day.
But I had God, and I had faith, and from somewhere, I don't know from where except to say it was a gift, a gratitude to God flowed over me like water. I never felt sorry for myself (although I sometimes have a minute or three of that now) but I just, as you said, surrendered to Him. But, oh, how alone I would sometimes feel. I couldn't sleep, I was too weak to move very much, and I stayed in a recliner for months on end.
Then one night, at about 3 am, I felt the presence of God. Jesus? An angel? I don't know. But I did know (in that way of knowing) that I was in the presence of the Spirit of God. And that Spirit stayed behind my chair, staying over my left shoulder. I somehow knew not to look, and didn't feel compelled to. It's hard to explain, but in the presence of God or His emissaries, it's clear who is in charge, and who is in control. (And it wasn't me, lol)
I said, "Oh! Hello!" Then I said, "I'm sorry, but I'm so sick."
And the Spirit spoke" and said, "I know. And I'm going to heal you now." And I felt a presence on my body, like a light and easy pressure on my head, and I heard, "You are healed. You are healed. You are healed."
Three times. And from that day, I began to improve. It has been a slow process that continues.
So many blessings have come from my experiences. I know that God doesn't waste our pain. My entire family are Jesus followers. I have been able to help people cope with devastating things because I am not intimidated by their fear, hopelessness, or confusion. I don't try to talk them out of it. I sit there in it with them, and when they are ready, we talk.
I am not afraid of death. I don't long for it, either, praise God, but I know that when I die, I will become fully alive. Hallelujah! But because of this brush with it, the sickness, and all the pain, I can relate to others with compassion and without phony platitudes. They say, "I'm so ANGRY at God!" and I say, "I don't blame you!" And they feel safe unburdening their hearts on my now strong and wide spiritual shoulders.
We must get to that place of surrender to God where His presence is the thing. The whole thing. So that in our darkest hour, our worst nightmare, with no horizon, no clue, no seeming hope, He is enough.
Always. Ever. Enough.
"And the Spirit spoke" and said, "I know. And I'm going to heal you now." And I felt a presence on my body, like a light and easy pressure on my head, and I heard, "You are healed. You are healed. You are healed."
💗 HOW BEAUTIFUL! God is so good! 🙌 And how lovely that you had an actual moment when the Spirit spoke! Hallelujah!!!
"We must get to that place of surrender to God where His presence is the thing. The whole thing. So that in our darkest hour, our worst nightmare, with no horizon, no clue, no seeming hope, He is enough.
Always. Ever. Enough."
💗 🙌 YOU GOT IT! THERE IS NO WHERE ELSE TO BE BUT IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD!!! And that's exactly why we want to be with God!!
👉It's NOT to avoid hell.
🙌It's NOT just to "go to heaven".
🙌 It is to be in the presence of God. 🙌
Being separated from God IS hell!
That’s it!! The Lord our God isn’t fire insurance. Or the Easter Bunny, or a genie in a bottle.
He’s everything everywhere all at once. He’s light and sunshine and every good thing I’ve ever known. He’s healing and yep, he’s sometimes trial. But only ever for our good.
When you know, you know. Amen.
I would also really like to say I have no idea why I was healed and others are not. It’s certainly not merit based. It’s certainly not deserved by me.
I get that on the healing, too! I don't know why but I know this:
Hundreds of people were praying. I think God heard them! 🙌
Compelling. A recent short clip I watched showed Keanu Reeves talking with a young girl, explaining to her that the 'matrix' was just a simulated world, not real. And she said, 'It doesn't matter, does it? If people believe it's real.' Keanu shook his head.
People will say the same thing about the Great Awakening because we'll want to believe it's real. Satan is the Architect in the movie, who holds the matrix 'residents' in contempt. So after we choose the Great Awakening ruse, the fake redemption, he rip back the veil.
Wait for God's real Redemption.
Amen. You are crystal clear!
Are we talking the "Great Awakening" as in the Protestant revivals or the mantra of the conservative movement? There is a filmmaker Mikki Willis who has made some documentaries like the "Plandemic" movies and he also made one called "The Great Awakening" (Plandemic #3). Nothing with him sat right with me, his movies were off somehow and he is very New Age. Either way, it never sat right with me. There is so much deception going on right now, our discernment needs to be set on the highest setting.
Yes, the mantra, the "Q" tricking people into following a nonspiritual path when people need to REPENT and GO BACK TO GOD. There is no substitute, no greater good than to SAVE SOULS for eternity!!!
Satan, says the quoted scripture, is the Prince of the Air and of the Earth wrapped in that layer of air But Satan is also named in scripture as a King: He is the King of Lies.
Why that's important when we begin learning Epistemological Philosophy, which is the study of how we know if we actually know a thing to be true or not, is that Hegel's system of Dialectics proposed that Truth evolves. He explains it as a pressure between a Thesis that asserts something, and an Antithesis that opposes the Thesis. The metaphysical structure created by these opposed forces Hegel called a Paradigm. The Evolution of Truth, taught Hegel, takes place like a kind of metaphysical earthquake, called a Paradigm Shift. When the Shift happens, a new force called a Synthesis combines some elements of the previous Thesis and the previous Antithesis. Some of the debris from the shift then becomes an Antisynthesis, and the process of the Universe perfecting itself goes on forever.
Paradigm theory applied to Theology reduces an omnipotent and omniscient Adonai Elohim to just another natural force, leaving open a gateway from mainstream Christianity's Doctrine of the Holy Trinity over to a neo-Pagan universe having many gods, in which we humans are invited to lose our souls.
Karl Marx' major breakthrough was to assert that the metaphysical is composed of matter. Marxian "Science" is not the stuff of Newton and Locke, who humbly proposed theories quite prepared to retract them when contradicted. To Marx, Science is what changes when we discover improved explanations.
Marx' Dialectical Materialism denies not only the revealed truth God showed His prophets: It equally denies the physical truth that we see with our eyes, taste with our tongues, and weigh by the use of our muscles. To quote one of the deceived, a 1920s German physicist named Schröedinger, "The cat in the box is both alive and dead until we open the box".
That, ladies and gentleman, is a denial that there can be such a thing as Truth. What better preparation for the King of Lies to beget a son who is the False Christ, than a society of intellectuals who swear nothing ever stays true.
Einstein and Darwin were by contrast, refreshingly humble. They saw learning as a process by which theories were tested, most fail, and the few that prove true are as revelatory as a Divine vision. Seeing that human gardeners since at least the time of Adam and Cain, had selected for replanting, those seeds whose fruit tasted the best, Darwin saw in God's commandment to all the men, beasts of the field and fowls of the air that He created on the Sixth Day, that they must go forth, be fruitful, multiply and master the Earth, an unanswered question: If a kind of creature defied God's commandment to master the Earth, would not the result be that its offspring would never be born and it would die out? Farming relied on Human Selection to choose the crops we raised. Could God have caused Natural Selection to maintain only the creatures that thrived?
When Darwin was laid to rest, his atheist nephew twisted Uncle Charles' work into an attempt to explain a miraculous universe in which there was no miracle worker. Applying the puffery of Paradigm Theory and Dialectical Materialism, all lies were once true because there is no truth.
The Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard des Chardinp brought this worship of lies into the Roman Catholic Church, by claiming that God will keep improving Himself until He is ready for us to see Him.
An evolving Truth, an evolving Creator, and every imaginable error and falsehood somehow becoming Synthesis, with no confession of past error when learning newly found truths, makes God more man-like while destroying human ambition to learn from God.
Small wonder that corrupted religion has lost its relevance in daily life. Telling us God is only a trifle more perfect than all of us, leaves us no hope of Divine guidance. A god who is still learning might answer our questions falsely, so why bother asking?
The King of Lies' greatest trick, so far, was to convince us that we made him up.
After creating the paradigm:
problem -> reaction -> solution -> leads to: the "less evil" who settles for abortion and euthanasia "under special circumstances".
Very deep history, thank you. I also think that many left "religion". Churches are going under due to lack of attendance, people don't donate like they used to.
No matter our religion, the power of repentance and forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus Christ cannot be underestimated.
That is exactly why everything you said is so important: the ultimate battle is for souls, those that will be in the presence of God, and those who will suffer without Him in the fiery pit with gnashing of teeth.