In the first vid, oh, how I LOVE this woman's ire!!!

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Well since it's full of smut and WAY too many people waste hours and hours scrolling through it let's be clear...it wouldn't be a great loss. In fact go ahead and get rid of fascistbook, Insta-attention, crapsnap, and twatter. The world would INSTANTLY be better for it. Sad, but true.

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Amen. I wholeheartedly agree, in paticular out children. But twitter now has a government post, zucker/insta/facebook has bribed trump so...

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What we are witnessing is "Off the charts" FRAUD ...


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Narcissist never take a day off always me me me 24x7x365

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Nice posting TY

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Let's put the screws to them. Get everyone you can to drop all social media now! Pass it along!

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It's glorious, I see a byline and want to jump on and throw my 2cents in and too late, everyone is waking up to the biggest criminal empire on the globe and it's not China although they are a close second. It's our "OWN" government and everyone is on point! And the wokesters are trying to get handouts and blame Republicans BLAH BLAH BLAH...

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Unfortunately, not everyone, but I hope it reaches everyone, soon.

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we need always remember contrary to idealistic beliefs, your government is your enemy. plain and simple.

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Go on girl!! You nailed it. Greedy politicians who don’t care a bit about the people who put them there and pay their inflated salaries.

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Eject the 388 TraitorCons who voted NAY on January 6th 2021. Convict Voter Frauds In The USA over 2020. #FUCKtheirFeelings #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree #EndFreeTrade #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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Bella should run for congress

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There’s always got to be at least one person in the comments who blames everything on the Jewish people. They need to get over that demonic lie.

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Great post!

"Go out of her my people, and be not partakers in her sins, nor receive of their plagues". Rev. 18:4

Before it's too late for everyman that does not heed God's words and study to be approved.

For He also tells us, "His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Hosea 4:6

Guess what? God tells us much, much more about our current plight, why this is, and what to do about it. But one must have eyes to see, ears to hear, and study to be approved. As it is written, His sheep hear his voice, and follow Him. Which one are you?

For starters, and only a start:

Is not everyone that participates in the voting process of these ill and deceptively founded corporations, legally called artificial persons, "partaking"?

Immediately, rescind these voter's registrations of their Birth Records you use, legally known as persons/humans.

Everyone has to come to realize and understand, everything done in their system is by and though (per) their child (son), which are their Birth Records. "Per" + "Son" = Person, which is legally synonymous with "human", a shade or "hue" of man, not man made in God's image.

Each man is given a mere "certified" copy of the original that is made, sealed, issue, and held by actors propping up another person or fake being called STATE. It begins with their sorcerers in their hospitals, or military inns. These things are not ours, but their progenitor's in Rome. They are unclean things and abominations to God, as it is written. Especially when they show a NAME that looks the same or similar to the Name we are called by.

So, stop calling yourself and other man, both male and female, persons or humans. God is no respecter of persons, as it is written. And Scripture doesn't have the word, "human". God made man, both male and female, then gave Woman to man, both male and female. Woman is not a female man. Do you see and understand this?

I know the wake-up process to truth about the world is shocking and rejectable in the beginning. Much anger usually happens, and woe to them in your war path. Those who get over the anger begin to dig into study to try to learn how all this madness and fraud on man occurs and why. Some just remain angry, and thrive or wallow in it, and others may feel overwhelmed and fall back toward hopeless acceptance. It is the first group that we all need to become to overcome this world here and now, as it was in the beginning.

The answers exist, and God tells us all that is hidden shall be revealed, but one must study to be approved, or they will be destroyed.

To those who move on to study and heed God's words as the only law for man and all He made, He tells us, "fear not little flock, it is the Father's pleasure to give you His kingdom" Luke 12:32

In God's kingdom, we don't vote, get an education, join and fight in militaries, or fight at all, there are no religions, governments and courts of men, commercial corporations or other forms of business, no buying and selling, no servitude under another man, no fake lenders called banks or their money...

Does everyone who read this see these things, or, at least, wish to learn about them?

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rite on the $

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I wish everyone on social was doing videos saying all the same things she saying. Government needs to know the people are fed up and know the truth about nearly everything!

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