They don’t even hide now.

EVERYONE KNOWS, and nobody does shit.

All our Alphabet agencies are just as crooked.

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100%, I have come to realize at 61 Y.O. that the whole system is one big facade! It is ALL FAKE! Laws, Mandates are in place are to control and manipulate people! The very same people that legislate to make the laws are perpetually breaking the laws!

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I still am interested who the unnamed person was on his car when he got his DUI. Kinda interested in the ENTIRE STORY over when his boyfriend tagged him with a hammer.

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My bet? None of them will see the inside of a prison. The other congressmen who had healthy portfolio increases come as no surprise to this reader, especially so with Crenshaw and McConnell. Rare or nearly extinct are those who are not corrupt in today’s government whether Congress, the White House, or any alphabet agency.

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Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife were doing the same. Jus’ sayin!

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Thank you Margaret. " Bookem Dano! "

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Of course he had to dump that incriminating accumulation of stock post haste!! We all know what was going on the entire time Pelosi occupied the House seat! No one makes that kind of money honestly as a Representative!

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Show of hands, people. Who do you think is more afraid of a 2nd Orange Term? The citizens, or the politicians?

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Insider trading? Yep! Wrote a song about it, like to hear it? Here it go:

With insider tips you got the stocks that you trade

Need a wheelbarrow to carry all the loot that you made

Got a smile on your face as you keep up the charade

And a spade don’t like it when you call a spade a spade


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